Master Keyword Research with ChatGPT

Master Keyword Research with ChatGPT

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of Keywords Everywhere
  3. Installing Keywords Everywhere
  4. Using Keywords Everywhere for Keyword Research
    1. Data provided by Keywords Everywhere
    2. Utilizing the SEO Difficulty Score
    3. Exploring Trend data
    4. Finding related keywords
    5. Generating long-tail keywords
    6. Analyzing search volume and competition score
  5. Incorporating Chat GPT for Keyword Research
    1. Accessing Chat GPT through OpenAI
    2. Navigating the Chat GPT dashboard
    3. Using prompt templates for keyword strategy
    4. Obtaining search intent for keywords
    5. Generating related keywords using Chat GPT
    6. Creating additional long-tail keywords with Chat GPT
  6. Combining Keywords Everywhere and Chat GPT for Enhanced Keyword Research
    1. Copying and analyzing keywords from Chat GPT
    2. Using Keywords Everywhere for in-depth keyword analysis
  7. Advanced Options in Chat GPT
    1. Exploring the Continue button
    2. Customizing Chat GPT responses
  8. Conclusion
  9. FAQ



In today's digital landscape, effective keyword research is crucial for optimizing search engine visibility. Traditionally, keyword research has involved using tools like Keywords Everywhere and manually analyzing data. However, with the advent of Chat GPT and prompt templates, keyword research has become more streamlined and efficient.

In this article, we will explore how You can use Chat GPT and prompt templates from Keywords Everywhere to enhance your keyword research process. We will cover the installation and usage of Keywords Everywhere, as well as the integration of Chat GPT for generating keyword strategies, analyzing search intent, and generating related and long-tail keywords. Additionally, we will discuss the advanced options available in Chat GPT and how you can combine Keywords Everywhere and Chat GPT to maximize your keyword research efforts.

Overview of Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere is a powerful browser add-on that serves as a keyword research tool. It provides valuable data related to search terms, including monthly search volume, average cost per click for Google ads, and competition score for Google ads. By installing and enabling Keywords Everywhere, you can access this data directly on Google search results.

Installing Keywords Everywhere

To begin using Keywords Everywhere, you need to install the browser add-on for either Chrome or Firefox. Once installed, Keywords Everywhere will display helpful information whenever you perform a search on Google. This includes search volume, competition score, and trend data for your search term.

Using Keywords Everywhere for Keyword Research

Keywords Everywhere offers various features that can enhance your keyword research process. Let's explore these features in more Detail:

Data provided by Keywords Everywhere

When Keywords Everywhere is enabled, it fetches data from the Google Keyword Planner. This includes monthly search volume, average cost per click, and competition score for each search term. Additionally, Keywords Everywhere provides an exact search volume graph, depicting the search volume for each month over the past year.

Utilizing the SEO Difficulty Score

Keywords Everywhere also offers an SEO difficulty score, which indicates the competitiveness of a keyword. This score ranges from zero to one, with one being the most competitive. By considering the SEO difficulty score, you can identify keywords that may be easier to rank for in search engine results.

Exploring Trend data

The Trend data widget in Keywords Everywhere displays the search volume trend for a specific keyword over a period of time. This helps you identify keywords that are currently popular or experiencing an increase in search volume. By utilizing this widget, you can stay updated on the latest keyword trends and adapt your content strategy accordingly.

Finding related keywords

Keywords Everywhere provides a widget that displays related keywords for a specific search term. These related keywords can offer valuable insights into user search behavior and can be used to expand your keyword pool. By incorporating these related keywords into your content, you can target a wider audience and improve your search engine rankings.

Generating long-tail keywords

By utilizing Keywords Everywhere, you can also generate long-tail keywords for a specific search term. These long-tail keywords are highly specific and have lower search volumes compared to broader keywords. However, they often exhibit less competition and can result in more targeted Website traffic. Keywords Everywhere provides a button to generate long-tail keywords, which can help you discover new keyword opportunities.

Analyzing search volume and competition score

Keywords Everywhere allows you to analyze the search volume and competition score for your keyword over the past year. This data is broken down by month, providing insights into the popularity and competitiveness of the keyword over time. By analyzing this data, you can identify seasonal trends and adjust your content strategy accordingly.

