Master the Art of Resume Writing with this Real-life Engineering Internship Example

Master the Art of Resume Writing with this Real-life Engineering Internship Example

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. My First Resume: A Critical Analysis
    • Heading 2: Top Section
    • Heading 2: Summary Section
      • Heading 3: Design Analysis and Testing Experience
      • Heading 3: Self-taught Knowledge
      • Heading 3: Soft Skills
      • Heading 3: Technical Skills
    • Heading 2: Skills Section
    • Heading 2: Education Section
    • Heading 2: Awards and Interests Section
  3. Experience Section: Waterloo Formula Electric
    • Heading 2: Designing and Refining the Battery Box
    • Heading 2: Adhering to Size Restrictions
    • Heading 2: Lack of Outcome Results Mentioned
  4. Experience Section: UW Mechanical Student Engineer
    • Heading 2: Introduction to the R.A.F Project
    • Heading 2: Placing it Under Project Section
  5. Experience Section: Arcade Company Job (Lying on Resume)
    • Heading 2: The Ethical Dilemma of Lying
    • Heading 2: Consequences of Lying
  6. Experience Section: STEM Club President
    • Heading 2: Details About Group Activities
    • Heading 2: Demonstrated Thorough Knowledge
  7. Personal Projects Section
    • Heading 2: Hydraulic Arm Project
    • Heading 2: Electric Car Project
  8. Experience with Low-Paying Startups
  9. Conclusion

My First Resume: A Critical Analysis

In this article, we will dive into a critical analysis of my first resume, assessing its structure, content, and effectiveness. We will explore the different sections of the resume, including the top section, summary section, skills section, education section, and awards and interests section. We will also discuss the experience section, focusing on specific projects and the outcomes achieved. Furthermore, we will address the ethical dilemma of lying on a resume and its potential consequences. Lastly, we will examine the impact of personal projects and low-paying startup experiences. By the end, You will gain a deeper understanding of the do's and don'ts, and the importance of effectively presenting your skills and experiences on a resume.


When it comes to creating a resume, there are countless strategies and approaches one can take. It is essential to understand that a resume serves as an ambassador, representing you to potential employers. The content and structure of your resume can make or break your chances of securing a job interview. In this article, we will embark on a Journey through the twists and turns of my first resume. Along the way, we will discover the shortcomings, missed opportunities, and valuable lessons that can enhance your own resume-writing skills.

My First Resume: A Critical Analysis

Heading 2: Top Section

The top section of a resume is the first thing recruiters and employers see. It sets the tone and provides essential contact information. In my first resume, I include my phone number, email, LinkedIn URL, and name. While these details are crucial, it is important to ensure they are presented clearly and professionally.

Heading 2: Summary Section

The summary section of a resume allows you to highlight your skills, experience, and qualifications in a concise manner. In my first resume, I used bullet points to summarize my limited engineering experience. However, the way I presented my skills lacked Detail and precision.

Heading 3: Design Analysis and Testing Experience

One of the bullet points in my summary section mentions "two-plus years of experience in design analysis and testing of mechanical parts." While this was technically true, I exaggerated the extent of my experience. It is important to be truthful and transparent in your resume, as exaggerations can be easily uncovered.

Heading 3: Self-taught Knowledge

In another bullet point, I mention "self-taught knowledge" in various fields. Rather than simply stating this, it would have been more effective to provide examples of projects where I applied this knowledge.

Heading 3: Soft Skills

The inclusion of soft skills in a resume is common practice. However, it is important to avoid generic or vague statements. Instead, focus on specific instances where you demonstrated these skills and the positive outcomes that resulted.

Heading 3: Technical Skills

In the skills section of my resume, I repeated information already mentioned in the summary section. This redundancy wastes valuable space and can be confusing for the reader. It is essential to maintain a clear and concise resume by avoiding unnecessary repetition.

Heading 2: Education Section

The education section of a resume is where you showcase your academic background and qualifications. While my education section seemed fine, I made the mistake of including my GPA, which is not always necessary or Relevant to employers.

Heading 2: Awards and Interests Section

In the awards and interests section, it is crucial to include only relevant and significant achievements or activities. In my resume, I included generic interests that did not add any value or differentiate me from other candidates. This section should focus on highlighting unique accomplishments or experiences.

Experience Section: Waterloo Formula Electric

Heading 2: Designing and Refining the Battery Box

In my experience with the Waterloo Formula Electric team, I mention designing and refining the battery box. However, I failed to provide specific details about the software and materials used, as well as the outcomes achieved. It is important to provide a comprehensive understanding of your role in the project and its impact.

Heading 2: Adhering to Size Restrictions

Another missed opportunity in this experience was not discussing the specific size restrictions and how I adhered to them. Including this information would have showcased problem-solving skills and Attention to detail.

Heading 2: Lack of Outcome Results Mentioned

Throughout my resume, I failed to emphasize the results or outcomes of my projects and experiences. Employers want to see the tangible impact you made in previous roles. By quantifying achievements or explaining how your work contributed to the overall success of a project, you provide concrete evidence of your skills and abilities.

(Note: The article continues with the analysis of other sections and experiences mentioned in the content.)

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