Master JAWS Screenreader with These Incredible Shortcuts!

Master JAWS Screenreader with These Incredible Shortcuts!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Shortcut to Increase and Decrease Jaws Voice Rate
  3. Shortcut to Increase and Decrease Jaws Volume and System Volume
  4. Shortcut to Toggle Audio Ducking
  5. Shortcut to Enable or Disable Announcement of Toast Notifications
  6. Shortcut to Know Text Formatting Details
  7. Shortcut to Toggle Typing Echo
  8. Shortcut to Read Selected Text
  9. Shortcut to Enable Voice Assistant
  10. Shortcut to Mute and Unmute Jaws
  11. Shortcut to Turn On/Off Screen Shade or Screen Curtain
  12. Shortcut to Open Jaws Speech History
  13. Shortcut to Clear Speech History
  14. Cursor Shortcuts for Desktop and Laptop
  15. Shortcut to Know App or Program Version
  16. Mouse Related Shortcuts
  17. Shortcut to Bring Up Windows List
  18. Shortcut to List System Tray Icons
  19. Shortcut to View System Tray Contents
  20. Other Useful Shortcuts
  21. Conclusion


In this article, we will discuss some of the most important and useful shortcuts related to Jaws, a screen reader for visually impaired users. These shortcuts will help You navigate and control Jaws more efficiently, saving you time and effort. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Jaws user, this article will provide you with valuable insights and tips on how to maximize your productivity with Jaws.

Shortcut to Increase and Decrease Jaws Voice Rate

One of the essential features of Jaws is the ability to adjust the voice rate according to your preference. You can either increase or decrease the voice rate temporarily or make it permanent.

  • To temporarily increase the Jaws voice rate, press Ctrl + Page Up.
  • To temporarily decrease the Jaws voice rate, press Alt + Ctrl + Page Down.
  • To permanently increase the Jaws voice rate, press Alt + Ctrl + Windows + Page Up.
  • To permanently decrease the Jaws voice rate, press Alt + Ctrl + Windows + Page Down.

Adjusting the voice rate allows you to customize the speed at which Jaws reads the content, making it more comfortable for you to follow along.

Shortcut to Increase and Decrease Jaws Volume and System Volume

In addition to adjusting the voice rate, Jaws also allows you to control the volume of its speech as well as the system volume. This gives you the flexibility to fine-tune the audio settings according to your preferences.

First, you need to enable the volume layer command by pressing Insert + Space followed by V for volume.

  • To increase the Jaws volume, press J after enabling the volume layer command (Insert + Space + V), then use the up arrow key to increase the volume.
  • To decrease the Jaws volume, press J after enabling the volume layer command (Insert + Space + V), then use the down arrow key to decrease the volume.

To adjust the system volume, follow the same process as above, but instead of pressing J after enabling the volume layer command, press S for system volume.

By mastering these shortcuts, you can easily control the volume of Jaws and the system, ensuring a comfortable listening experience.

Shortcut to Toggle Audio Ducking

Audio ducking is a feature that temporarily reduces the volume of other audio when Jaws Speaks. This ensures that Jaws' speech is always audible, even in the presence of other audio sources.

  • To toggle audio ducking on, press Insert + Space + DD.
  • To toggle audio ducking off, press Insert + Space + DD again.

Enabling audio ducking can be beneficial, especially when you need to listen to Jaws' speech while other audio, such as music or videos, is playing in the background.

Shortcut to Enable or Disable Announcement of Toast Notifications

Toast notifications are small pop-up messages that provide information about events or updates from Windows or third-party applications. Jaws can be configured to announce these notifications as they occur.

  • To enable the announcement of toast notifications, press Insert + Space + Ctrl + N.
  • To disable the announcement of toast notifications, press Insert + Space + Ctrl + N again.

This shortcut allows you to stay informed about any incoming notifications without having to visually scan the screen.

Shortcut to Know Text Formatting Details

When working with text, it's essential to know the formatting details, such as bold, italic, underline, and font size. Jaws provides a shortcut to announce these format details.

  • To know the formatting details of selected text, press Insert + F.

By using this shortcut, you can quickly identify the formatting applied to text, making it easier to navigate and understand the content.

Shortcut to Toggle Typing Echo

Typing echo is a feature that announces the characters or words as you Type. Jaws offers different options for typing echo, allowing you to choose how much feedback you want while typing.

  • To toggle typing echo, press Insert + 2.

By repeatedly pressing Insert + 2, you can cycle through different typing echo options: character, word, both characters and words, or none.

Customizing the typing echo can significantly improve your typing experience, ensuring that you receive the desired level of feedback while inputting text.

Shortcut to Read Selected Text

Jaws provides a shortcut to read selected text, allowing you to quickly review specific portions of the content without reading the entire document.

  • To read the selected text, press Insert + Shift + Down Arrow.

By selecting the desired text and using this shortcut, Jaws will read out the selected text, making it convenient to focus on specific information within a document.

