Master iPhone 12 Pro Photo Editing in Minutes

Master iPhone 12 Pro Photo Editing in Minutes

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Editing Photos on the iPhone 12 Pro
  3. Using the Photos application
  4. Accessing the Edit Button
  5. Adjusting Exposure
  6. Enhancing Brilliance
  7. Increasing Highlights
  8. Adjusting Shadows
  9. Controlling Contrast
  10. Brightening or Darkening the Photo
  11. Modifying the Black Point
  12. Increasing Saturation
  13. Boosting Vibrance
  14. Adjusting Warmth
  15. Changing the Tint
  16. Adding Sharpness and Definition
  17. Reducing Noise
  18. Applying Vignette Effect
  19. Using the Auto Feature
  20. Editing Live Photos
  21. Applying Filters
  22. Straightening, Flipping, and Rotating
  23. Cropping and Resizing
  24. Adding Markup to Photos



In this tutorial, we will learn how to edit photos on the iPhone 12 Pro using the Photos application. Whether You're a beginner or an experienced photographer, this guide will help you enhance your photos and make them stand out.

Editing Photos on the iPhone 12 Pro

The Photos application on the iPhone 12 Pro provides a range of editing features that allow you to adjust various aspects of your photos. From exposure and brightness to saturation and sharpness, you have full control over the final look of your images.

Using the Photos Application

To begin editing your photos, open the Photos application on your iPhone 12 Pro. Once opened, you will see all your photos organized in the library. To access the editing features, tap on a photo and then tap on the Edit button located at the top-right corner of the screen.

Accessing the Edit Button

Upon tapping the Edit button, a toolbar will appear at the bottom of the screen. This toolbar contains various editing options that you can use to enhance your photo. In the following sections, we will explore each of these options in Detail.

Adjusting Exposure

The first option in the editing toolbar is for adjusting exposure. Exposure refers to the overall brightness or darkness of a photo. By swiping horizontally on the adjustment slider, you can increase or decrease the exposure level. Increase the exposure to make the photo brighter or decrease it to make it darker. Remember, if you want to see the original photo without any edits, you can always tap on the adjustment option to toggle it on and off. Experiment with different exposure settings until you achieve the desired result.

Enhancing Brilliance

The brilliance option is designed to enhance the fine details in your photo. It works by making the overall image appear clearer and more vibrant. However, it's important to use this feature judiciously, especially when it comes to portraits, as excessive brilliance can result in an unnatural look. Play around with the brilliance setting to find the right balance for your photo.

Increasing Highlights

The highlights option allows you to adjust the exposure specifically in the highlighted areas of your photo. By increasing the highlights, you can brighten up the parts of the image that are already brighter. This can be useful for bringing out details in well-lit areas. Experiment with the highlights adjustment to achieve the desired level of exposure.

Adjusting Shadows

The shadows option enables you to enhance or decrease the amount of shadows in your photo. Increasing the shadows will brighten up the darker areas, while decreasing them will make the shadowed regions appear darker. This adjustment can help you balance the overall lighting and bring out details in the shadows.

Controlling Contrast

Contrast refers to the difference between the light and dark areas in a photo. The contrast option allows you to control this difference and make your images more visually appealing. Increasing the contrast can add depth and drama to your photos, while reducing it can Create a softer and more atmospheric look. Use the contrast adjustment to achieve the desired effect.

Brightening or Darkening the Photo

The brightness option enables you to increase or decrease the overall brightness of the photo. Unlike the exposure adjustment, which affects the entire image, the brightness adjustment works in a more controlled manner. It ensures that the brighter areas remain well-balanced and do not appear overexposed. Experiment with different brightness settings to find the perfect balance for your photo.

Modifying the Black Point

The black point adjustment allows you to modify the dark areas of your image. By moving the slider to the left, you can brighten up the dark regions, whereas moving it to the right will make them appear darker. This adjustment can be particularly useful for enhancing the contrast and creating a more dynamic look.

Increasing Saturation

Saturation refers to the intensity of colors in a photo. By increasing the saturation, you can make the colors more vibrant and eye-catching. However, be cautious not to overdo it, as excessive saturation can result in an unnatural and unrealistic look. Play around with the saturation adjustment to find the right balance for your photo.

