Master the Art of AI Piloted Infantry Paradrop in Arma 3

Master the Art of AI Piloted Infantry Paradrop in Arma 3

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up the C130 AI PA Drop
  3. Spawning the C130
  4. Adding Infantry for Paradrop
  5. Setting Waypoints for the C130
  6. Selecting Paradrop Location
  7. Adding Flight Height
  8. Observing the AI in Action
  9. Troubleshooting the AI Landing
  10. Conclusion

🛩️ Setting up the C130 AI PA Drop

In this Tutorial, we will guide you through the process of setting up an AI paradrop using a C130 aircraft. The AI behavior may be unpredictable at times, as the C130 is not designed for fast and agile maneuvers like fighter jets. However, by following these steps, you can create a simple infantry paradrop mission.

1. Introduction

The C130 is a commonly used transport plane in the Arma 3 Game. It comes with basic RHS Mods and serves as the main functional transport aircraft. In this tutorial, we will focus on setting up the AI paradrop feature with the C130.

2. Spawning the C130

To begin, you need to spawn the C130 aircraft. It is recommended to use the basic version that comes with the game's mods. The C130 will serve as the platform for the infantry paradrop operation.

3. Adding Infantry for Paradrop

Next, you will need to add infantry units to the C130. These units will be dropped during the paradrop operation. This step is essential to simulate the presence of players in the aircraft. However, it can also be used with AI units.

4. Setting Waypoints for the C130

To make the AI-controlled C130 fly and drop the infantry units efficiently, you need to set up waypoints. It is advisable to set the waypoints far apart to accommodate the C130's handling limitations. The AI is optimized for fast jets and may not handle the C130 as well.

5. Selecting Paradrop Location

When setting up the waypoints, you will need to specify the location for the paradrop operation. For instance, if you want the infantry units to attack an airbase, you should select the target location accordingly.

6. Adding Flight Height

If you want the C130 to fly at a specific height, you can add a flight height command. This feature allows you to simulate different flight scenarios, such as flying below radar or hovering at a high altitude.

7. Observing the AI in Action

Once you have set up the waypoints and flight height, it's time to observe the AI's behavior in action. You can spawn a random unit for observation purposes and speed up the time to shorten the waiting period.

8. Troubleshooting the AI Landing

The AI's ability to land the C130 correctly may vary. As Mentioned earlier, the AI is not well-suited for maneuvering transport planes like the C130. Therefore, it's important to note that the landing may not always succeed on the first attempt. You can adjust the trajectories and waypoints to improve the AI's performance, but keep in mind that there are limits due to the C130's maneuverability.

9. Conclusion

In this tutorial, we have covered the basic steps to set up an AI paradrop using a C130 aircraft. Although the AI behavior may Present challenges, with some adjustments, you can create immersive infantry paradrop missions. Remember that the AI's landing ability may not be reliable, so proceed with caution.


Q: Can I use the paradrop feature with players instead of AI units?\ A: Yes, you can use the C130 paradrop feature with players as well. Players can board the C130 and jump during the paradrop operation.

Q: Is the AI landing reliable?\ A: The AI landing ability with the C130 may vary. Due to the AI's optimization for fast jets, it may struggle to maneuver the C130 effectively. It is recommended to test and adjust the waypoints to improve the AI's performance.

Q: Are there any specific requirements for the Airfield paths?\ A: The AI uses preset paths on Airfields. If you notice that the AI is not following the desired path, it may be because there are no set paths on that Airfield or there may be issues with the AI recognition of the paths.

Q: Can I simulate flying at different altitudes?\ A: Yes, you can simulate flying at different altitudes using the flight height command. This command allows you to adjust the height above sea level that the C130 will fly at.

Q: Can I customize the paradrop location?\ A: Yes, you can select the location for the paradrop operation. You can choose specific areas, such as airbases, where you want the infantry units to be dropped.


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