Master Enemy A.I. in Godot 4: Part 2 - Vampire Survivors Clone

Master Enemy A.I. in Godot 4: Part 2 - Vampire Survivors Clone

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating the Enemy AI
    1. Adding a New Scene
    2. Adding a Character Body to the Enemy
    3. Adding a Sprite to the Enemy
    4. Adding Animation to the Enemy
    5. Setting up Enemy Movement
    6. Adding a Script to the Enemy
    7. Using Export Variables for Enemy Speed
    8. Making the Enemy Detect the Player
  3. Adjustments to Enemy Behavior
    1. Adding a Camera to the Player
    2. Adding Collision Shapes
  4. Conclusion

👾 Creating a Vampire Survivors Clone in Godot 4: Part 2

In this episode of "How to Create a Vampire Survivors Clone in Godot 4", we will focus on creating the enemy AI for our Game. By the end of this Tutorial, you will have a basic enemy AI that can detect and chase the player character.

1. Introduction

Welcome to the Second part of our tutorial series on creating a Vampire Survivors clone in Godot 4. In the previous episode, we set up the player character and its basic movement. Now, we will dive into creating the enemy AI.

2. Creating the Enemy AI

2.1 Adding a New Scene

To start creating the enemy AI, let's add a new scene for the enemy. Click on the "+" sign and select "New Scene". We will name this scene "Enemy".

2.2 Adding a Character Body to the Enemy

In the "Enemy" scene, we need to add a character body. This body will define the physics properties of the enemy. Rename the node to "CharacterBody".

2.3 Adding a Sprite to the Enemy

Next, we need to add a 2D sprite to the enemy. This sprite will be used to visually represent the enemy in the game. Add a "Sprite2D" node and assign it a sprite from the "textures" folder. Use the sprite named "kobold_weak", which has two frames of animation.

2.4 Adding Animation to the Enemy

To animate the enemy, we need to configure the animation frames. Open the "Animation" tab for the enemy sprite and select "H Frames: 2" to indicate that it has two frames of animation.

2.5 Setting up Enemy Movement

To make the enemy move, set the motion mode of the character body to "Floating". This ensures that the enemy ignores gravity.

2.6 Adding a Script to the Enemy

To control the enemy's behavior, we need to add a script. Create a new script called "enemy_generic" and attach it to the enemy node. This script will handle the enemy's movement, detection, and chasing of the player.

2.7 Using Export Variables for Enemy Speed

To make the enemy's movement speed customizable, we will use an export variable. Add the following line of code to the enemy script:

export var movement_speed = 20.0

This allows us to adjust the enemy's speed within the Godot editor, without modifying the script directly.

2.8 Making the Enemy Detect the Player

To make the enemy detect the player, we will use a concept called groups. Go back to the player node, select it, and click on the "Node" tab. Then, click on "Groups" and add the player to the "player" group. This will allow the enemy to identify the player in the game.

3. Adjustments to Enemy Behavior

3.1 Adding a Camera to the Player

To improve the player's perspective, we need to add a camera to the player node. This will ensure that the camera follows the player's movements. Add a "Camera2D" node to the player and set it as the current camera.

3.2 Adding Collision Shapes

To prevent the enemy from intersecting with the player, we need to add collision shapes to both the player and the enemy. Add a "CollisionShape2D" node to the player and adjust its shape to fit the player's sprite. Do the same for the enemy, ensuring that the collision shape covers the enemy's sprite.

4. Conclusion

In this tutorial, we have created the enemy AI for our Vampire Survivors clone in Godot 4. We have implemented basic movement, detection of the player, and collision handling. By following these steps, you can now have enemies chasing and interacting with the player character in your game. Stay tuned for the next episode, where we will continue building more features for our game.

👾 Highlights:

  • Learn how to create enemy AI in Godot 4
  • Add basic movement and animation to enemies
  • Implement enemy detection of the player
  • Create collision shapes for player and enemy interaction


Q: Can I customize the enemy's movement speed? A: Yes, you can easily adjust the enemy's movement speed by modifying the "movement_speed" export variable in the editor.

Q: How do I make the enemy detect the player? A: By adding the player to the "player" group and using the "get_tree()" function to find the player node, the enemy can detect and chase the player.

Q: Can I customize the collision Shape for the player and the enemy? A: Yes, you can adjust the collision shapes for the player and enemy by selecting the respective collision shape nodes and modifying their properties in the editor.


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