Boosting Vibrance

Vibrance is similar to saturation but focuses on enhancing the muted or undersaturated regions in a photo. By increasing the vibrance, you can make the less vibrant colors appear more Vivid, without affecting the already saturated areas. This adjustment can help you create a more balanced and visually pleasing image.

Adjusting Warmth

The warmth option allows you to modify the color temperature of your photo. By moving the slider to the right, you can add a warmer orange or yellow tone to the image. Conversely, moving it to the left will introduce a cooler Blue or green tone. Use this adjustment to create the desired mood or atmosphere in your photo.

Changing the Tint

The tint adjustment enables you to change the color tint of your photo. By moving the slider to the right, you can add a pink or magenta tint, while moving it to the left will add a green tint. This adjustment can be used to create a specific color theme or Evoke a particular emotion in your photo.

Adding Sharpness and Definition

The sharpness and definition options allow you to enhance the Clarity and details in your photo. By adjusting these settings, you can make the edges and fine textures in the image appear more pronounced. However, be cautious not to over-sharpen the photo, as it can result in an unnatural and artificial look. Use these adjustments sparingly and focus on enhancing the key details.

Reducing Noise

Noise refers to the grainy or pixelated appearance that can occur in low-light or high ISO photos. The noise reduction option allows you to reduce this noise and create a smoother and cleaner image. This adjustment is particularly useful for improving the quality of photos taken in dim or challenging lighting conditions. Experiment with the noise reduction setting to achieve the desired level of clarity.

Applying Vignette Effect

The vignette effect adds a dark or lightened border around the edges of your photo, while keeping the center area brighter. By adjusting the vignette slider, you can control the intensity and size of the effect. This adjustment can be used to draw Attention to the center of the image or create a vintage and nostalgic look.

Using the Auto Feature

The Photos application also provides an auto feature that utilizes the advanced technology of the iPhone to automatically enhance your photos. By tapping on the magic Wand icon, the app will analyze the image and make adjustments to improve its overall quality and appearance. While the auto feature can be a quick and convenient option, it's important to review the changes and fine-tune them manually if necessary.

Editing Live Photos

Live Photos capture a Second before and after the main shot, allowing you to choose the keyframe or the best moment in the sequence. The Photos application provides the ability to edit live photos by selecting the keyframe, turning off the live effect, or even disabling the sound. Use this feature to refine and customize your live photos according to your preferences.

Applying Filters

The Photos application offers a range of filters that you can Apply to your photos to Instantly change their look and mood. From black and white to vibrant and retro, there are numerous filter options to choose from. Experiment with different filters to find the perfect style for your photo. Remember, you can always adjust the intensity of the filter using the slider to achieve the desired effect.

Straightening, Flipping, and Rotating

The Photos application allows you to straighten, flip, and rotate your photos to correct any alignment issues or change the orientation. Whether you want to straighten a crooked horizon, flip a selfie, or rotate an image for a different angle, these features provide the flexibility to adjust your photos according to your vision.

Cropping and Resizing

Cropping is a powerful tool that allows you to eliminate unwanted elements or distractions in your photo. The Photos application provides various aspect ratios, such as square, portrait, landscape, and custom sizes, enabling you to crop your photo to the desired Dimensions. Additionally, you can resize your photo for specific output requirements, such as printing or social media posts.

Adding Markup to Photos

Markup is a versatile feature that allows you to add text, signatures, magnifiers, boxes, and other visual elements to your photos. Whether you want to annotate an image, highlight important details, or add creative elements, Markup provides a range of tools that make it easy to enhance your photos with personalized touches.


Editing photos on the iPhone 12 Pro using the Photos application offers a wide array of options to enhance and transform your images. From basic adjustments to advanced techniques, you can unleash your creativity and produce stunning photos straight from your iPhone. Experiment with different editing features, try new filters, and don't be afraid to personalize your photos with Markup. With practice and exploration, you will master the art of iPhone photo editing and create images that truly stand out.

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