Master the Game of Nim with CS50 AI

Master the Game of Nim with CS50 AI

Table of Contents

  • Introduction to CS50 and Artificial Intelligence with Python
  • Overview of the NIM Project
  • Reinforcement Learning and Q-Learning
  • The NIM Class and its Functionality
  • Understanding the Q-Learning Algorithm
  • Exploring the NIM Game Class
  • Playing against the AI
  • Demonstrating the NIM Project
  • Pros and Cons of the NIM AI
  • Conclusion

Introduction to CS50 and Artificial Intelligence with Python

In this article, we will explore an exciting project called NIM, which is derived from CS50's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python. NIM is an artificial intelligence (AI) game that teaches itself to play the game of NIM through reinforcement learning. We will delve into the technique known as Q-learning, which is the foundation of the NIM project. We will also provide a demonstration of the project and discuss its pros and cons. So, let's dive in and discover the world of NIM AI!

Overview of the NIM Project

The NIM project revolves around the concept of reinforcement learning, specifically using the method of Q-learning. By implementing Q-learning, we allow the AI to learn and improve its gameplay through trial and error. The project consists of two main files: and The former contains the implementation of the AI agent using the NIM class, while the latter handles the visualization of the NIM game in the terminal. In the following sections, we will explore the functionality of these files and explain the inner workings of the NIM AI.

Reinforcement Learning and Q-Learning

Before we dive into the details of the NIM project, let's briefly discuss reinforcement learning and Q-learning. Reinforcement learning refers to a type of machine learning where an agent learns to make decisions based on the outcomes of its actions. Q-learning is a specific algorithm used in reinforcement learning to determine the best action to take in a given state. It involves estimating the expected rewards for each possible action and using those estimates to make decisions. In the context of the NIM project, Q-learning allows the AI to learn the optimal strategies for playing the game of NIM.

The NIM Class and its Functionality

The NIM class is the heart of the NIM project. It contains all the necessary functions and variables to implement the AI agent and train it to play NIM. Let's take a closer look at the key functionalities of the NIM class:

  1. Constructor and Initialization: The constructor function initializes the class variables, including the Q-table, learning rate (alpha), and exploration rate (epsilon).

  2. Q-Value Update: The update() function updates the Q-values based on the current state, action, and resulting reward. It follows the Q-learning algorithm by calculating the maximum future reward and updating the Q-value accordingly.

  3. Getting Q-Values: The get_q_value() function retrieves the Q-value for a particular state and action. If the Q-value is not available, it returns zero.

  4. Choosing Actions: The class has a function to choose actions based on the current state and exploration rate. It utilizes the epsilon-greedy approach, where the AI either takes the action with the highest Q-value or randomly explores a different action.

  5. Playing the Game: The NIM class implements the game mechanics, such as making moves, switching players, and checking for a winner. It includes functions like make_move(), switch_players(), and check_winner() to handle these aspects.

Understanding the Q-Learning Algorithm

The Q-learning algorithm is the backbone of the NIM project. It encompasses the process of updating the Q-values based on the rewards received during gameplay. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how the Q-learning algorithm works within the NIM project:

  1. The AI agent begins with an empty Q-table, where each state-action pair has an initial Q-value of zero.

  2. During the training process, the agent plays multiple games against itself, applying the exploration-exploitation trade-off determined by the exploration rate (epsilon).

  3. After each move, the Q-value for the current state-action pair is updated using the Q-learning equation. The equation takes into account the learning rate (alpha), the maximum future reward, and the current Q-value.

  4. The agent learns from its experiences and adjusts the Q-values accordingly, gradually improving its gameplay strategy over time.

  5. As the training progresses, the agent becomes more proficient at playing NIM and increases its chances of winning.

Exploring the NIM Game Class

The NIM Game class is responsible for managing the overall gameplay of NIM and coordinating the moves between the AI and the player. It keeps track of the game state, including the piles of objects and the current player. Let's delve into the functionalities of the NIM Game class:

  1. Constructor and Initialization: The constructor function initializes the initial game state, including the number of piles and the objects in each pile. It also sets the starting player.

  2. Validating Moves: The make_move() function checks if a move is valid by verifying if the selected pile and the number of objects to remove are within the valid range. It returns appropriate error messages if the move is invalid.

  3. Switching Players: The switch_players() function ALTERS the turn between the player and the AI agent. It ensures that the game proceeds smoothly and each player gets a fair chance to make their move.

  4. Winning Conditions: The game class checks for winning conditions after each move. If a player successfully removes the last object from the game, they are declared as the winner.

Playing against the AI

The NIM project allows you to play against the AI agent and test your skills against its learning capabilities. By running the file, you can compete against the AI in the game of NIM. The AI agent will employ its learned strategies to optimize its chances of winning. Feel free to challenge the AI and see if you can outsmart it!

Demonstrating the NIM Project

To get a better understanding of how the NIM project works, let's demonstrate it with a sample gameplay Scenario:

  1. Import the required modules and functions from the file.

  2. Initialize the NIM AI agent and set the number of training iterations to 100.

  3. Play the game against the AI by making moves and observing its gameplay strategy.

  4. Analyze the results and evaluate the AI's performance based on the number of wins and losses.

By running the project, you can witness the AI agent progressively becoming more skilled at playing NIM as the number of training iterations increases.

Pros and Cons of the NIM AI

Like any project or algorithm, the NIM AI has its own set of advantages and limitations. Let's explore some of the pros and cons of the NIM AI:


  • The AI agent can learn and improve its gameplay strategy through reinforcement learning, making it adapt and optimize its decisions.
  • The project provides valuable insights into the practical implementation of Q-learning and its implications in AI development.
  • Playing against the AI can be a challenging and engaging experience, enhancing the enjoyment of the NIM game.


  • The learning process of the AI agent can be time-consuming and computationally intensive, especially with a large number of training iterations.
  • The AI's gameplay strategy heavily relies on the exploration-exploitation trade-off, resulting in a balance between trying new strategies and exploiting known strategies.
  • The AI's performance may vary depending on the specific parameters, such as the learning rate and exploration rate, which require fine-tuning to achieve optimal results.


In this article, we have explored the NIM project, which is based on CS50's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python. We covered the fundamentals of reinforcement learning and Q-learning, providing an overview of how the NIM AI agent learns and improves its gameplay strategy. We delved into the functionalities of the NIM class, the inner workings of the Q-learning algorithm, and the gameplay mechanics of the NIM Game class. Additionally, we discussed the process of playing against the AI in the NIM game and showcased a sample demonstration. Finally, we provided an evaluation of the pros and cons of the NIM AI. With its emphasis on practical implementation and reinforcement learning, the NIM project serves as an engaging and informative exploration into the world of AI.


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