Master Geospatial Python with These Top GIS Courses

Master Geospatial Python with These Top GIS Courses

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction to Python in GIS
  2. Basic Python Courses
    1. Geopython by University of Helsinki
    2. Python for Everybody by Coursera
  3. Geospatial Specific Courses
    1. Automating GIS Processes by University of Helsinki
    2. Geopandas Documentation
    3. Leafmap by Professor kui Sheng Wu
  4. Geographic Data Science Courses
    1. Geographic Data Science Course by University of Liverpool
    2. Geographic Data Science with Python Book by Danny Ariba's Bell
  5. Python Scripting for Geospatial
  6. Advanced Geospatial Python
    1. Introduction to Python Scripting for Geospatial by Daniel Sheehan
    2. Spatial Data Science and Geospatial Python by ABI Shakur Hassan
  7. Other Resources
    1. Data Science Fundamentals by ademi
    2. Stratascratch for Data Science and SQL practice questions
  8. Conclusion

Introduction to Python in GIS

Python is becoming an essential language in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). It is widely used for various tasks and has numerous libraries and concepts to explore. Whether you are a beginner trying to get started or someone looking to advance their skills in Python for GIS, there are several excellent courses available to help you achieve your goals. In this article, we will explore some of the top geospatial Python courses that cover a range of topics from basic Python concepts to advanced spatial data science and machine learning. We will provide an overview of each course, highlighting their accessibility, geospatial focus, Clarity of content, and completeness. So, let's dive in and discover the best courses to enhance your skills in geospatial Python!

Basic Python Courses

📚 Geopython by University of Helsinki

The Geopython course, offered by the University of Helsinki, is a great place to start for beginners who want to learn Python with a focus on geospatial applications. This course provides clear and defined goals, making it easy for students to track their progress. The course materials, including notebooks and sample code, are easily accessible, enabling learners to quickly get hands-on experience. The Geopython course covers fundamental Python concepts and their application in the geospatial domain. It serves as an excellent foundation for further exploration of geospatial Python.

📚 Python for Everybody by Coursera

If you are looking for a beginner-friendly course that covers basic Python skills applicable to a wide range of domains, Python for Everybody by Coursera is a highly recommended option. This course, offered in collaboration with the University of Michigan, provides a solid introduction to Python, focusing on essential data fundamentals and tools like Web Scraping. The content is clear and concise, making it easy for beginners to grasp the core concepts. Python for Everybody is a trusted course within the data community and serves as a great starting point for anyone new to Python.

Geospatial Specific Courses

📚 Automating GIS Processes by University of Helsinki

The Automating GIS Processes course, offered by the University of Helsinki, is designed for individuals who want to automate GIS tasks using Python. This course provides an excellent introduction to Python, with a specific focus on geospatial applications. The material is highly readable, enabling learners to gain a solid understanding of Python and its usage in geospatial workflows. By the end of the course, participants will be able to perform various GIS tasks using Python, including working with Raster data and using Python for QGIS. Automating GIS Processes is an indispensable course for anyone interested in geospatial Python automation.

📚 Geopandas Documentation

While not a traditional course, exploring the Geopandas documentation is a valuable learning resource for geospatial Python enthusiasts. Geopandas is a foundational library for geospatial work, allowing users to read and write data, perform analyses, and create visualizations in a geospatial setting. The Geopandas documentation provides excellent tutorials that guide users through various geospatial tasks, from beginner to intermediate levels. It also integrates with other libraries, enhancing its functionality. By delving into the Geopandas documentation, learners can gain practical skills they can apply in their geospatial Python journey.

📚 Leafmap by Professor kui Sheng Wu

Leafmap, maintained by Professor kui Sheng Wu from the University of Tennessee, is a powerful geospatial toolkit for Python. This library offers a wide range of capabilities, including working with raster and vector data, data visualization, advanced spatial analysis, and even map publishing. Leafmap is a comprehensive resource that allows users to perform geospatial tasks entirely within Python. Professor Wu provides extensive resources, including YouTube tutorials, to assist users in getting started with Leafmap. The documentation is excellent, covering a broad range of topics. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, Leafmap is a must-have library for geospatial Python.

Geographic Data Science Courses

📚 Geographic Data Science Course by University of Liverpool

The Geographic Data Science course, offered by the University of Liverpool, is a top-notch resource for individuals seeking to explore spatial data science. This course focuses on using the Python Spatial Analysis Library (PySAL) for statistical analysis and spatial modeling. It delves into key foundational elements of spatial data science, enabling learners to gain a deeper understanding of statistical models and their implementation. The course is clear, concise, and provides sample notebooks and videos to assist with learning. While some parts may be more intermediate to expert level, the course remains accessible for those looking to extend their knowledge in spatial data analysis.

