Master the KMP Algorithm for Substring Search!

Master the KMP Algorithm for Substring Search!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Substring Search?
  3. The Usual Algorithm for Substring Search
  4. The KMP Search Algorithm
  5. How KMP Search Works
  6. Efficient Computation of Suffix and Prefix
  7. Building the Temporary Array
  8. Applying Substring Search on Text
  9. Time and Space Complexity
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the concept of substring search and discuss the Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) algorithm for efficient substring search. We will start by understanding what substring search is and how it is traditionally done using a brute-force algorithm. Then, we will Delve into the KMP algorithm and learn how it works. We will also explore how to efficiently compute if a suffix is the same as a prefix and determine the starting point for the next comparison in case of a mismatch. Furthermore, we will discuss building the temporary array and applying the KMP algorithm on a given text for substring search. Finally, we will analyze the time and space complexity of the KMP algorithm and conclude our discussion.

What is Substring Search?

Substring search is the process of determining whether a given pattern exists within a larger text. It involves finding the starting index of the pattern in the text. For example, given a text "abcbcglx" and a pattern "bcgl", the substring search should return 3, indicating that the pattern "bcgl" is found starting from index 3 in the text.

The Usual Algorithm for Substring Search

Traditionally, substring search is done using a brute-force algorithm. This algorithm involves comparing each character of the pattern with the corresponding character in the text, starting from the 0th index of both the text and the pattern. If a match is found, the comparison continues to the next character. If a mismatch is encountered, the next comparison starts from the next index in the text.

While this brute-force algorithm gets the job done, it has a time complexity of O(mn), where m is the length of the text and n is the length of the pattern. This can be inefficient for large Texts and Patterns.

The KMP Search Algorithm

The KMP Search algorithm provides a more efficient solution to the substring search problem. It can perform substring search in O(m+n) time complexity. The KMP algorithm utilizes the concept of suffixes and prefixes to avoid unnecessary comparisons and optimize the search process.

How KMP Search Works

The KMP algorithm works by precomputing a temporary array that stores information about the pattern. This array helps determine the starting point for the next comparison in case of a mismatch and allows us to efficiently compute if a suffix is the same as a prefix.

To understand how the KMP algorithm works, let's consider an example with a given text and pattern. We start comparing the characters of the text and the pattern, using the information from the temporary array to guide our comparisons.

If a mismatch occurs, instead of starting the comparison from the beginning of the pattern, we use the information from the temporary array to determine the next starting point. This enables us to avoid unnecessary comparisons and efficiently proceed with the search.

By utilizing this approach, the KMP algorithm provides a faster and more efficient method for substring search.

Efficient Computation of Suffix and Prefix

To efficiently compute if a suffix is the same as a prefix and determine the starting point for the next comparison, the KMP algorithm precomputes a temporary array for the pattern. This array stores information about the length of the longest proper suffix, which is also a prefix of each substring.

The temporary array is built using a systematic approach. For each index in the pattern, the algorithm compares the preceding characters to determine if there is a prefix that is the same length as the suffix. If such a prefix is found, the value in the temporary array for that index is set accordingly.

This preprocessing step allows the KMP algorithm to efficiently determine the starting point for the next comparison, Based on the information stored in the temporary array.

Building the Temporary Array

Building the temporary array is a crucial step in the KMP algorithm. It involves systematically comparing the characters of the pattern to find the longest proper suffix, which is also a prefix of each substring.

To build the temporary array, we initialize the first value as 0 since there are no proper suffixes and prefixes for a single character. Then, for each index in the pattern, we compare the preceding characters to find the longest proper suffix, which is also a prefix. The value in the temporary array for that index is set accordingly.

This process of building the temporary array has a time complexity of O(n), where n is the length of the pattern. The space complexity is also O(n) since we need to store the temporary array.

Applying Substring Search on Text

Once we have built the temporary array, we can Apply the KMP algorithm for substring search on a given text. We compare the characters of the text and the pattern, using the temporary array to guide our comparisons.

If a mismatch occurs, instead of starting the comparison from the beginning of the pattern, we use the information from the temporary array to determine the next starting point. This allows us to efficiently compute if a suffix is the same as a prefix and proceed with the search without unnecessary comparisons.

By applying the KMP algorithm, we can find the starting index of the pattern in the text efficiently.

Time and Space Complexity

The KMP algorithm provides an efficient solution for substring search with a time complexity of O(m+n), where m is the length of the text and n is the length of the pattern. This is an improvement over the brute-force algorithm, which has a time complexity of O(mn).

The space complexity of the KMP algorithm is O(n) since we need to store the temporary array, which has a length equal to the pattern length. This additional space requirement allows us to optimize the substring search process.


In conclusion, the KMP algorithm is a powerful tool for efficient substring search. By utilizing the concept of suffixes and prefixes, the algorithm avoids unnecessary comparisons and provides a faster solution compared to the traditional brute-force algorithm. The preprocessing step of building the temporary array allows for efficient computation of suffix and prefix information. Applying the KMP algorithm on a given text allows us to find the starting index of the pattern in an optimized manner. The KMP algorithm has a time complexity of O(m+n) and a space complexity of O(n), making it a preferred choice for substring search tasks.

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