Master the OpenAI API and GPT-3 with this Beginner's Python Tutorial

Master the OpenAI API and GPT-3 with this Beginner's Python Tutorial

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of OpenAI API
  3. Getting Started with OpenAI API
  4. Pricing
  5. API Key and Prompt Design
  6. Using OpenAI API in Python
  7. Different Endpoints and Their Uses
    1. Completion Endpoint
      1. Classification Task
      2. Multiple Classifications
      3. Text Generation
      4. Conversations
    2. Classification Endpoint
    3. Search Endpoint
    4. Question Answering Endpoint
  8. A Cool Application: Virtual Assistant
  9. Conclusion
  10. Additional Resources


In this article, we will explore the OpenAI API and its capabilities. OpenAI, known for its GPT-3 model, provides a powerful deep learning model for generating human-like text. The OpenAI API is designed as a general-purpose interface, enabling users to utilize the model for various tasks in the English language. We will dive into the pricing, documentation, and usage of the OpenAI API, focusing on Python code examples. Additionally, we will explore different endpoints, such as completion, classification, search, and question answering, along with a cool application combining OpenAI API with another API to create a virtual assistant.

Overview of OpenAI API

OpenAI API is a powerful tool for generating human-like text using the GPT-3 model. Unlike other APIs, OpenAI API offers a general-purpose interface, allowing users to apply the model for a wide range of tasks in the English language. Whether it's generating text, classifying sentiments, searching documents, or answering questions, the OpenAI API provides flexibility and versatility. With the right prompt design and coding, users can harness the power of the OpenAI API for various applications.

Getting Started with OpenAI API

To get started with the OpenAI API, you need to sign up and obtain an API key from the OpenAI website. The pricing structure follows a pay-as-you-go model, with a free initial credit to get started. The official documentation provided by OpenAI is highly recommended for a comprehensive understanding of the API capabilities. Our Tutorial is closely based on the official guides, making it easier for users to follow along and experiment with the OpenAI API.


While the OpenAI API is not entirely free, users receive a free credit initially, allowing them to explore and experiment with the API. The pricing structure is based on the number of tokens processed, with different prices per 1000 tokens. The more powerful the model used, the higher the pricing. However, the initial free credit is sufficient to get started and play around with the API, making it accessible to users of varying budgets.

API Key and Prompt Design

To use the OpenAI API in Python, you need to install the "openai" library through pip. After importing the library and obtaining the API key, you can start using the OpenAI API. One crucial aspect of using the API effectively is prompt design. Since the OpenAI models can perform various tasks, it is essential to be explicit in describing what you want the model to do. We will explore different prompt designs for classification, text generation, conversation, translation, and more.

Using OpenAI API in Python

Python provides a convenient way to interact with the OpenAI API using the "openai" library. After installing the library and importing it into your code, you can set the API key and define the prompt. The OpenAI API offers several arguments and parameters to customize the model's behavior. These include specifying the engine, setting the maximum number of tokens to generate, adjusting the sampling temperature, and more. By making use of these parameters, you can fine-tune the model's output to suit your specific requirements.

Different Endpoints and Their Uses

The OpenAI API supports different endpoints, each serving a specific purpose and catering to different use cases. We will explore some of the most commonly used endpoints, along with examples and code snippets.

Completion Endpoint

The completion endpoint is the most powerful and versatile among the OpenAI API endpoints. It can be used for a wide variety of tasks, from generating original stories to performing complex text analysis. Proper prompt design is crucial for achieving the desired results. We will demonstrate classification tasks, text generation, conversational AI, and text completion examples using this endpoint.

Classification Task

Classification tasks involve determining the sentiment of a given text. By providing a prompt specifying the sentiment, the model can classify the sentiment of a given text, whether it is positive, neutral, or negative. The example prompt design includes a tweet with a blank sentiment to be classified.

Multiple Classifications

The OpenAI API also supports multiple classifications in a single prompt. By specifying multiple Texts with corresponding labels, the model can classify each text accordingly. However, care must be taken not to overload the prompt, as too many examples can make it difficult for the model to process.

Text Generation

Text generation is a popular task with the OpenAI API. By providing a prompt and specifying the desired output, such as brainstorming ideas or writing a tagline, the model can generate creative and unique text. The prompt design plays a crucial role in guiding the model to produce the desired output.

Conversational AI

Conversational AI allows you to create a dialogue with the model. By providing an initial conversation between a human and the AI assistant, you can instruct the model's behavior. The prompt design includes the context of the conversation and the expected responses from the assistant.

Classification Endpoint

The classification endpoint is specifically designed for leveraging a labeled set of examples for text classification tasks. Unlike the completion endpoint, fine-tuning is not required for classification. By providing a file with labeled examples and labels, users can extract accurate classification results. The prompt includes the file ID and the query.

Search Endpoint

The search endpoint enables semantic search over a set of documents. Users can provide a query, such as a natural language question or statement, and the documents will be scored and ranked based on their relevance to the query. The prompt includes the query and the file ID of the documents.

Question Answering Endpoint

The question answering endpoint is useful for generating accurate text responses based on truth sources, such as company documentation or knowledge bases. By combining Relevant context from provided documents and examples with the query, the model generates answers based on semantic search ranking. The prompt includes the question, context, examples, and file ID.

A Cool Application: Virtual Assistant

As an example application, we explore the creation of a virtual assistant by combining the OpenAI API with another API, such as the Assembly AI API for Speech-to-Text conversion. By integrating these APIs, we can create a virtual assistant that responds to spoken queries and generates accurate text responses based on the GPT-3 model. The implementation involves Recording audio, converting it to text using the Assembly AI API, and feeding it to the OpenAI API for generating responses.


The OpenAI API is a powerful tool for generating human-like text and conducting various natural language tasks. With a general-purpose interface and versatile endpoints, users can apply the API for tasks like text generation, classification, search, and question-answering. The secret lies in prompt design and effective utilization of the API's parameters. By following the examples and code snippets in this article, users can get started with the OpenAI API and explore its possibilities.

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