Master the Art of Drawing a Easy T-Rex Dinosaur
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Drawing the Eye
- Creating the Mouth and Teeth
- Shaping the Head and Face
- Drawing the Neck and Body
- Adding the Arms and Hands
- Drawing the Legs and Feet
- Creating the Tail
- Adding Additional Details
- Conclusion
In this tutorial, we will learn how to draw a cartoon T-Rex dinosaur step by step. We will start by drawing the eye and then move on to creating the mouth and teeth. Next, we will Shape the head and face, followed by drawing the neck and body. After that, we will add the arms and hands, and then move on to drawing the legs and feet. Finally, we will Create the tail and add any additional details. So, let's get started and bring our cute cartoon T-Rex to life!
Drawing the Eye:
To begin, we will draw the T-Rex's eye. Start by drawing a circle for the eye, and then add two smaller circles for the highlights. Next, draw a curved line above the eye to create a hump. Shade in the top of the eye and add lines at the bottom to give it a realistic look. The lines should radiate outwards from the center of the eye. Now that we have the eye in place, let's move on to the next step.
Creating the Mouth and Teeth:
Now, let's focus on drawing the mouth of the T-Rex. Start by extending a curve from the hump that we created earlier. Make the curve rounder to give the T-Rex a cuter look. From there, come down and slant the line upward to form the top part of the mouth. Round off the slanted line and bring it back to the hump area. Now, let's work on the side of the mouth. Draw a long snout that slants downward and then curves again. Connect the snout to the jaw, making sure to extend the line past the eye. Finish off the lower part of the jaw and add an oval inside the mouth for the tongue. Now, let's add some teeth to our T-Rex. Draw a series of zigzags for the teeth, going up and down. Feel free to add as many teeth as You'd like. Once you're done, the face of our T-Rex will be complete.
Shaping the Head and Face:
Moving on, let's focus on shaping the head and face of our cartoon T-Rex. Start by drawing the neck. Begin with a slanted line that comes down from the head, then bring it down and outward to form a slight curve. Step back and take a look to make sure it's proportional. Once you're satisfied with the neck, let's add the hands. Come out from the body and draw two small zigzags, following the curve of the top. These will be the T-Rex's tiny little hands. Next, Continue the curve downwards to create the body. We will stop at a certain point to draw the leg later on.
Drawing the Neck and Body:
Continuing with the neck, bring it down and outward, curving it in towards the body. Keep coming down until you reach a desired length for the neck. Now, let's work on the body. Start by drawing a big curve from the neck, extending it all the way down, and bringing it back inwards to create a hump. From the hump, continue the curve down to create the rest of the body. When you reach the desired length, stop and prepare to draw the leg.
Adding the Arms and Hands:
Now, let's draw the T-Rex's arms and hands. Start by coming out from the body and drawing a big curve for the upper part of the leg. Imagine the curve continuing downwards to create the lower part of the leg. Finish the curve and bring it back towards the body. Next, draw two small zigzags for the toes. Make sure the zigzags follow the curve of the top and are slightly higher up than the first set of toes. Connect the curves to complete the leg. Inside the toes, draw a curve for the nail. Now, repeat the same steps on the other side to create the other leg. Once we finish the leg, we will move on to the tail.
Drawing the Legs and Feet:
Continuing from where we left off on the body, bring the curve down and start to slant it outwards. Continue this curve until you reach the desired length for the leg. From there, curve it back inwards to form the foot. Draw a slight curve at the end of the foot to give it a natural look. Repeat this process on the other side to create the Second leg. For the toes, draw a curved line, and then a straight line inside the curve. Repeat this process for the other toes as well. Finally, add a curve inside each toe to represent the nails. Now that we have completed the legs and feet, let's move on to the tail.
Creating the Tail:
To create the tail, start by bringing the curve down from the body. Curve it outward and then bring it back towards the body to give it a more rounded shape. Connect the curves to complete the tail. Make sure the tail has a slight swoop to it. If you feel that you have created too much of a hump, simply smooth it out. Now, take a moment to step back and admire your cute cartoon T-Rex. The main structure of our drawing is now complete.
Adding Additional Details:
If you desire, you can add some markings on the T-Rex to give it more character. Draw marks all the way down the back of the T-Rex. This step is optional, so feel free to skip it if you prefer a simpler look. Lastly, let's add a heart on our T-Rex. Choose a spot on its thigh and draw a small heart shape. This will add a sweet touch to our cartoon T-Rex.
Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to draw a cartoon T-Rex dinosaur step by step. Remember to take your time, practice, and have fun with the process. Don't be afraid to experiment and add your own personal touches to make your drawing unique. So go ahead and give it a try!