Master JMeter Correlation with Regular Expression Extractor

Master JMeter Correlation with Regular Expression Extractor

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Correlation?
  3. Why Do We Need Correlation?
  4. Example Scenario
  5. How to Use Regular Expression Extractor in JMeter for Correlation
  6. Step 1: Create a Test Plan in JMeter
  7. Step 2: Add a Regular Expression Extractor
  8. Step 3: Refer to the Extracted Values in Subsequent Steps
  9. Step 4: Run and Validate
  10. Additional Tips and Tools
  11. Conclusion


In this article, we will dive deep into the concept of correlation and its significance in test automation using JMeter. We will explore what correlation is, why it is needed, and how to use the regular expression extractor in JMeter for correlation. By the end of this article, You will have a clear understanding of correlation and the ability to implement it effectively in your JMeter test plans.

What is Correlation?

Correlation is a process that involves fetching a dynamic value from the response of a step and using this value as a reference in subsequent steps. It is often referred to as dynamic referencing because the value is extracted and utilized at runtime. Correlation is a two-step process: first, the dynamic value is extracted from the response, and then it is referred to in the request of a subsequent step. This process ensures that the test plan maintains a valid session and allows for seamless interaction with the web application.

Why Do We Need Correlation?

To understand the need for correlation, let's consider an example. In a web application test plan, the initial step is usually the login step, followed by multiple other steps, and finally, the logout step. Most web applications generate a session ID during login, which needs to be passed into all subsequent requests to maintain a valid session. However, since the session ID is dynamically generated and unique for each session, it cannot be stored statically and referenced in subsequent steps. This is where correlation comes in. Correlation allows us to extract the session ID dynamically during runtime and use it as a reference in other steps, ensuring that the session ID is passed correctly and consistently.

Example Scenario

Let's consider a scenario where we have a test plan in JMeter. This test plan consists of multiple steps, each with a request and a response. We will focus on the login step, where we need to extract the session ID and refer to it in subsequent steps. The session ID is generated dynamically and is crucial for maintaining a valid session throughout the test.

How to Use Regular Expression Extractor in JMeter for Correlation

To achieve correlation in JMeter, we can utilize the regular expression extractor. The regular expression extractor allows us to extract specific values from the response and use them in subsequent steps. Here are the steps to use the regular expression extractor for correlation in JMeter:

Step 1: Create a Test Plan in JMeter

The first step is to create a test plan in JMeter. This test plan will include the necessary thread groups and samplers to simulate user interactions. Make sure to add a listener to view the results of the test.

Step 2: Add a Regular Expression Extractor

In the step from which the response value needs to be extracted, add a regular expression extractor. Right-click on the step, go to "Add," then "Post Processors," and select "Regular Expression Extractor." In the regular expression extractor window, specify the target location (e.g., body) and provide a reference name for the extracted value.

Step 3: Refer to the Extracted Values in Subsequent Steps

Once the regular expression extractor is added, you can refer to the extracted value(s) in subsequent steps. Add another sampler (e.g., HTTP request) and use the syntax "${reference_name}" to refer to the extracted value. This ensures that the extracted value is correctly passed into the subsequent step.

Step 4: Run and Validate

Run the test plan and validate that the correlation process is working as expected. Check the results in the listener to ensure that the extracted value is being properly utilized in subsequent requests.

Additional Tips and Tools

  • To test and create regular expressions, you can use online tools such as These tools allow you to experiment with different regular expressions and test them against sample text.

  • In JMeter, you can also utilize the View Results Tree listener to test regular expressions. This listener provides a field where you can input the regular expression and see the matches within the response.


In conclusion, correlation is a crucial aspect of test automation using JMeter. It allows us to extract dynamic values from responses and use them as references in subsequent steps. By using the regular expression extractor in JMeter, we can efficiently implement correlation and ensure that our test plans maintain valid Sessions and accurately simulate user interactions. By following the steps outlined in this article and utilizing the additional tips and tools provided, you can confidently incorporate correlation into your JMeter test plans and enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of your performance testing.


  • Correlation is a process that involves fetching dynamic values from responses and using them as references in subsequent steps.
  • It is essential in maintaining valid sessions and accurately simulating user interactions in JMeter test plans.
  • The regular expression extractor in JMeter is a powerful tool for implementing correlation.
  • Regular expressions are used to extract specific values from response text.
  • Online tools such as can assist in testing and creating regular expressions.
  • The View Results Tree listener in JMeter can be used to validate regular expressions.


Q: What is correlation in JMeter? A: Correlation in JMeter is the process of extracting dynamic values from response data and using them as references in subsequent steps.

Q: Why is correlation important in JMeter? A: Correlation is important because it allows JMeter to maintain valid sessions and accurately simulate user interactions in test plans.

Q: How do I use the regular expression extractor in JMeter for correlation? A: To use the regular expression extractor in JMeter for correlation, you need to add it as a post-processor to the step where the response value needs to be extracted. Specify the target location, provide a reference name, and use the syntax "${reference_name}" to refer to the extracted value in subsequent steps.

Q: Can I test and create regular expressions in JMeter? A: Yes, you can test and create regular expressions in JMeter using online tools or using the View Results Tree listener. These tools allow you to experiment with different expressions and test them against response data.

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