Master the Blue Line Rule for Successful Zero DTE Trading

Master the Blue Line Rule for Successful Zero DTE Trading

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Rigged AI's Zero DTE Trading
  3. Rule #1: Start Small and Chill Out
  4. Rule #2: The Thin Blue Line
  5. Examples of the Blue Line Rule in Action
  6. Higher Risk for Bulls, Lower Risk for Bears
  7. When the Blue Line Rule Can Kill You
  8. Recognizing Price Action: Riding the Trend
  9. Summary: Three Strikes Above or Below the Blue Line


Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, friends and foes alike! Today, I, Benny Digital, the Chief Furu Officer of Rigged AI, am here to discuss a fascinating topic - how to trade using Rigged AI's Zero DTE strategy. Now, before we dive in, let me clarify that this video is primarily intended for our members. Nonetheless, we appreciate your support and encourage you to join us on this educational journey.

Understanding Rigged AI's Zero DTE Trading

Zero DTE trading is not for the faint-hearted. It is the most volatile financial derivative ever created by man. Within just two candles, you can experience thrilling highs of 100% gains and heart-wrenching drops of 30%. Therefore, if you are a beginner in Zero DTE trading, my advice to you would be to start small and take it slow. Alternatively, you could practice using fake money or Seek guidance from experienced traders.

Rule #1: Start Small and Chill Out

If this is your first time stepping into the world of Zero DTE trading, it is crucial to keep your emotions in check. Remember, you don't need to fight, you need to chill out. The key here is to understand the immense volatility of this market. Every session is unique, but by starting small and taking baby steps, you can gradually familiarize yourself with the dynamics and build up your confidence.

Rule #2: The Thin Blue Line

In Zero DTE trading, there is a powerful rule known as the Thin Blue Line. This rule revolves around the open price, represented by the blue line on the Chart. The essence of the Thin Blue Line rule is simple: three strikes up or three strikes down from the blue line. This pattern is typically observed on an average trading day, allowing traders to make informed decisions based on this reliable indicator.

Examples of the Blue Line Rule in Action

To better understand the effectiveness of the Blue Line rule, let's explore some real-world examples. On January 10th, 2024, analyzing the SPY chart, we can clearly see the blue line marking the opening price at 474.14. As the day progresses, we witness the strikes going up: one, two, and finally three. Once we hit the three-strike mark, a bear bomb occurs, resulting in significant profit opportunities. This example perfectly depicts the power of the Blue Line rule.

Higher Risk for Bulls, Lower Risk for Bears

It's important to recognize that the further we move away from the Blue Line, the more risk there is for bulls or bears, depending on the direction of the move. If we are higher than three strikes up from the Blue Line, it becomes rare for us to go four, five, or even six strikes up. Similarly, if we are three strikes down from the Blue Line, there is a higher likelihood of a reversal. It's crucial to be aware of these dynamics before making trading decisions.

When the Blue Line Rule Can Kill You

While the Blue Line rule serves as a reliable guideline, there are exceptional days in the market where it can work against you and lead to devastating losses. These are the days when the market is moving rapidly in one direction, either soaring upwards or plummeting downwards. During such periods of intense price action, attempting to anticipate the three-strike pattern can result in stepping in front of the train and getting crushed.

Recognizing Price Action: Riding the Trend

Being able to recognize price action is a crucial skill in Zero DTE trading. If the market is making a relentless upward or downward move, it is best to observe and ride the trend rather than attempting to counter it. By staying attuned to price action and identifying the dominant forces at play, you can make more informed trading decisions and significantly enhance your chances of success.

Summary: Three Strikes Above or Below the Blue Line

In summary, the Blue Line rule serves as a reliable indicator in Zero DTE trading. By adhering to the three-strike pattern above or below the Blue Line, traders can find profitable opportunities and minimize risks. However, it's essential to remain aware of the market context, recognize when price action is overpowering the rule, and adapt accordingly. With a solid understanding of the Blue Line rule and the ability to read market dynamics, you can navigate the world of Zero DTE trading with confidence.


  • Zero DTE trading is extremely volatile but offers potential for high returns.
  • Beginners should start small and practice with fake money or guidance from experienced traders.
  • The Thin Blue Line rule states three strikes up or down from the opening price.
  • Examples illustrate the effectiveness of the Blue Line rule in identifying profitable trading opportunities.
  • Bulls face higher risk when the market moves further above the Blue Line, while bears face higher risk when it moves lower.
  • Exceptional market days with intense price action can override the Blue Line rule and lead to losses.
  • Recognizing price action and riding trends are crucial skills for successful Zero DTE trading.


Q: Can I start Zero DTE trading with real money right away? A: It is highly recommended for beginners to start with fake money or seek guidance from experienced traders before transitioning to real money trading.

Q: What is the significance of the Thin Blue Line? A: The Thin Blue Line represents the opening price in Zero DTE trading. It serves as a crucial indicator for identifying potential trading opportunities based on the three-strike pattern.

Q: Are there any exceptions where the Blue Line rule doesn't work? A: Yes, during days of extreme market movements, when price action is overpowering, the Blue Line rule may not hold. It is vital to recognize these scenarios to avoid significant losses.

Q: How can I recognize price action and trends in Zero DTE trading? A: Observing market movements, following the dominant forces in the market, and staying attuned to price patterns can help you recognize and ride trends effectively.

Q: Is Zero DTE trading suitable for risk-averse individuals? A: Zero DTE trading is highly volatile and involves risks. Risk-averse individuals may prefer less aggressive trading strategies with lower short-term volatility.

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