Shortcut to Enable Voice Assistant

Jaws introduces a voice assistant feature that allows you to Interact with the screen reader using voice commands. Before giving any instructions to the voice assistant, you need to activate it using a specific shortcut.

  • To enable the voice assistant, press Alt + Insert + Space.

Once enabled, you will hear a sound notification indicating that the voice assistant is active. To interact with the voice assistant, you need to use the wake-up word. In Jaws, the wake-up word is "Hey Sharky."

By utilizing the voice assistant, you can perform various tasks and commands using natural language, enhancing your overall Jaws experience.

Shortcut to Mute and Unmute Jaws

There may be instances when you need to temporarily mute Jaws, such as during a phone call or when someone is speaking to you. Jaws provides a simple shortcut to mute and unmute its speech output.

  • To mute Jaws, press Insert + Space + S.
  • To unmute Jaws, press Insert + Space + S again.

Muting Jaws allows you to temporarily silence its speech output while still having it ready to use when needed.

Shortcut to Turn On/Off Screen Shade or Screen Curtain

Screen shade or screen curtain is a feature in Jaws that allows you to obscure the screen's visual output while still maintaining the screen reader's functionality. This can be useful in situations where you want to maintain privacy or conserve battery life.

  • To turn on screen shade or screen curtain, press Insert + Space + F11.
  • To turn off screen shade or screen curtain, press Insert + Space + F11 again.

Enabling screen shade or screen curtain can provide a more focused and private browsing experience while still utilizing Jaws for audio feedback and interaction.

Shortcut to Open Jaws Speech History

Jaws maintains a speech history that allows you to review previously spoken text. This feature can be handy when you need to revisit information or catch up on content that was read out earlier.

  • To open Jaws speech history, press Insert + Space + H.

By using this shortcut, you can access the speech history and navigate through the spoken text to find the information you need.

Shortcut to Clear Speech History

If you want to clear the speech history and start afresh, Jaws provides a simple shortcut to clear all previously spoken text.

  • To clear the speech history, press Insert + Space + Shift + H.

By using this shortcut, you can remove all the previously spoken text from the speech history, allowing you to free up memory and declutter the history log.

Cursor Shortcuts for Desktop and Laptop

Navigating the screen and accessing different elements is a Core aspect of using Jaws. Depending on whether you are using a desktop or laptop, there are specific shortcuts to control the various cursors in Jaws.

Below are the cursor shortcuts for both desktop and laptop configurations:

Desktop Cursor Shortcuts

  • To activate the PC cursor in a desktop configuration, press Numpad Plus.
  • To activate the Jaws cursor in a desktop configuration, press Numpad Minus.
  • To activate the Touch cursor in a desktop configuration, press Shift + Numpad Plus.
  • To root the PC cursor to the Jaws cursor in a desktop configuration, press Insert + Numpad Plus.
  • To root the Jaws cursor to the PC cursor in a desktop configuration, press Insert + Numpad Minus.
  • To know the Current active cursor in a desktop configuration, press Alt + Delete.

Laptop Cursor Shortcuts

  • To activate the PC cursor in a laptop configuration, press Caps Lock + Semicolon.
  • To activate the Jaws cursor in a laptop configuration, press Caps Lock + P.
  • To activate the Touch cursor in a laptop configuration, press Caps Lock + Shift + Semicolon.
  • To root the PC cursor to the Jaws cursor in a laptop configuration, press Caps Lock + Apostrophe.
  • To root the Jaws cursor to the PC cursor in a laptop configuration, press Caps Lock + Left Bracket.

Mastering these cursor shortcuts will enable you to efficiently navigate and interact with the content on your screen, regardless of your device configuration.

Shortcut to Know App or Program Version

Sometimes, it's essential to know the version of a specific application or program you are using. Jaws provides a shortcut to retrieve this information quickly.

  • To know the version of an app or program, press Jaws + Ctrl + V.

By using this shortcut, you can get Instant access to the version details of the currently active application or program, allowing you to keep track of software updates and improvements.

Mouse Related Shortcuts

Jaws offers a set of shortcuts to perform mouse-related actions within the screen reader. These shortcuts are particularly useful for users who do not have access to a physical mouse but still need to accomplish mouse-related tasks.

Here are the mouse-related shortcuts for both desktop and laptop configurations:

Desktop Mouse Shortcuts

  • To perform a left mouse button click, press Numpad Slash.
  • To perform a right mouse button click, press Numpad Star.
  • To lock or unlock the left mouse button, press Insert + Numpad Slash.
  • To lock or unlock the right mouse button, press Insert + Numpad Star.
  • To perform a drag and drop action, press Control + Insert + Numpad Slash.
  • To know the title of a window or opened program, press Insert + T.

Laptop Mouse Shortcuts

  • To perform a left mouse button click, press Caps Lock + 8.
  • To perform a right mouse button click, press Caps Lock + 9.
  • To lock or unlock the left mouse button, press Control + Windows + 8.
  • To lock or unlock the right mouse button, press Windows + Control + 9.
  • To perform a drag and drop action, press Caps Lock + Shift + 8.
  • To know the title of a window or opened program, press Insert + T.

