Master OpenAPI 3.0 and Design REST APIs with Swagger

Master OpenAPI 3.0 and Design REST APIs with Swagger

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of Open API Tutorial
  3. Designing and Documenting a RESTful API with Swagger Editor
    1. Introduction to Open API Specifications 3.0
    2. Use Case: Student API
    3. Operations in the Student API
      1. Get Operation to Retrieve Specific Student
      2. Post Operation to Add a New Student
      3. Get Operation with Path Parameter
  4. Working with Swagger Editor
    1. Opening the YAML Editor
    2. Specifying the API Version
    3. Adding Basic Information in Metadata
    4. Defining Servers for API
    5. Adding Paths for API Resources
    6. Specifying Operations
    7. Defining Request and Response Schemas
    8. Using Components for Reusability
  5. Conclusion
  6. Further Resources

Designing and Documenting a RESTful API with Swagger Editor

In this Open API tutorial, we will explore the process of designing and documenting a RESTful API using Swagger Editor and Open API Specifications 3.0. We will focus on a use case involving a student API, where we will design and document the necessary operations to Interact with student data.

Introduction to Open API Specifications 3.0

Before diving into the specifics of creating a RESTful API, it is essential to understand the concept of Open API Specifications 3.0. This specification provides a standardized format for describing and documenting the functionalities of an API. By adhering to this specification, developers can Create well-documented and easily consumable APIs.

Use Case: Student API

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will be designing and documenting a basic student API. This API will allow users to retrieve specific student data Based on a query parameter, add new students, and retrieve student data using a path parameter.

Operations in the Student API

The student API will consist of three main operations: GET, POST, and GET with a path parameter.

Get Operation to Retrieve Specific Student

In this operation, users will be able to query specific student information based on a provided query parameter. The query parameter will be the student's name. The API will return an array of students matching the provided name.

Post Operation to Add a New Student

The post operation allows users to add a new student to the API. Users will provide a JSON object with the necessary student details in the request body, and upon successful addition, the API will respond with a success status code.

Get Operation with Path Parameter

The get operation with a path parameter enables users to retrieve student data using the student ID as the path parameter. The API will respond with an array of students matching the provided ID.

Working with Swagger Editor

To design and document the student API, we will utilize Swagger Editor, an intelligent tool that provides suggestions and allows efficient creation of API specifications.

  1. Opening the YAML Editor:

    • Visit in your browser.
    • Open the YAML editor to begin designing and documenting the API.
  2. Specifying the API Version:

    • Select Open API 3.0.0 as the version from the available options.
  3. Adding Basic Information in Metadata:

    • Fill in essential details such as the API's title, description, contact information, and version.
  4. Defining Servers for API:

    • Specify the servers where the API will be hosted. Multiple servers can be defined, allowing separation of development, QA, and production environments.
  5. Adding Paths for API Resources:

    • Define the paths for the student resource, such as "/student", to represent the student API endpoint.
  6. Specifying Operations:

    • For each operation (GET, POST, GET with path parameter), define the necessary details such as description, parameters, and response structure.
  7. Defining Request and Response Schemas:

    • Specify the request and response schemas using JSON format. Define the necessary properties and examples for each schema.
  8. Using Components for Reusability:

    • Utilize the "Components" section to define schemas at the root level. This promotes reusability and reduces redundancy.


In this tutorial, we have explored the process of designing and documenting a RESTful API using Swagger Editor and Open API Specifications 3.0. We focused on a use case involving a student API and covered the necessary operations to interact with student data. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, developers can create well-designed and well-documented APIs.

Further Resources

To learn more about Open API Specifications and Swagger Editor, consider exploring the following resources:

  • Official Open API Specifications documentation: Link
  • Swagger Editor documentation: Link
  • Swagger Hub: Link

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