Master Neural Networks and Train Them to Recognize Doodles

Master Neural Networks and Train Them to Recognize Doodles

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Teaching a Computer to Recognize Doodles and Images
  • The Mysterious Neural Networks
  • My First Experiment: Stick Creatures
  • A Simpler Experiment: The 2-dimensional Car
  • Training a Network to Identify Handwritten Digits
  • Expanding the Network to Recognize Clothing and Accessories
  • Recognizing Doodles of Various Objects
  • Attempting to Identify Color Images of Various Objects
  • Building Our Neural Network: A Simple Example
  • Creating a Network with Multiple Inputs and Outputs
  • Weights and Biases: The Key to Calculating Outputs
  • Activation Functions: Modeling Neurons and Their Outputs
  • Calculating the Slope: Approximation and Gradient Descent
  • The Chain Rule: Calculating Gradients in Multi-Layer Networks
  • Implementing Gradient Descent and Backpropagation
  • Training the Neural Network
  • Evaluating the Network's Performance on Test Data
  • Testing the Network on Handwritten Digits
  • Challenges and Limitations: Handwritten Digits Dataset
  • Applying the Network to Recognize Doodles
  • Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of neural networks and their application in image recognition. We will start by discussing the basics of neural networks and their history, followed by a step-by-step guide on how to train a neural network to recognize handwritten digits. We will then expand our network to recognize various articles of clothing and accessories. Furthermore, we will explore the challenges of training a neural network to identify doodles of different objects, and discuss the potential benefits and limitations of using neural networks for image recognition tasks. Finally, we will evaluate the performance of our network on various datasets and discuss potential areas for further improvement.

Teaching a Computer to Recognize Various Doodles and Images

Recognizing and interpreting images and doodles is a complex task that humans perform effortlessly, but teaching a computer to perform the same task is a significant challenge. There are various techniques that can be used to tackle this problem, but in this article, we will focus on the approach known as neural networks.

The Mysterious Neural Networks

Neural networks have been around for many years, and their origins can be traced back to the early days of computer science. However, they have gained immense popularity in recent years due to their exceptional ability to learn from data and recognize Patterns. Neural networks are modeled after the human brain and consist of interconnected nodes called neurons. These neurons receive input data, process it, and produce output signals Based on learned patterns and weights assigned to each connection.

My First Experiment: Stick Creatures

When I first heard about neural networks, I was immediately intrigued and decided to program one to teach stick creatures how to move on their own. Although my initial results were not perfect, I was amazed by the potential of neural networks. Despite some buggy code causing the stick creatures to fall over, the network was able to learn and produce some impressive results.

A Simpler Experiment: The 2-dimensional Car

To further explore neural networks, I conducted a simpler experiment involving a 2-dimensional car equipped with sensors that detect the distance to the edge of the road. These sensor values were fed into a neural network, which determined the steering direction for the car. Through a process of competition and mutation among multiple cars, the network eventually learned to drive around autonomously.

Training a Network to Identify Handwritten Digits

A couple of years ago, I attempted to train a neural network to identify handwritten digits. This task involved training the network to correctly classify images of handwritten digits based on their pixel values. This experiment served as a stepping stone to more complex image recognition tasks and allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of neural networks' capabilities.

Expanding the Network to Recognize Clothing and Accessories

Once the network was successfully trained to recognize handwritten digits, I decided to take it a step further and train it to identify various articles of clothing and fashion accessories. This task required expanding the network and adapting it to handle a larger number of classes. By following a similar process of competition and mutation, the network learned to identify different clothing items with high accuracy.

Recognizing Doodles of Various Objects

After successfully training the network on clothing recognition, I wanted to challenge it further by teaching it to recognize doodles of various objects. This experiment involved training the network to identify HAND-drawn doodles of objects such as helicopters, umbrellas, octopuses, and windmills, among others. By following a similar training process, the network learned to recognize these doodles with impressive accuracy.

Attempting to Identify Color Images of Various Objects

Building upon the previous successes, I decided to push the network's capabilities by training it to recognize color images of various objects. This presented a significant leap in complexity, as color images contain more information and require the network to process multiple channels for each pixel. While this experiment proved challenging, it highlighted the potential of convolutional neural networks, which are better suited for complex image recognition tasks.

