Master OpenAI Codex: Learn to Send Prompts with Flutter

Master OpenAI Codex: Learn to Send Prompts with Flutter

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting Up the HTTP Service
    • Importing the Package
    • Creating the HTTP Service Class
    • Initializing the HTTP Service
    • Creating the Request Function
  3. Using the HTTP Service in the Project
    • Creating an Instance of the HTTP Service
    • Configuring Base Options
    • Making a Request
  4. Improving the Prompt
    • Adding a Widget Selection Drop-down
    • Simplifying the Prompt
    • Updating the Request with Widget Selection
  5. Handling Errors and Retry
    • Handling Error Responses
    • Generating a New API Key
  6. Testing the OpenAI Codex Completion
    • Entering Prompt Details
    • Sending the Request
  7. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we will explore how to Interact with OpenAI Codex using an HTTP service in a Flutter Project. We will set up the HTTP service class, configure base options, and make requests to the OpenAI Codex API. Additionally, we will improve the prompt by adding a widget selection drop-down and enhance the user experience.

Setting Up the HTTP Service

To begin, we need to import the required package for handling HTTP requests. Once imported, we will Create a class called "HTTP service" to encapsulate the functionality related to the HTTP client. Inside this class, we will define and initialize a variable of Type "Deal" and create a simple function called "init" to configure the base options.

Using the HTTP Service in the Project

Moving on, we will use the HTTP service within our Flutter project. First, we will create an instance of the HTTP service and configure the base options, including the base URL and content type. Then, we will make a request using the "request" function, passing the endpoint and parameters as arguments. The response will be stored in a variable, which we can use to update the user interface.

Improving the Prompt

To enhance the prompt, we will add a widget selection drop-down to allow the user to choose the type of widget they want to create. This selection will be used to generate a prompt that includes the selected widget type. Additionally, we will simplify the prompt by pre-defining certain parts and prompting the user to only provide specific details.

Handling Errors and Retry

In the event of an error response from the OpenAI Codex API, we will handle it gracefully by displaying a user-friendly error message. If the error is related to rate limit reached, we will guide the user to generate a new API key. This will help ensure smooth operation even when encountering errors.

Testing the OpenAI Codex Completion

Finally, we will test the OpenAI Codex completion feature by entering prompt details and sending the request. The completion generated by OpenAI Codex will be displayed in the user interface, allowing for real-time feedback and validation of the interaction with the AI model.


In conclusion, this tutorial has provided a comprehensive guide on how to interact with OpenAI Codex using an HTTP service in a Flutter project. By following the steps outlined, You can successfully configure the HTTP service, improve the prompt, handle errors, and test the OpenAI Codex completion feature. Continue exploring and experimenting with the capabilities of OpenAI Codex to unlock even more possibilities in your projects.

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