Master the art of logo design with this Figma tutorial!

Master the art of logo design with this Figma tutorial!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating the Base Circle
  3. Adding the Smaller Circles
  4. Analyzing the Logo Borders
  5. Creating the Shapes
  6. Duplicating and Rotating the Shapes
  7. Aligning the Shapes
  8. Sampling the Logo Colors
  9. Arranging the Shapes
  10. Finalizing the Logo


Welcome to this tutorial on creating the Google Chrome logo in Figma! In this article, we will walk through the step-by-step process of recreating the iconic Google Chrome logo using Figma's design tools. Follow along as we Create the base circle, add the smaller circles, analyze the logo borders, create the shapes, duplicate and rotate them, Align the shapes, sample the logo colors, arrange the shapes, and finalize the logo. By the end of this tutorial, You will have a fully recreated Google Chrome logo in Figma.

Creating the Base Circle

To start, we will create the base circle for the Google Chrome logo. Using Figma's ellipse tool, we'll create a circle with Dimensions of 200 pixels by 200 pixels, reflecting the size of the original logo. The base circle serves as the foundation for the rest of the logo's elements, as it is the main circular Shape that everything else is built around.

Adding the Smaller Circles

Next, we need to add the smaller circles within the logo. There are two important circles to consider: one that marks the edge where the logo starts to be white, and the very center circle that is Blue. By using Figma's ruler tool, we can establish guides to determine the size and placement of these smaller circles. The circles will be layered on top of each other to create the desired effect.

Analyzing the Logo Borders

Before proceeding further, let's take a moment to analyze the borders of the logo. If we closely observe where the red and yellow colors touch the white ellipse, we can identify three points of contact. These points are evenly distributed around the logo, forming angles of 0 degrees, 120 degrees, and 240 degrees. Understanding these angles will help us create the shapes that make up the logo.

Creating the Shapes

Now, let's dive into creating the shapes for the Google Chrome logo. We will start with one shape that is rotated at 0 degrees, duplicate it twice, and rotate each duplicate by 120 degrees to create three shapes in total. These shapes, when combined, form the borders of the logo between the red and blue areas. By intersecting and subtracting selections, we can gradually build up the shapes, ensuring they align with the base ellipse and the other elements of the logo.

Duplicating and Rotating the Shapes

Once we have created one set of shapes, we can duplicate and rotate them to complete the logo. By duplicating the shapes and rotating them by 120 degrees each time, we can cover all points of contact between the red and yellow colors and the white ellipse. This process requires careful alignment and adjustment of opacity and colors to ensure the desired effect is achieved.

Aligning the Shapes

To align the shapes correctly, we need to adjust their positions relative to the base ellipse and the other elements of the logo. By using Figma's alignment tools, we can ensure precise alignment with the edges of the base ellipse and the desired distribution of the shapes around the logo.

Sampling the Logo Colors

To recreate the colors of the Google Chrome logo, we will sample the colors from the original logo. By using Figma's color sampling tool, we can select the exact colors used in the logo and Apply them to our recreated shapes. This step ensures that the colors of the logo are accurate and visually appealing.

Arranging the Shapes

After applying the sampled colors, we need to arrange the shapes to cover the desired areas of the logo. By manipulating the shapes and aligning them properly, we can achieve the desired visual result. This step may require adjusting opacity, moving shapes around, and ensuring all edges and colors are visible as intended.

Finalizing the Logo

Once all the shapes are in place and the colors are applied correctly, we can finalize the Google Chrome logo in Figma. We group all the elements together and name the group "Google Chrome Logo Created in Figma." To compare our creation to the original logo, we move the group below the original logo, side by side. The final result should closely Resemble the original logo, demonstrating our successful recreation in Figma.


In conclusion, this tutorial has guided you through the process of recreating the Google Chrome logo in Figma. By following the step-by-step instructions, we have successfully created the base circle, added the smaller circles, analyzed the logo borders, created the shapes, duplicated and rotated them, aligned the shapes, sampled the logo colors, arranged the shapes, and finalized the logo. With the recreated logo, you can now apply your Figma design skills to create your own unique projects and designs.


  • Step-by-step guide on recreating the Google Chrome logo in Figma
  • Using Figma's design tools to create the base circle and smaller circles
  • Analyzing the logo borders to determine angles and shape placement
  • Creating and aligning the shapes to form the logo's borders
  • Sampling the logo colors to ensure accurate color reproduction
  • Arranging the shapes to cover the desired areas and edges of the logo
  • Finalizing the logo and comparing it to the original


Q: Can I use any other design tool instead of Figma to recreate the Google Chrome logo? A: Yes, you can use other design tools like Adobe Illustrator or Sketch to recreate the Google Chrome logo. The process may vary slightly, but the overall concept and steps will remain the same.

Q: Do I need advanced design skills to recreate the Google Chrome logo in Figma? A: Basic knowledge of Figma and its design tools is recommended to effectively follow along with this tutorial. However, with patience and practice, even beginners can recreate the logo successfully.

Q: Can I customize the colors of the recreated Google Chrome logo? A: Yes, you can customize the colors of the recreated logo in Figma to suit your preferences or match a specific design scheme. Simply adjust the color values of the shapes to achieve the desired look.

Q: Can I use the recreated Google Chrome logo for commercial purposes? A: It is important to note that the Google Chrome logo is a trademarked design. Therefore, it is advisable to seek proper legal permissions or licenses before using the recreated logo for any commercial purposes.

Q: Are there any alternatives to Figma for recreating the Google Chrome logo? A: Yes, you can use other design software like Adobe Photoshop, CorelDRAW, or Inkscape to recreate the Google Chrome logo. However, the specific tools and workflow may differ.

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