Master the GRE Argument Essay

Master the GRE Argument Essay

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction: Welcome to Mason's Corner
  2. Understanding the AWA Argument Essay
  3. Steps to Approach the AWA Argument Essay
    • Step 1: Get Clear on the Essay's Purpose
    • Step 2: Break Down the Prompt
    • Step 3: Set Aside Time for Brainstorming
    • Step 4: Establish a Solid Structure
    • Step 5: Practice Reading and Writing
  4. Crafting a Strong Introduction and Conclusion
  5. Developing body paragraphs: Exploring Flaws
    • Introducing the Flaw
    • Providing Examples
    • Analyzing and Explaining the Flaw
  6. Practicing Writing Skills
  7. The Importance of Reading
  8. Conclusion

Welcome to Mason's Corner for Writers

Welcome to Mason's Corner for Writers, a cozy space where writers seeking to improve their GRE AWA essays can hang out, sip some coffee, chat, and learn step-by-step approaches to enhance their writing and scores on the AWA essays. In this corner, we'll Delve into the topic du jour: the AWA argument essay. But don't worry, I'll break down this task into smaller, more manageable steps, so You can transition from panicked and flustered to cool, calm, and caffeinated on the GRE.

Understanding the AWA Argument Essay

Before we dive into the steps for writing an exceptional AWA argument essay, let's clarify what this essay entails and what it does not. Unlike a test of your literary ability, the AWA argument essay is a timed exercise that requires a critical evaluation and analysis of an argument provided by ETS. You are not required to take a stance or express personal opinions. Instead, you are tasked with identifying flaws, communicating dispassionately about the argument, and providing a critique or evaluation of the argument.

To better understand this exercise, imagine a friend reaching out for help with improving their argument before submitting it to their boss. Your role is to identify weak areas, suggest improvements, and supply supporting evidence. Remember, you have a 30-minute time limit, so focus on addressing two or three significant flaws instead of attempting to critique every single aspect of the argument.

Steps to Approach the AWA Argument Essay

Step 1: Get Clear on the Essay's Purpose

As you embark on the AWA argument essay, it's essential to grasp its purpose fully. You should critically evaluate and analyze the argument provided, but remember that you are not deciding which side of the argument is right or wrong.

Step 2: Break Down the Prompt

Every AWA argument essay comes with an accompanying prompt that provides specific instructions for approaching and writing the essay. Take the time to Read the prompt carefully and pay Attention to the language used. If the prompt mentions evidence, assumptions, or consequences, tailor your essay accordingly.

Step 3: Set Aside Time for Brainstorming

Before diving into the writing process, dedicate around three to five minutes for brainstorming. Break down the prompt, carefully consider the argument, and identify potential flaws. Adopt the role of a skeptic, questioning every statement and probing for weaknesses. Select two or three flaws that you feel confident in addressing.

Step 4: Establish a Solid Structure

Having a clear structure in mind is crucial to writing a coherent and well-organized essay. The recommended structure follows a five-Paragraph format. The introduction and conclusion should be concise and focus on highlighting the major flaws in the argument. Each body paragraph should explore one specific flaw, providing examples, analysis, and explanations for how the flaw weakens the argument.

Step 5: Practice Reading and Writing

To excel in the AWA argument essay, dedicate time to both reading and writing. Reading extensively helps refine your writing skills, exposes you to academic tones and voices, and enhances comprehension. Practice writing clear and concise essays, ensuring your thoughts flow coherently within the established structure.

By following these steps diligently, you'll develop the skills needed to approach the AWA argument essay strategically, resulting in well-crafted and high-scoring essays.

Crafting a Strong Introduction and Conclusion

In the AWA argument essay, the introduction and conclusion serve support roles. Keep them concise, as the main body paragraphs will carry the bulk of your analysis. Briefly state that the argument as presented is flawed due to the identified flaws. Save the detailed exploration of the flaws for the body paragraphs, where you will delve deeper into each flaw's implications and weaknesses.

Developing Body Paragraphs: Exploring Flaws

The body paragraphs of your AWA argument essay should be focused on each flaw you identified during the brainstorming session. Devote a separate paragraph to each flaw and follow a structured approach:

  1. Introduce the Flaw: Begin by clearly highlighting the flaw you will be addressing in the paragraph.
  2. Provide Examples: Support your analysis by presenting examples or alternative explanations that demonstrate the flaw in the argument.
  3. Analyze and Explain the Flaw: Use the remainder of the paragraph to explain why the flaw weakens the argument and discuss the evidence or questions that need addressing for the argument to be strengthened.

Remember, quality takes precedence over quantity. Strive for clear, concise, and well-developed body paragraphs that effectively highlight the flaws in the argument.

Practicing Writing Skills

To excel in the AWA argument essay, practice is key. Set aside dedicated time to work on your writing skills. Practice writing under timed conditions to simulate the test environment accurately. Focus on improving spelling, grammar, and sentence construction alongside honing your critical thinking and analytical abilities. The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you'll become in crafting compelling and well-structured essays.

The Importance of Reading

Reading serves as a foundation for improving your writing skills. Dedicate time to reading a variety of materials, such as news articles, journals, and academic publications. Analytical content is especially beneficial, as it hones your ability to comprehend complex arguments and exposes you to different writing styles. Make reading a regular part of your study plan to develop a strong ear for grammar, spelling, and sentence construction.


Mastering the AWA argument essay requires a step-by-step approach. By understanding the purpose, carefully examining the prompt, brainstorming, establishing a structure, practicing writing, and engaging in extensive reading, you can enhance your writing skills and craft high-scoring essays. Embrace the Journey of improvement and remember that the resources at Magoosh are here to support you along the way.


  • Welcome to Mason's Corner for Writers, your cozy space for improving GRE AWA essays.
  • The AWA argument essay is a timed exercise in critically evaluating an argument provided by ETS.
  • Approach the essay in steps: understand the purpose, break down the prompt, brainstorm, establish a structure, and practice reading and writing.
  • Craft a strong introduction and conclusion, focusing on flaws identified in the body paragraphs.
  • Each body paragraph explores a specific flaw, providing examples, analysis, and explanations.
  • Practice writing skills under timed conditions, and dedicate time to reading to enhance comprehension and develop writing abilities.


Q: How many flaws should I identify and explore in the essay? A: It is recommended to focus on two or three significant flaws to ensure in-depth analysis within the time limit.

Q: Can I express my personal opinion about the argument in the essay? A: No, the AWA argument essay is not about expressing personal opinions. Your task is to critique and evaluate the flaws in the argument provided.

Q: Is it necessary to follow the five-paragraph structure for the essay? A: While the five-paragraph structure is commonly used in academic writing, it is not a strict requirement. However, it provides a clear framework for organizing your thoughts and guiding your reader.

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