Master Real-Time Object Detection on Jetson AI Fundamentals

Master Real-Time Object Detection on Jetson AI Fundamentals

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Object Detection with Jetson AI Fundamentals
  3. The Object Detection Process
  4. Understanding Object Detection Networks
  5. Popular Object Detection Architectures
  6. The SSD MobileNet Model
  7. Training Data and Classes
  8. Preparing Test Images and Videos
  9. Running Object Detection on Test Images
  10. Evaluating Object Detection Results
  11. Real-Time Object Detection on Videos
  12. Adjusting Detection Thresholds
  13. Performance Considerations
  14. Building a Python Program for Live Object Detection
  15. Importing the Necessary Modules
  16. Loading the Detection Network
  17. Capturing Frames from the Camera
  18. Processing Frames and Getting Detections
  19. Rendering Detections on the Frames
  20. Overlapping the Performance on the Screen


In this article, we will explore object detection on Jetson AI Fundamentals and learn how to create our own Python program for real-time object detection on camera streams. We will start by understanding the basics of object detection and the use of object detection networks compared to classification models. Then, we will delve into the specific architecture we will be using - the SSD MobileNet model - and the training data it was trained on. After setting up our environment and running object detection on test images and videos, we will dive into adjusting detection thresholds and performance considerations.

Object Detection with Jetson AI Fundamentals

Object detection is a computer vision technique that involves locating multiple objects within an image or video, often represented by bounding boxes. This is in contrast to classification, which only provides the label or class of a single dominant object. Object detection networks, like the one we will be using, can detect and label multiple independent objects per frame, providing valuable information for various applications.

The Object Detection Process

The object detection process involves several steps. First, we need to choose an appropriate object detection network architecture. In our case, we will utilize the SSD MobileNet model, a popular choice known for its accuracy and efficiency. This model has been trained on the MS COCO dataset, which includes a wide variety of objects such as vehicles, household items, animals, and foods.

Once we have the network architecture, we can proceed to test it on images and videos. We will run the object detection algorithm on a set of test images to familiarize ourselves with its functionality. This will involve loading the input and output streams, looping through each frame, running the detection method, and rendering the results either to disk or the screen.

Understanding Object Detection Networks

Object detection networks, such as SSD MobileNet, are designed to identify and classify objects within images or videos. They achieve this by using a single shot multi-box detector (SSD) architecture, which allows for efficient and accurate detection. Other popular architectures, like YOLO (You Only Look Once), also exist and have their own advantages.

If you're curious about the inner workings of these networks, research Papers and references are available. However, for our purposes, understanding the high-level functionality and practical application of object detection networks is sufficient.

Popular Object Detection Architectures

When it comes to object detection architectures, several options are available. The Single Shot Multi-Box Detector (SSD) and You Only Look Once (YOLO) are two of the most widely used architectures. These architectures have differences in terms of their approach to object detection, but both are efficient and provide accurate results.

Understanding these architectures at a detailed level is not necessary for using object detection frameworks like Jetson AI Fundamentals. However, if you are interested in the technical details, research papers and resources are available for further study.

The SSD MobileNet Model

In our exploration of object detection, we will be using the SSD MobileNet model. This specific model is widely used for its excellent balance between accuracy and computational efficiency. Developed by Google, the SSD MobileNet model has been trained on the well-known MS COCO dataset, which contains various classes of objects such as vehicles, household items, animals, and foods.

With its robust training on a diverse dataset, the SSD MobileNet model is an excellent choice for experimenting and playing around with object detection. Its reliability and versatility make it a valuable tool for a range of applications.

Training Data and Classes

The training process for object detection networks involves using a labeled dataset, typically containing images and their corresponding bounding boxes. In our case, the SSD MobileNet model was trained on the MS COCO dataset, which includes 90 different classes of objects.

By training on such a diverse dataset, the model learns to detect and classify a wide range of objects. This makes it applicable to various real-world scenarios and enables accurate detection across multiple classes.

Preparing Test Images and Videos

Before running object detection on the Jetson AI Fundamentals platform, we need to prepare some test images and videos. While the platform provides test examples, we can also use our own images to see how the detection algorithm performs on different data.

To test the object detection capabilities, we can use test images representing various objects, such as pedestrians, animals, and household items. These images will help us understand how the model performs on different types of inputs.

Running Object Detection on Test Images

To get started with object detection, we will run the detection algorithm on a set of test images. This will allow us to familiarize ourselves with the functionality and output of the SSD MobileNet model. By processing the test images and analyzing the results, we can gain insights into the capabilities and accuracy of the model.

By applying object detection to images, we can evaluate the model's ability to detect and classify objects accurately. We will observe the bounding boxes, classes, and confidence values assigned to each detection. This information will help us gauge the model's performance and identify any areas for improvement or fine-tuning.

Evaluating Object Detection Results

Once the object detection algorithm has been run on the test images, we can evaluate the results. By examining the outputs generated by the SSD MobileNet model, we can assess the accuracy and reliability of the object detection process.

