Master Excel: Compare Data in 3 Quick Ways

Master Excel: Compare Data in 3 Quick Ways

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Method 1: Comparing Data with Countif
    1. Finding Missing Records in March Spreadsheet
    2. Finding Missing Records in April Spreadsheet
  3. Method 2: Comparing Data with Countifs
    1. Finding Missing Records in March Spreadsheet
    2. Finding Missing Records in April Spreadsheet
  4. Method 3: Finding Changed Records with Text Join
  5. Conclusion



In this article, we will explore three quick and easy ways to compare data in spreadsheets. Whether You have large data records of employees, vendors, customers, or any other information, these methods will help you find what has been added, removed, or changed between two versions of a spreadsheet.

Method 1: Comparing Data with Countif

Finding Missing Records in March Spreadsheet

To begin, let's assume we have a Simplified example of a teacher's roster with a March and April version. Each version may have a few records missing from the other. We can use the countif function to quickly find the records that are missing from each spreadsheet.

First, we need to identify a unique identifier for each Record. In this case, let's use the student ID numbers. Create a new column titled "Check" and use the countif function.

=COUNTIF([Other Spreadsheet Range],[ID Number])

Replace [Other Spreadsheet Range] with the range of the ID numbers in the other spreadsheet, and [ID Number] with the cell containing the ID number in the same row. Copy the formula down the column to get the count of how many times each ID number shows up in the other spreadsheet.

Apply a filter to the "Check" column and filter out the ones with a count of zero. These are the records that are on the March spreadsheet but missing from the April spreadsheet.

Finding Missing Records in April Spreadsheet

To find the records that are in the April spreadsheet but missing from the March spreadsheet, follow the same process as above. Create a new "Check" column in the April spreadsheet and use the countif function with the ranges reversed.

=COUNTIF([March Spreadsheet Range],[ID Number])

Copy the formula down the column and filter out the ones with a count of zero. These are the records that are in the April spreadsheet but missing from the March spreadsheet.


  • Quick and easy way to compare missing records.
  • Uses the countif function, which is readily available in Excel.


  • Requires a unique identifier for each record.

Method 2: Comparing Data with Countifs

In situations where a unique identifier is not available, we can use the countifs function to compare multiple criteria, such as first name and last name.

Finding Missing Records in March Spreadsheet

Using the example of a roster without a unique identifier, we can combine the first name and last name to create a unique identifier. Create a new column titled "Text" and use the countifs function.

=COUNTIFS([March First Name Range],[First Name],[March Last Name Range],[Last Name])

Replace [March First Name Range] with the range of first names in the March spreadsheet, [First Name] with the cell containing the first name in the same row, [March Last Name Range] with the range of last names in the March spreadsheet, and [Last Name] with the cell containing the last name in the same row. Copy the formula down the column to get the count of how many times each combination of first and last name shows up in the March spreadsheet.

Apply a filter to the "Text" column and filter out the ones with a count of zero. These are the records that are on the April spreadsheet but missing from the March spreadsheet.

Finding Missing Records in April Spreadsheet

To find the records that are in the March spreadsheet but missing from the April spreadsheet, follow the same process as above. Create a new "Text" column in the April spreadsheet and use the countifs function with the ranges reversed.

=COUNTIFS([April First Name Range],[First Name],[April Last Name Range],[Last Name])

Copy the formula down the column and filter out the ones with a count of zero. These are the records that are in the March spreadsheet but missing from the April spreadsheet.


  • Provides a way to compare records without a unique identifier.
  • Uses the countifs function to compare multiple criteria.


  • Requires combining multiple fields to create a unique identifier.

Method 3: Finding Changed Records with Text Join

If you are more interested in finding changed records rather than missing ones, you can use the text join function.

Let's consider a more complicated example with a spreadsheet containing grades for different weeks. We want to find out where the numbers have been changed between two versions.

  1. Create a new column titled "Text" and use the text join function.
=TEXTJOIN("~", FALSE, [Range of Data])

Replace [Range of Data] with the range of data in the row. This will combine all the values in the row with the tilde (~) delimiter.

  1. Repeat the process for the other version of the spreadsheet.
  2. Create a new column titled "Check" and use the countif function to compare the text columns.
=COUNTIF([March Text Range], [April Text])

Replace [March Text Range] with the range of text in the March spreadsheet and [April Text] with the cell containing the text in the same row. Copy the formula down the column.

Apply a filter to the "Check" column and filter out the ones with a count of zero. These are the records where the values have been changed.


  • Allows for finding specifically changed records.
  • Uses the text join function to combine values for comparison.


  • Requires comparing the entire Contents of each record.


In conclusion, comparing and finding differences between data sets in Excel can be achieved through various methods. We explored three methods in this article: using countif to compare missing records, using countifs to compare records without a unique identifier, and using text join to find changed records. Depending on the nature of the data and the specific requirements, you can choose the most suitable method for your needs.

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