Master the Art of Writing: Use a Thesis Generator to Craft a Strong Thesis Statement

Master the Art of Writing: Use a Thesis Generator to Craft a Strong Thesis Statement

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Understanding the Thesis Generator and Outline Function
  • Using the Thesis Generator Ashford Writing Center
  • Steps to Create a Rough Draft of a Thesis Statement
    • Step 1: State Your Topic
    • Step 2: State Your Main Idea
    • Step 3: Give a Reason that Supports Your Main Idea
    • Step 4: Include an Opposing Viewpoint
  • Generating and Reviewing the Rough Draft
  • Utilizing the Outline Function
  • Organizing Your Thoughts for an Introductory Paragraph
  • Structuring Your Paper Using the Thesis Statement
  • Creating a Sentence Outline
  • Conclusion

👨‍🏫 Introduction

Writing a paper can be a daunting task, but with the help of a thesis generator and outline function, the process becomes much more manageable. In this article, we will guide you through the steps of searching for and using a thesis generator to create a rough draft of your thesis statement. We will also explore how the outline function can assist you in organizing your thoughts and structuring your paper effectively.

📚 Understanding the Thesis Generator and Outline Function

Before we dive into the practical aspects, let's take a moment to understand what a thesis generator and outline function are. A thesis generator is an online tool that helps you construct a preliminary thesis statement by filling in specific information about your topic. This tool is particularly useful during the brainstorming phase of writing a paper. On the other HAND, an outline function provides a visual representation of how your paper could be organized, aiding in the arrangement of your thoughts and supporting arguments.

🔎 Using the Thesis Generator Ashford Writing Center

One popular thesis generator is the Ashford Writing Center's thesis generator. To use this tool, follow these steps:

Step 1: State Your Topic

The first step is to input your topic into the generator. There are no special requirements for the wording, as long as it accurately represents your area of interest. Let's take the topic of homeschooling as an example.

Step 2: State Your Main Idea

Next, you need to state your main idea or claim about the topic. Remember that this is a rough draft of your thesis statement, which may change as you conduct further research. For our homeschooling example, a possible main idea could be "parents should homeschool children."

Step 3: Give a Reason that Supports Your Main Idea

Now, it's time to provide a reason that supports your main idea. In the case of homeschooling, one reason could be that it allows students to work at their own pace. Remember, this is a brainstorming activity, and the viability of your points may change as you delve deeper into your research.

Step 4: Include an Opposing Viewpoint

To Present a well-rounded argument, it is essential to include an opposing viewpoint. For homeschooling, a common opposing viewpoint is the concern about socialization. Mention that homeschooled children may have fewer social skills compared to their counterparts in public or private schools.

By following these steps and filling in the necessary information, you will obtain a rough draft of your thesis statement. For example: "While homeschool children may have less social skills than those in the public school system, parents should homeschool children because it allows students to work at their own pace, there is evidence supporting a higher percentage of homeschool children going to college, and it allows homeschool children to incorporate religious beliefs."

📝 Generating and Reviewing the Rough Draft

Once you've generated the rough draft of your thesis statement, take a moment to review it and make any necessary adjustments. Keep in mind that this is just the starting point, and your thesis statement may evolve as you conduct further research and refine your arguments.

📝 Utilizing the Outline Function

The Ashford Writing Center's thesis generator also provides an outline function that allows you to Visualize how your paper could be structured. This is particularly helpful if you're struggling to organize your thoughts or determine what to include in your introductory paragraph. The outline function shows you how your paper might look in an outline format, with sections such as the introduction, thesis statement, and supporting paragraphs.

📝 Organizing Your Thoughts for an Introductory Paragraph

Creating a strong introduction is crucial for setting the tone of your paper. With a well-constructed thesis statement, you can easily structure your introductory paragraph. Begin with a compelling hook to capture the reader's attention, provide necessary background information, and end with your thesis statement.

📝 Structuring Your Paper Using the Thesis Statement

A well-designed thesis statement lays the foundation for a well-structured paper. It guides your writing, helps you stay focused, and ensures that your arguments are coherent and logical. Refer back to your thesis statement frequently as you write, and use it as a reference point to maintain the flow of your paper.

📝 Creating a Sentence Outline

If you are required to provide a sentence outline, the thesis statement generated by the Ashford Writing Center's thesis generator serves as a great starting point. Expand on each element of the thesis statement and develop supporting sentences for each main point. This will provide you with a comprehensive outline that can be further refined during the writing process.

🏁 Conclusion

In conclusion, utilizing a thesis generator and outline function can greatly aid in the writing process. These tools help you create a rough draft of your thesis statement, organize your thoughts effectively, and structure your paper coherently. Remember to review and refine your thesis statement as you conduct further research and analysis. Happy writing!


  • Understand the purpose and benefits of a thesis generator and outline function.
  • Learn how to use the Ashford Writing Center's thesis generator.
  • Follow step-by-step instructions to create a rough draft of a thesis statement.
  • Explore the outline function to organize your paper effectively.
  • Utilize the generated thesis statement to structure your paper.
  • Learn how to create a sentence outline based on your thesis statement.
  • Enhance your writing skills and confidence in creating academic Papers.


Q: How can a thesis generator help in the writing process? A: A thesis generator assists in brainstorming and creating a preliminary thesis statement. It provides a structured approach to develop your main arguments and supports.

Q: Can the generated thesis statement be modified? A: Yes, the generated thesis statement is a rough draft that can be refined and adjusted as you conduct research and further analyze your topic.

Q: How does the outline function help in organizing a paper? A: The outline function visually represents the structure of your paper, allowing you to better organize your thoughts and ensure a logical flow of ideas.

Q: Can the thesis statement be used as a reference while writing the paper? A: Absolutely! The thesis statement serves as a reference point throughout the writing process, helping you stay focused and ensuring that your arguments Align with your main idea.

Q: Is it necessary to create a sentence outline based on the thesis statement? A: Creating a sentence outline can be beneficial, especially if you are required to provide a comprehensive overview of your paper. It helps in organizing your thoughts and developing supporting points for each main argument.

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