Building Our Neural Network: A Simple Example

To better understand how neural networks work, let's consider a simple example: the recognition of a peculiar new fruit. This fruit is purple and spiky with orange spots and can be either safe to eat or poisonous. Our goal is to build a neural network capable of determining whether a fruit is safe or poisonous based on the size of its spots and the length of its spikes.

Creating a Network with Multiple Inputs and Outputs

In our problem of recognizing the safety of the peculiar fruit, we have two inputs: the size of the spots and the length of the spikes. Additionally, we have two possible outcomes: safe or poisonous. To model this, we'll Create a neural network with two input nodes, two output nodes, and connections between them representing weights.

Weights and Biases: The Key to Calculating Outputs

To determine the outputs of our neural network, we need to consider the weights and biases assigned to each connection. These weights and biases determine the importance of each input and introduce a non-linear effect on the output. By following a series of calculations, we can determine the output values of the neural network based on the given input values.

Activation Functions: Modeling Neurons and Their Outputs

To model the behavior of neurons, we introduce activation functions, which determine the output value of a neuron based on its weighted input. Common activation functions include the step function, sigmoid function, and rectified linear unit (ReLU) function. These functions allow us to introduce non-linear behavior and enhance the network's capacity to learn complex patterns.

Calculating the Slope: Approximation and Gradient Descent

To train our neural network and optimize its performance, we need to calculate the slope of the cost function with respect to the weights and biases. However, calculating this slope directly for complex networks can be inefficient and impractical. Instead, we can use an approach called approximation and gradient descent, which allows us to iteratively update the weights and biases based on the slope of the cost function.

The Chain Rule: Calculating Gradients in Multi-Layer Networks

In multi-layer neural networks, calculating the slope of the cost function involves the application of the chain rule. The chain rule enables us to compute the partial derivatives of the cost function with respect to each weight and bias by successively multiplying the partial derivatives of the intermediate layers. This process allows us to efficiently calculate the gradients needed for weight and bias updates during training.

Implementing Gradient Descent and Backpropagation

In order to update the weights and biases of our neural network during training, we need to implement gradient descent and backpropagation algorithms. These algorithms allow us to iteratively adjust the weights and biases based on the calculated gradients. By minimizing the cost function using these updates, we can optimize the network's performance and improve its accuracy in recognizing patterns.

Training the Neural Network

During the training process, we feed the network with a set of labeled training data and adjust the weights and biases iteratively using gradient descent and backpropagation. This process allows the network to learn from the data and improve its ability to recognize patterns. By repeating this training process with different subsets of the data, we can optimize the network's performance on unseen test data.

Evaluating the Network's Performance on Test Data

To assess the performance of our trained neural network, we need to evaluate its accuracy on test data that it hasn't seen during the training process. This allows us to estimate how well the network will perform on new, unseen data. By comparing the network's predictions with the actual labels of the test data, we can calculate the accuracy and gauge the network's reliability in recognizing patterns.

Testing the Network on Handwritten Digits

After training the network on a dataset of handwritten digits, it's crucial to test its performance on handwritten digits that it hasn't seen before. This allows us to assess the network's ability to generalize and recognize patterns beyond the training data. By comparing the network's predictions with the true labels of the test data, we can evaluate its accuracy and identify areas for improvement.

Challenges and Limitations: Handwritten Digits Dataset

Despite achieving high accuracy on the handwritten digits dataset, our network still faces challenges and limitations. Certain variations in writing styles, unusual or poorly written digits, and ambiguity between similar digits can pose difficulties for the network. Additionally, the use of a Simplified dataset and preprocessing techniques limit the network's ability to handle more diverse and complex real-world scenarios.

Applying the Network to Recognize Doodles

Building upon our successes with handwritten digits, we applied our network to recognize doodles from the "quick, draw!" dataset. The network was able to achieve reasonable accuracy in recognizing various doodles, with different levels of success for different categories. However, challenges such as variability in doodle styles and complex patterns presented significant obstacles for the network.


In conclusion, training a neural network to recognize doodles and images entails various challenges and opportunities. By exploring the basics of neural networks, understanding key concepts such as activation functions and backpropagation, and leveraging the power of training data, we can build networks that achieve impressive results in image recognition tasks. However, challenges such as variations in data, ambiguity, and limitations of network architectures require ongoing research and innovation to further improve network performance.

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