Master the Basics of AI with Double AI's Intro Tutorial

Master the Basics of AI with Double AI's Intro Tutorial

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Spreadsheet Overview
  3. Running Your First Ad Instruction
  4. Adding Content to the Spreadsheet
  5. Writing Instructions for the AI
  6. Saving and Previewing Results
  7. Using Examples to Guide the AI
  8. Rerunning Instructions
  9. Modifying Instructions
  10. Fine-tuning the Output


In this article, we will explore how to run your first air instruction in Double. We will provide a step-by-step guide on using the spreadsheet, writing instructions for the AI, and saving and previewing the results. Whether you're new to Double or just getting started with AI instructions, this article will help you navigate the process effectively.

1. Spreadsheet Overview

Before we dive into running air instructions, let's take a quick overview of the spreadsheet in Double. Like most spreadsheets, it consists of rows and columns. However, what sets this spreadsheet apart is its various options, including AI instructions, web scraping, and Google search. Understanding the layout and functionality of the spreadsheet is crucial for effectively running air instructions.

2. Running Your First Ad Instruction

To run your first ad instruction, you need to have content on the spreadsheet. Start by adding the names of some fruits in the first column. For example, you can add "apple," "banana," and "pineapple." Once you have the content ready, click on "air instruction" to add a new instruction. Specify the instructions for the AI to execute, such as "output the color of these fruits." Additionally, define the output name, which is the column where the results will be saved. In this case, let's name it "fruit color." Lastly, set the dependencies, which are the data passed on to the instruction. For example, we need to know which fruit we're referring to, so we select the "fruit" column as the dependency.

Pro tip: Utilize the preview feature to see the results for the first few rows before running instructions on a large dataset.

3. Adding Content to the Spreadsheet

An essential step in running air instructions is adding content to the spreadsheet. You can add data to the different columns Based on your project requirements. The spreadsheet in Double allows you to organize and manage your data effectively.

4. Writing Instructions for the AI

When writing instructions for the AI, it's essential to be clear and concise. The instruction should communicate the task you want the AI to perform. You can think of it as a prompt for the AI to generate the desired output. If you're familiar with tools like Prompt, GPT-4, or GPT-3, the concept of writing instructions in Double will feel familiar.

Pro tip: Experiment with different instructions and prompt variations to achieve the desired results.

5. Saving and Previewing Results

Once you have set the instructions and defined the output name, it's time to save your progress. Double allows you to choose the column in which you want to save the results. This flexibility ensures that the generated output is conveniently organized within the spreadsheet.

The preview feature is an invaluable tool when dealing with large datasets. By previewing the results for a few rows at a time, you can verify the accuracy of the output before running the instructions on the entire dataset.

6. Using Examples to Guide the AI

To guide the AI more effectively, you can utilize the examples feature in Double. Examples allow you to specify expected results for specific inputs, ensuring that the AI understands your preferences. For instance, if you prefer apples to be green instead of red, you can provide examples to guide the AI toward the desired outcome.

Pro tip: Include examples when working with specific inputs and expectant results to refine the AI's understanding and performance.

7. Rerunning Instructions

If you need to update the results or include new data in your instructions, Double offers multiple ways to Rerun instructions. You can choose to rerun the entire column, a specific row, or even edit the instructions and run them again. This flexibility enables you to make adjustments and refine the results as per your requirements.

8. Modifying Instructions

Modifying instructions is a straightforward process in Double. You can edit the instructions by clicking on the three dots in the corresponding column. From there, you can change the instruction, redefine the prompt, or make any necessary adjustments. Modifying instructions is especially useful when fine-tuning the output to meet your expectations.

9. Fine-tuning the Output

When working with AI instructions, achieving the desired output might require fine-tuning. It's not uncommon to iterate and make adjustments to the instructions until the output aligns with your expectations. By revising the prompt, refining the examples, and tweaking the instructions, you can enhance the accuracy and quality of the generated output.

Pro tip: Regularly review the output and modify the instructions if necessary to ensure optimal results.


  • Run your first AI instruction in Double.
  • Understand the layout and functionality of the spreadsheet.
  • Add content and organize data effectively.
  • Write clear instructions for the AI.
  • Save and preview results for accuracy.
  • Utilize examples to guide the AI's understanding.
  • Rerun instructions on specific rows or columns.
  • Modify instructions to refine the output.
  • Fine-tune the output to meet your expectations.
  • Iteratively review and adjust instructions for optimal results.


Q: Can I rerun specific instructions on a large dataset? A: Yes, Double provides the flexibility to rerun instructions on specific rows or columns, allowing you to update or refine the results as needed.

Q: How can I guide the AI to generate the desired output? A: You can use examples to guide the AI by specifying expected results for specific inputs. This helps the AI understand your preferences and improve the accuracy of the generated output.

Q: Can I modify the instructions after running them? A: Yes, you can edit the instructions at any time by accessing the corresponding column's settings. This allows you to refine the prompt, adjust the examples, or make any necessary modifications to the instructions.

Q: How can I fine-tune the output of the AI? A: Fine-tuning the output often requires iteration and adjustment of the instructions. By reviewing the output, modifying the prompt, and refining the examples, you can enhance the accuracy and quality of the generated results.

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