Master the Art of Pivot Table Design!

Master the Art of Pivot Table Design!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Field Names
  3. Text and Column Formatting
  4. Layout Tips
  5. Removing Filters
  6. Adjusting Blank Cells
  7. Creating a Pivot Table Template
  8. Adding Dates
  9. Adding Visual Support
  10. Bonus Feature: Using the Camera Tool
  11. Conclusion



When it comes to Excel's default pivot tables, it's safe to say that they don't always look great. The number formatting, color choices, and header text can all be questionable. However, with a few design tips, You can transform your pivot tables from ugly to impressive. In this article, we will explore eight pivot table design tips that will help you Create visually appealing and professional-looking tables.

1. Field Names

The first step in improving your pivot table design is to focus on the field names. By selecting appropriate names for your fields, you can make your table more intuitive and easier to understand. When inserting a pivot table, make sure to choose Meaningful names for the fields that you want to include. This will help users navigate the table more efficiently and ensure Clarity in your data analysis.

2. Text and Column Formatting

To enhance the overall appearance of your pivot table, it's important to pay Attention to text and column formatting. By selecting the numbers in your table and applying a consistent formatting style, you can make the data more visually appealing and easier to Read. For example, you can use separators for commas and remove decimal places if they are unnecessary. Additionally, adjusting the width of the columns and aligning the text properly can improve the overall layout of your table.

3. Layout Tips

The layout of your pivot table plays a crucial role in its readability. To avoid overwhelming your audience with too much data, consider adding blank rows between the totals. This breathing room will make the table less cluttered and improve its overall aesthetics. You can also decide whether to display grand totals on the side or bottom of the table, depending on the Context and the information you want to convey.

4. Removing Filters

Dropdown filters in a pivot table can sometimes be distracting and take up valuable space. If you find them unnecessary, you can remove them to simplify the table's appearance. By deselecting the plus and minus buttons and hiding the field headers, you can eliminate these distractions and create a cleaner, more streamlined design. If you are working with a larger Excel file, you may also choose to hide the fields list to further enhance the table's presentation.

5. Adjusting Blank Cells

Blank cells in a pivot table can be misleading, as it may not be clear whether they represent actual zeros or missing data. To provide clarity, you can adjust the display of these blank cells. By right-clicking on the pivot table and accessing the pivot table options, you can choose to display a zero instead of a blank cell for empty cells. This will help your audience differentiate between zeros and missing values, facilitating a more accurate interpretation of the data.

6. Creating a Pivot Table Template

To maintain consistency in your pivot table design, you can create a template that reflects your company's branding and style. By selecting a color palette that aligns with your company's guidelines, you can customize the appearance of the pivot table. You can also Apply specific formatting to highlight certain sections or rows to match your organization's visual identity. Creating a template ensures that your pivot tables have a Cohesive and professional look across different reports.

7. Adding Dates

When working with pivot tables that involve dates, it's important to choose the right approach for displaying them. In cases where including dates in the rows makes the table too cluttered, you can use the timeline feature. The timeline provides a dynamic and intuitive way to filter data by months, quarters, or years. This simplifies the table while still allowing users to analyze the data Based on different time intervals.

8. Adding Visual Support

Adding visual elements to your pivot tables can significantly enhance data interpretation. Conditional formatting, such as data bars, can be used to visually represent the magnitude of values. By applying conditional formatting to specific sections or cells, you can quickly identify high or low values. This visual support makes it easier to compare data points and draw meaningful insights from your pivot table.

Bonus Feature: Using the Camera Tool

If you need to present your pivot table outside of Excel, the Camera tool can be a valuable feature. By selecting the table area and clicking on the Camera icon, you can create a dynamic image of your pivot table. This image automatically updates when the underlying data changes, making it a useful tool for creating visually appealing and flexible reports or presentations.


By following these eight pivot table design tips, you can transform your pivot tables from plain and uninspiring to visually impressive and professional. From improving field names and formatting to optimizing layout and adding visual elements, each tip plays a role in creating cohesive and engaging pivot tables. With these suggestions, you can elevate your data analysis and make a lasting impact with your reports and presentations.


  • Transform your pivot tables from ugly to impressive with these eight design tips.
  • Focus on field names to make your pivot table more intuitive and easy to understand.
  • Apply consistent text and column formatting for a visually appealing and readable table.
  • Improve the layout of your pivot table by adding blank rows and removing unnecessary filters.
  • Adjust blank cells to provide clarity in data interpretation.
  • Create a template to maintain consistency and Align with your company's branding.
  • Explore options for displaying dates effectively in your pivot table.
  • Enhance data interpretation by adding visual support in the form of conditional formatting.
  • Utilize the Camera tool to create dynamic images for presentations and reports.
  • Follow these tips to create visually impressive and professional pivot tables that leave a lasting impact.


Q: Can I remove the dropdown filters in a pivot table? A: Yes, you can remove the dropdown filters by deselecting the plus and minus buttons and hiding the field headers.

Q: How can I adjust blank cells in a pivot table? A: To adjust blank cells, right-click on the pivot table, go to pivot table options, and choose to display a zero instead of a blank cell for empty cells.

Q: Can I create a template for my pivot table design? A: Yes, you can create a template by selecting a color palette and applying specific formatting to match your company's branding and style.

Q: How can I add visual support to my pivot table? A: You can add visual support by using conditional formatting, such as data bars, to visually represent the magnitude of values.

Q: Is there a tool for creating dynamic images of a pivot table? A: Yes, you can use the Camera tool to create dynamic images that automatically update when the underlying data changes.

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