By using these mouse-related shortcuts, you can simulate mouse actions and perform tasks that typically require mouse interaction, enhancing your overall accessibility and usability.

Shortcut to Bring Up Windows List

The Windows list provides an overview of all the running applications and programs on your computer. Jaws offers a simple shortcut to bring up this list, allowing you to quickly switch between different applications.

  • To bring up the Windows list, press Insert + F10.

By using the Windows list, you can seamlessly navigate and switch between different applications, boosting your productivity and multitasking capabilities.

Shortcut to List System Tray Icons

The system tray contains various icons that represent running background processes and services. Jaws provides a shortcut to list and access the icons in the system tray, ensuring easy navigation and interaction.

  • To list the system tray icons, press Insert + F11.

By using this shortcut, you can view all the icons present in the system tray and access their corresponding functionalities effortlessly.

Shortcut to View System Tray Contents

In addition to listing the system tray icons, Jaws allows you to view the contents of the system tray in Detail. This can be useful for users who utilize system tray applications frequently.

  • To view the system tray contents, press Control + Shift + F11.

By using this shortcut, you can get a comprehensive view of the items within the system tray, facilitating quicker access and interaction with your preferred applications.

Other Useful Shortcuts

Apart from the aforementioned shortcuts, there are several other useful shortcuts that you can benefit from while using Jaws. These shortcuts cover different aspects of Jaws functionality and enhance your overall user experience.

Below are some additional shortcuts worth knowing:

  • Keyboard input on and off: Insert + 1
  • Keyboard help on and off: Insert + H
  • Time announcement: Insert + F12
  • Date announcement: Insert + F12 (twice)
  • Quit Jaws: Insert + F4

By familiarizing yourself with these shortcuts, you can navigate and control Jaws more efficiently, saving time and effort in your daily interactions.


In conclusion, mastering the various shortcuts in Jaws can significantly enhance your experience as a screen reader user. These shortcuts allow you to navigate, control, and fine-tune different aspects of Jaws according to your preferences and needs.

Whether it's adjusting the voice rate, controlling the volume, enabling speech history, or simulating mouse actions, each shortcut serves a specific purpose and can help you optimize your workflow.

With consistent practice and utilization of these shortcuts, you can become a proficient Jaws user, maximizing your productivity and independence in accessing digital content.


  • Learn essential shortcuts for Jaws, a screen reader for visually impaired users.
  • Adjust Jaws voice rate and volume to your preference.
  • Toggle audio ducking to maintain Jaws speech audibility.
  • Enable/disable announcement of toast notifications.
  • Know text formatting details easily.
  • Toggle typing echo for desired feedback while typing.
  • Read selected text efficiently.
  • Utilize the voice assistant with voice commands.
  • Mute and unmute Jaws as needed.
  • Turn on/off screen shade or screen curtain.
  • Access Jaws speech history and clear it.
  • Navigate effectively with cursor shortcuts.
  • Retrieve app or program version information effortlessly.
  • Perform mouse-related actions using Jaws shortcuts.
  • Utilize Windows and system tray shortcuts for easier navigation.
  • Enhance your Jaws experience with additional useful shortcuts.


Q: Can I adjust the voice rate permanently in Jaws?

Yes, you can adjust the voice rate permanently in Jaws. Press Alt + Ctrl + Windows + Page Up to increase the voice rate permanently, and Alt + Ctrl + Windows + Page Down to decrease it permanently.

Q: How can I enable audio ducking in Jaws?

To enable audio ducking in Jaws, simply press Insert + Space + DD. This will temporarily reduce the volume of other audio sources when Jaws speaks.

Q: Can I disable announcement of toast notifications in Jaws?

Yes, you can disable the announcement of toast notifications in Jaws. Press Insert + Space + Ctrl + N to turn off the announcement of toast notifications.

Q: How can I toggle typing echo in Jaws?

To toggle typing echo in Jaws, press Insert + 2. Repeatedly pressing this shortcut allows you to cycle through different typing echo options: character, word, both characters and words, or none.

Q: How do I clear the speech history in Jaws?

To clear the speech history in Jaws, press Insert + Space + Shift + H. This will remove all previously spoken text from the speech history.

Q: How can I retrieve the version of an app or program in Jaws?

To retrieve the version of an app or program in Jaws, press Jaws + Ctrl + V. This shortcut will provide you with the version details of the currently active application or program.

Q: Can I perform mouse-related actions using Jaws shortcuts?

Yes, Jaws offers shortcuts for performing mouse-related actions. For example, to perform a left mouse button click, press Numpad Slash in desktop configuration or Caps Lock + 8 in laptop configuration.

Q: How can I bring up the Windows list in Jaws?

To bring up the Windows list in Jaws, press Insert + F10. This will display a list of all the running applications and programs on your computer.

Q: Can I view the contents of the system tray in Jaws?

Yes, you can view the contents of the system tray in Jaws. Press Control + Shift + F11 to get a comprehensive view of the items within the system tray.

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