Incorporating Chat GPT for Keyword Research

Chat GPT, an AI-powered language model developed by OpenAI, offers a powerful tool for keyword research. By utilizing prompt templates, you can leverage Chat GPT's capabilities for generating keyword strategies, obtaining search intent for keywords, and generating related and long-tail keywords.

Accessing Chat GPT through OpenAI

To access Chat GPT, you need to log into your OpenAI account. Once logged in, you will Notice two new features in the Chat GPT dashboard: the "templates" button on the left-HAND side and the "continue" button on the top right.

Using prompt templates for keyword strategy

Within the templates section, you can find various prompt templates for keyword research. For example, the "keyword strategy" template allows you to Create a keyword strategy Based on a seed keyword. By inputting your seed keyword and executing the template, Chat GPT will generate an entire keyword strategy and content plan.

Obtaining search intent for keywords

Another valuable template in Chat GPT is the "get search intent for keywords" template. This template enables you to analyze the search intent for a list of keywords. By copying and pasting the keywords into the template, Chat GPT will provide insights into whether the keywords are informational, commercial, or have other search intents.

Generating related keywords using Chat GPT

Chat GPT can also generate related keywords using the "related keyword generator" template. By providing a seed keyword and specifying the number of keywords desired, Chat GPT will generate a list of related keywords along with their corresponding search intents. This feature can help you expand your keyword pool and uncover new keyword ideas.

Creating additional long-tail keywords with Chat GPT

Similar to Keywords Everywhere, Chat GPT can generate additional long-tail keywords using the "long tail keyword generator" template. By inputting a seed keyword and determining the number of keywords required, Chat GPT will generate a list of long-tail keywords that can be used to optimize your content strategy.

Combining Keywords Everywhere and Chat GPT for Enhanced Keyword Research

To maximize the effectiveness of your keyword research, you can combine the functionalities of Keywords Everywhere and Chat GPT. By copying and analyzing keywords from Chat GPT, you can then utilize Keywords Everywhere for in-depth keyword analysis. This combination allows you to obtain both the AI-generated insights from Chat GPT and the comprehensive data provided by Keywords Everywhere.

Advanced Options in Chat GPT

Chat GPT offers advanced options that can further enhance your keyword research process. The "continue" button, located at the top right corner, enables you to instruct Chat GPT to continue generating additional long tail keywords based on its previous responses. Additionally, you can customize Chat GPT's responses by selecting options such as clarification, exemplification, expansion, explanation, rewriting, shortening, or even "tweetifying" the generated content.


In conclusion, the integration of Chat GPT and Keywords Everywhere provides a powerful and streamlined approach to keyword research. By leveraging the capabilities of both tools, you can generate comprehensive keyword strategies, analyze search intent, and generate related and long-tail keywords. This combination enhances your content creation process and improves your search engine rankings.


Q: How do I install Keywords Everywhere?

A: To install Keywords Everywhere, you need to visit the Keywords Everywhere website and download the browser add-on for either Chrome or Firefox.

Q: Can Chat GPT replace Keywords Everywhere for keyword research?

A: While Chat GPT offers powerful capabilities for keyword research, Keywords Everywhere provides comprehensive data and analysis specifically tailored for keyword research. Combining both tools can enhance your keyword research process.

Q: Can I use Chat GPT for languages other than English?

A: Yes, Chat GPT supports multiple languages. When using the prompt templates in Chat GPT, you can choose the desired language for your keyword research.

Q: Can I export the data obtained from Chat GPT and Keywords Everywhere?

A: Both Chat GPT and Keywords Everywhere offer options to export data. You can save the generated tables as Excel files, CSV files, or even print them for reference.

Q: Are there any limitations to the number of keywords I can analyze?

A: Chat GPT and Keywords Everywhere have their own limits for the number of keywords that can be analyzed at once. It is advised to check the respective platforms for any limitations or consider analyzing keywords in smaller batches.

Q: How frequently should I perform keyword research?

A: Keyword research should be an ongoing process, especially in dynamic industries. It is recommended to conduct keyword research periodically to stay updated on the latest trends and adapt your content strategy accordingly.

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