During the evaluation process, we will analyze the detected objects, their bounding box coordinates, assigned classes, and confidence values. This information will enable us to assess the performance of the model and determine its effectiveness in various scenarios.

Real-Time Object Detection on Videos

In addition to testing the object detection algorithm on static images, we can also analyze its performance on videos. By processing videos in real time, we can observe how the model handles continuous streams of frames and tracks objects dynamically.

To test the real-time performance, we will utilize videos provided by the platform, which contain various objects in motion. By running the object detection algorithm on these videos, we can assess the speed, accuracy, and stability of the model in a dynamic Scenario.

Adjusting Detection Thresholds

The detection threshold plays a crucial role in object detection. It determines how confident the model needs to be before considering a detection valid. By adjusting the threshold, we can fine-tune the trade-off between detection accuracy and the number of false positives or false negatives.

During the experimentation process, we can try different detection thresholds to observe their effects on the results. Lowering the threshold may lead to more detections but also increase the chances of false positives. Conversely, raising the threshold may reduce false positives but potentially miss some valid detections.

Performance Considerations

When working with object detection on resources-limited platforms like Jetson AI Fundamentals, performance considerations become crucial. Achieving real-time object detection while maintaining accuracy requires careful optimization and utilization of available resources.

In this section, we will explore various performance considerations such as frame rate, computational efficiency, and model complexity. By maximizing the performance of the object detection algorithm, we can ensure smooth and efficient detection in real-world applications.

Building a Python Program for Live Object Detection

To take our object detection capabilities further, we will now build our own Python program for live object detection. This program will utilize the Jetson Inference library and enable us to perform real-time object detection on camera streams.

The Python program will be simple but effective, allowing us to capture frames from the camera, process them using the SSD MobileNet model, and render the detections on the frames. This program will serve as a foundation for more advanced object detection applications.

Importing the Necessary Modules

Before diving into the program implementation, we need to import the necessary modules and libraries. The Jetson Inference library provides the required functions and classes for working with object detection. Additionally, the Jetson Utils library helps with camera stream handling.

By importing the appropriate modules, we ensure that our program has access to the necessary functions and resources for live object detection.

Loading the Detection Network

Once the modules are imported, we can proceed to load the detection network. This step involves initializing an instance of the SSD MobileNet model and setting the desired detection threshold. The model loading process ensures that we have a fully initialized network ready for object detection.

By loading the detection network, we establish the foundation for performing object detection on live camera streams. This step crucially influences the accuracy and efficiency of our program.

Capturing Frames from the Camera

To perform object detection on live camera streams, we need to capture frames from the camera as input. By using the Jetson Utils VideoSource class, we can easily retrieve frames from the camera stream. This allows us to continuously process the incoming frames for real-time object detection.

Capturing frames from the camera is a crucial step in our program as it provides the necessary input for our object detection algorithm. By continuously updating the frames, we ensure that our program can detect and track objects in real time.

Processing Frames and Getting Detections

Once we have the captured frames, we can process them using the SSD MobileNet model to obtain object detections. This step involves passing the frames through the detection network and extracting the bounding box coordinates, class IDs, and confidence values for each object detected.

Processing frames and obtaining detections is the heart of our object detection program. This is where the model performs its magic, analyzing the frames and identifying objects with high accuracy. With these detections in HAND, we can proceed to render them on the frames.

Rendering Detections on the Frames

To Visualize the detections, we need to render them on the frames obtained from the camera stream. By using the Jetson Utils VideoOutput class, we can overlay the bounding boxes, labels, and confidence scores on the frames in real time.

Rendering the detections on the frames is an essential step in our program as it allows us to visualize the results and understand how the model is performing. This visual feedback is crucial for inspecting and analyzing object detection outputs.

Overlapping the Performance on the Screen

In addition to displaying the detections on the frames, we can overlay the performance information on the screen. By including the current frame rate and other Relevant metrics, we can monitor the real-time performance of our object detection program.

Overlapping the performance on the screen provides us with useful insights into the speed and efficiency of our program. By monitoring these metrics, we can optimize and fine-tune our program for better performance.


In this article, we explored object detection on the Jetson AI Fundamentals platform and learned how to create our own Python program for real-time object detection. We started with understanding the object detection process and the benefits of using object detection networks.

We then examined the SSD MobileNet model, its training data, and the classes it can detect. We ran object detection on test images and evaluated the results. Additionally, we tested real-time object detection on videos and adjusted the detection threshold to fine-tune the performance.

Finally, we built our own Python program for live object detection, capturing frames from the camera, processing them using the SSD MobileNet model, and rendering the detections on the frames.

This hands-on experience with object detection on Jetson AI Fundamentals will empower you to explore more advanced applications and develop your own object detection projects. Stay tuned for future articles where we will dive into training our own detection network and further improving our object detection capabilities.

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