Master the Art of Image Captioning with Generative AI

Master the Art of Image Captioning with Generative AI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setup and Dependencies
  3. Loading the Data
  4. Preprocessing the Text Data
  5. Creating the Tokenizer
  6. Creating the Final Dataset
  7. Building the Model
  8. Compiling the Model and Training
  9. Rebuilding the Decoder for Inference
  10. Generating Captions


In this article, we will be exploring the process of creating a simple generative model for image captioning. We will walk You through the entire code notebook, explaining the steps involved in setting up the environment, loading the data, preprocessing the text data, building the model, and generating captions. The goal is to help you understand and implement a basic generative model for image captioning using TensorFlow and Keras.

Setup and Dependencies

Before we dive into the code, it is important to set up the necessary dependencies for our project. We will need TensorFlow, Keras, and other required packages. In this section, we will guide you through the installation process and provide the necessary code to import and install the required libraries.

Loading the Data

To train our generative model, we need a dataset of images and their corresponding captions. In this section, we will guide you through the process of loading the data using the TensorFlow Datasets (TFDS) library. We will provide you with the code to download the dataset, preprocess the images, and extract the captions.

Preprocessing the Text Data

Text data requires preprocessing before it can be used for training the generative model. In this section, we will Show you how to preprocess the captions by adding special tokens, such as the start token and end token. We will also handle padding to ensure all captions have the same length.

Creating the Tokenizer

To tokenize the words in the captions and convert them to numerical indices, we need to Create a tokenizer. In this section, we will guide you through the process of creating a tokenizer using the TextVectorization module provided by TensorFlow.

Creating the Final Dataset

Once we have preprocessed the text data and created the tokenizer, we can proceed to create the final dataset for training our generative model. In this section, we will show you how to combine the preprocessed images and captions into a single dataset, as well as how to create the target captions for training.

Building the Model

Now that we have the dataset ready, we can proceed to build the generative model. In this section, we will guide you through the process of building the encoder and decoder components of the model. We will explain the architecture of each component and provide the necessary code to define and compile the model.

Compiling the Model and Training

With the model architecture defined, we can compile the model and start training. In this section, we will show you how to define the loss function and compile the model using the sparse categorical cross-entropy. We will then guide you through the training process, providing the code to train the model on the dataset.

Rebuilding the Decoder for Inference

Once the model is trained, we need to rebuild the decoder component for inference. In this section, we will show you how to reuse the trained layers of the decoder and modify the architecture to allow manual control of the GRU state. This will enable us to generate captions using the trained model.

Generating Captions

Finally, with the trained model and the decoder rebuilt for inference, we can generate captions for new images. In this section, we will guide you through the process of generating captions using a custom inference loop function. We will provide the necessary code to initialize the GRU state, pass the image through the encoder, and generate captions word by word.


In this article, we have explored the process of creating a simple generative model for image captioning using TensorFlow and Keras. We have covered all the necessary steps, from setting up the environment and loading the data to building the model and generating captions. By following along and implementing the code provided, you will gain a better understanding of how generative models work and how they can be applied to image captioning tasks. Stay tuned for more articles and tutorials on machine learning and deep learning techniques.


  • Learn how to create a generative model for image captioning using TensorFlow and Keras
  • Understand the process of loading and preprocessing data for training the model
  • Build an encoder-decoder architecture for generating captions
  • Train the model and generate captions for new images


Q: How long does it take to train the generative model? A: The training process typically takes around 15 to 20 minutes with one GPU. Additional epochs can be added to improve performance.

Q: Can I use a different pre-trained CNN model instead of Inception ResNet V2? A: Yes, you can experiment with different pre-trained CNN models by modifying the code accordingly.

Q: How many captions are generated for each image during inference? A: By default, five captions are generated for each image. This can be adjusted as per your requirement.

Q: Are there any limitations or constraints to consider while using the model for caption generation? A: The model may not generate grammatically perfect captions and might exhibit some randomness in word selection. Fine-tuning and training on larger datasets can help improve the model's performance.

Q: Where can I find more machine learning notebooks and resources? A: You can find more machine learning notebooks and resources in the ASL GitHub repository, which contains over 90 notebooks covering a wide range of topics.

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