📚 Geographic Data Science with Python Book by Danny Ariba's Bell

For individuals aiming to delve into advanced spatial data science, "Geographic Data Science with Python" is an excellent resource. Authored by Danny Ariba's Bell, along with contributors Sergio Ray and Levi Wolf, this book explores the underlying statistical models used in spatial data science. The book is highly readable and approachable, even for those without extensive background knowledge in statistics. It covers advanced concepts such as spatial regionalization, spatial feature engineering, and regression analysis. While falling under the advanced or expert category, the book provides a wealth of knowledge for individuals seeking to expand their expertise in spatial data science.

Python Scripting for Geospatial

📚 Introduction to Python Scripting for Geospatial by Daniel Sheehan

The Introduction to Python Scripting for Geospatial course, taught by Daniel Sheehan at the Pratt Savvy in New York City, offers comprehensive and practical learning opportunities. This course is designed for online learning and covers various topics related to geospatial Python scripting. It provides complete notebooks and tutorials on a range of themes, from basic tools to advanced concepts like network analysis and geocoding. By following along with the lectures, students can gain a deep understanding of geospatial Python and its applications. This intermediate-level course is an excellent resource for advancing your skills and exploring different areas within geospatial Python.

Advanced Geospatial Python

📚 Spatial Data Science and Geospatial Python by ABI Shakur Hassan

ABI Shakur Hassan, a prominent Writer on geospatial Python and spatial data science, offers two comprehensive courses on Demi. These courses cover different topics in spatial data science and geospatial Python and are highly recommended for visual learners who prefer video tutorials. These paid courses dive into practical applications like creating web apps using Streamlit and working with tools like Shapely and Fiona for manipulating geometries. They cater to beginners and intermediate-level learners, providing a fast track to understanding various topics in geospatial Python.

Other Resources

📚 Data Science Fundamentals by ademi

While not geospatial-specific, the Data Science Fundamentals course by ademi provides a solid foundation in data science using Python. This course covers essential Python concepts and delves into machine learning with tools like scikit-learn. Many geospatial tasks involve machine learning, and this course serves as an excellent starting point for integrating geospatial data into machine learning models. Additionally, stratascratch is a valuable tool for practicing data science and SQL questions, making it an excellent resource for enhancing technical interview skills.


In this article, we explored a range of geospatial Python courses for individuals at different skill levels, from beginners to experts. These courses cover various topics, including basic Python skills, geospatial automation, data science, and advanced geospatial Python concepts. Whether you are new to Python or looking to expand your knowledge in geospatial Python, there is a course that suits your needs. Remember to explore the recommended resources and continue learning and practicing to enhance your skills in geospatial Python.


  • Geopython by University of Helsinki: A beginner-friendly course focusing on geospatial Python concepts.
  • Python for Everybody by Coursera: A trusted course covering basic Python skills applicable to various domains.
  • Automating GIS Processes by University of Helsinki: A course for automating GIS tasks using Python.
  • Geopandas Documentation: Valuable tutorials for learning Geopandas, a foundational library for geospatial work.
  • Leafmap by Professor kui Sheng Wu: A comprehensive geospatial toolkit for Python.
  • Geographic Data Science Course by University of Liverpool: An advanced course exploring spatial data science using PySAL.
  • Geographic Data Science with Python Book by Danny Ariba's Bell: A resource for delving into advanced spatial data science concepts.
  • Introduction to Python Scripting for Geospatial by Daniel Sheehan: A comprehensive course for geospatial Python scripting.
  • Spatial Data Science and Geospatial Python by ABI Shakur Hassan: Paid courses covering various geospatial Python topics.
  • Data Science Fundamentals by ademi: A course for foundational data science skills, complementing geospatial Python.
  • Stratascratch for Data Science and SQL practice questions: A tool for practicing technical interview questions.


Q: Are these courses suitable for beginners? A: Yes, there are beginner-friendly courses available in this list, such as Geopython and Python for Everybody. These courses provide a solid foundation in Python and its application in the geospatial domain.

Q: Are there any free courses in this list? A: Yes, several courses mentioned in this list are available for free, such as Geopython by University of Helsinki and the Geographic Data Science course by University of Liverpool.

Q: Do I need prior knowledge of GIS to enroll in these courses? A: While some courses touch on GIS concepts, they are designed to accommodate learners with varying levels of GIS knowledge. The courses provide the necessary background and resources to learn and apply geospatial Python effectively.

Q: Can these courses be completed at my own pace? A: Yes, most of the courses mentioned offer self-paced learning, allowing you to complete the modules at your convenience.

Q: Do these courses provide practical exercises and hands-on experience? A: Yes, many of the courses include practical exercises, sample code, and notebooks to provide a hands-on learning experience.

Q: Are there any prerequisites for these courses? A: Most of the courses recommended in this list do not have strict prerequisites. However, having a basic understanding of Python programming is beneficial for easier comprehension.

Q: Are there any certifications associated with these courses? A: Some courses may provide certifications upon completion. However, the primary focus should be on gaining knowledge and practical skills rather than solely pursuing certifications.

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