Master the Art of Creating Custom Brushes in Adobe Illustrator

Master the Art of Creating Custom Brushes in Adobe Illustrator

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating Custom Art Brushes in Adobe Illustrator
    • Selecting the Print Brush Tool
    • Drawing a Consistent Width Stroke
  3. Varying the Width of a Brush or Line
    • Using the Ellipse Tool
    • Swapping Fill and Stroke Colors
    • Adjusting the Width of the Stroke
  4. Creating an Art Brush in Adobe Illustrator
    • Opening the Brushes Palette
    • Adding the Custom Shape as an Art Brush
    • Setting Colorization Options
    • Editing and Swapping Directions
    • Applying the Art Brush to Existing Strokes
    • Applying the Art Brush to All Strokes
  5. Exploring Different Shapes for Art Brushes
    • Creating Unique Shapes
    • Using the Pathfinder Tool
    • Applying the Custom Shape as an Art Brush
  6. Understanding the Limitations of Art Brushes
    • Distortion and Inconsistency with Curved Lines
    • Challenges with Circles and Other Shapes
  7. Conclusion
  8. FAQ

Creating Custom Art Brushes in Adobe Illustrator

In this tutorial, we will explore the process of creating custom art brushes in Adobe Illustrator. Custom art brushes are incredibly useful when You want to vary the width of a brush or line while drawing. This allows for more creative and dynamic strokes that add visual interest to your artwork. By following the steps below, you will be able to Create your own unique brushes and enhance your illustrations.

Selecting the Print Brush Tool

To begin, select the Print Brush Tool from the toolbar. This tool allows you to draw strokes with a consistent width. However, we want to create a brush with varying width, so we need to make some adjustments.

Drawing a Consistent Width Stroke

Next, draw a stroke using the selected brush tool. You will Notice that the stroke has a very consistent width all the way along the line. While this may be suitable for some illustrations, we can achieve more interesting results by using custom art brushes.

Using the Ellipse Tool

To create a custom art brush, we need to start by designing a shape that will serve as the basis for our brush. For this example, we will use the Ellipse Tool to create a circle. Hold down the Shift key while dragging to create a perfect circle.

Swapping Fill and Stroke Colors

Now, swap the fill and stroke colors of the circle. This will make the stroke color black, which is the default color for new brushes. However, don't worry, it won't restrict you to using only black for the final brush.

Adjusting the Width of the Stroke

To vary the width of the stroke, use the Direct Selection Tool to select the anchor point on the left side of the circle. With the Shift key held down, drag the anchor point outward to increase the width. This will create a tapered shape.

Opening the Brushes Palette

Now, open the Brushes palette located on the right-HAND side of the screen. You can either drag the shape directly onto the palette or go to the drop-down menu and click "New Brush." In the New Brush dialog box, select "Art Brush" and click OK.

Adding the Custom Shape as an Art Brush

You will now see a set of options for the art brush. You can give your brush a name, but for the most part, you can leave the default settings as they are. However, make sure the colorization method is set to "Tints" to maintain flexibility with the brush color.

Setting Colorization Options

By choosing the "Tints" colorization method, you can select any color for your brush without it being restricted to the original black color. This allows you to experiment with various colors and create more vibrant and diverse illustrations.

Editing and Swapping Directions

If you decide that you want your brush to taper from the thin end on the right side to the thicker end on the left side, you can easily edit the brush. Double-click on the brush in the Brushes palette and adjust the direction. Once you are satisfied, click OK to save the changes.

Applying the Art Brush to Existing Strokes

Now that we have created our custom art brush, we can start painting! Make sure the brush is selected in the Brushes palette and paint strokes using various directions and shapes. You will notice that the stroke width varies as intended, giving your artwork a more organic and dynamic feel.

Applying the Art Brush to All Strokes

If you want to Apply the custom art brush to all strokes in your artwork, you can do so by selecting the "Apply to All" option in the Brushes palette. This will edit every instance of a stroke with the chosen art brush, ensuring consistency throughout your illustration.

Exploring Different Shapes for Art Brushes

Don't limit yourself to just circles. You can use various shapes to create unique art brushes. Experiment with different shapes and proportions to find the perfect brush for your illustration. Use the Pathfinder tool to combine different shapes and create more complex brushes.

Understanding the Limitations of Art Brushes

While art brushes offer great flexibility and creativity, they also have some limitations. When using curved lines, the brush may get distorted and lose its intended shape. Similarly, applying the art brush to circles and other irregular shapes may result in unexpected and undesirable outcomes. It's important to experiment and find the right balance between creativity and practicality.


Creating custom art brushes in Adobe Illustrator can greatly enhance your illustrations. By varying the width of your strokes, you can add depth, dimension, and visual interest to your artwork. Experiment with different shapes, colors, and settings to create unique brushes that suit your style. Embrace the imperfections and challenges that come with using art brushes, as they can lead to unexpected and exciting results. So go ahead, unleash your creativity, and start creating amazing art with custom brushes in Adobe Illustrator!


Q: Can I use custom art brushes in Adobe Illustrator for digital painting?

A: Yes, custom art brushes can be a powerful tool for digital painting in Adobe Illustrator. They allow you to create dynamic and varied brush strokes that mimic traditional painting techniques.

Q: Can I edit the width or color of an art brush after applying it to a stroke?

A: Yes, you can easily edit the width or color of an art brush even after applying it to a stroke. Simply select the stroke and make the desired changes in the settings panel.

Q: Can I share my custom art brushes with others?

A: Yes, you can share your custom art brushes with others by exporting and sharing the brush library file. This allows others to import and use your brushes in their own illustrations.

Q: How can I delete a custom art brush from the Brushes palette?

A: To delete a custom art brush from the Brushes palette, simply select the brush and click on the small trash bin icon or choose the "Delete Brush" option from the drop-down menu.

Q: Can I use custom art brushes in Adobe Illustrator on a tablet or mobile device?

A: Yes, you can use custom art brushes in Adobe Illustrator on a tablet or mobile device. Adobe Illustrator offers a mobile app called Adobe Illustrator Draw, which allows you to create and use custom art brushes on-the-go.

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