Master Procreate: Remove Backgrounds and Create Stunning Thumbnails

Master Procreate: Remove Backgrounds and Create Stunning Thumbnails

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started 2.1 Downloading the Image 2.2 Importing the Photo
  3. Cutting Out the Subject 3.1 Using the Selection Tool 3.2 Drawing the Outline
  4. Refining the Outline 4.1 Smoothing Out Loose Hairs 4.2 Creating a Rounded Shape
  5. Removing the Background 5.1 Masking the Selection 5.2 Deleting the Background
  6. Adding Effects 6.1 Adding an Outline 6.2 Enhancing the Outline
  7. Adding a Background 7.1 Choosing a Background Color 7.2 Gradient Background
  8. Adding a Drop Shadow
  9. Conclusion

How to Get Rid of Backgrounds in Your Photos and Create Eye-Popping Images


In this tutorial, we will guide You through the process of removing backgrounds from your photos and turning them into eye-popping profile pictures or YouTube thumbnails. Whether you are a professional photographer or an aspiring content creator, this technique will help you enhance the visual appeal of your images. So, let's get started!

Getting Started:

2.1 Downloading the Image:

To follow along with the tutorial, you can download the image we will be working with. The download link is provided in the description below.

2.2 Importing the Photo:

Open the Procreate app and navigate to the "Photo" section. Select the photo you want to work with from your photo library and import it into Procreate.

Cutting Out the Subject:

3.1 Using the Selection Tool:

At the top of the screen, you will find the selection tool. Tap on it and choose the freehand option.

3.2 Drawing the Outline:

Start drawing an outline around the subject by tapping on the screen to create anchor points. Tap around the subject, staying within the boundaries of their body or hair. Create a smooth and rounded line all the way around.

Refining the Outline:

4.1 Smoothing Out Loose Hairs:

As you reach areas with loose hairs, take extra care to smooth out the line. This will ensure a cleaner cutout and a more polished final result.

4.2 Creating a Rounded Shape:

Try to stay slightly within the shape of the subject by a pixel or two. This will help create a nice, rounded image, especially when applying effects later on.

Removing the Background:

5.1 Masking the Selection:

Go to the layers panel and tap on the layer with the selection still in place. Tap on "Mask" to remove everything around the outside of the subject.

5.2 Deleting the Background:

Once the background is masked, you can edit specific areas by drawing on the mask layer. However, for this tutorial, we will focus on removing the background entirely.

Adding Effects:

6.1 Adding an Outline:

To make the subject pop off the background, you can add an outline. Duplicate the layer and use the alpha lock option to work within the boundaries of the subject. Fill the layer with a color of your choice.

6.2 Enhancing the Outline:

To create a solid and smooth outline, duplicate the layer multiple times and pinch them together. Repeat this process until you achieve a thick boundary around the subject. Adjust the opacity and invert the colors if desired.

Adding a Background:

7.1 Choosing a Background Color:

Create a new layer and position it below the subject layer. Choose a background color that complements your subject or matches the overall theme of your image.

7.2 Gradient Background:

For a more visually appealing effect, create a gradient background. Use the selection tool to draw a diagonal line from the bottom left to the top right. Fill the selected area with a color of your choice. Apply a Gaussian blur to Blend the colors smoothly.

Adding a Drop Shadow:

To further enhance the subject's presence, you can add a drop shadow effect. Duplicate the subject layer, apply alpha lock, fill the layer with black, and apply a Gaussian blur. Adjust the opacity and position of the drop shadow as needed.


By following this tutorial, you have learned how to remove backgrounds from your photos and create eye-popping images using Procreate. Experiment with different effects, colors, and compositions to make your images stand out. Remember to share your designs on Instagram and enjoy the creative process!


  • Remove backgrounds from photos with ease
  • Create eye-popping profile pictures and YouTube thumbnails
  • Customize effects, outlines, and backgrounds
  • Enhance the visual appeal of your images
  • Experiment and have fun with Procreate's creative tools


Q: Can I use this technique on any Type of photo? A: Yes, you can use this technique on any photo that you want to remove the background from and enhance its overall visual impact.

Q: Is Procreate the only app I can use for these editing techniques? A: While this tutorial focuses on using Procreate, similar techniques can be applied in other image editing software or apps with similar tools and features.

Q: Can I use a different app to add effects and backgrounds? A: Yes, you can use other apps or software to add effects and backgrounds to your cutout subject. Procreate offers a variety of tools and flexibility, but feel free to explore other options that suit your needs.

Q: Can I use these skills for professional purposes? A: Absolutely! These techniques are widely used by professional photographers, graphic designers, and content creators to enhance and customize images for various purposes.

Q: How can I further refine and improve my editing skills? A: Practice and experimentation are key. Continuously explore different tools, effects, and techniques, and don't be afraid to push your creative boundaries. There are also many online tutorials and resources available to help you refine your skills.

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