Master the OpenAI ChatGPT API in Python

Master the OpenAI ChatGPT API in Python

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. About Charge GPT API
  3. Creating an Account in Open AI
  4. Getting the API Key
  5. Storing the API Key Securely
  6. Installing the Open AI Python Package
  7. Setting up the Chatbot
  8. Passing the System Message
  9. Loading the Model
  10. Using the Chat Completion
  11. Running the Code


Welcome back! In this video, we will explore the newly released Charge GPT API by AI. We will learn how to Create AI chatbots similar to Chat GPT using just a few lines of Python code.

About Charge GPT API

Firstly, let's understand what the Charge GPT API is. According to the latest API info news from AI, the Charge GPT API is being introduced as part of the Whisper APIs. However, for now, we will solely focus on the Charge GPT API. It is 10 times cheaper than the existing GPT 3.5 models, priced at 0.002 or 1000 tokens. Additionally, AI offers a free trial period of three months to users.

Creating an Account in Open AI

To get started with the Charge GPT API, we need to create an account on Open AI. Visit and create your account. Once logged in, you will be redirected to the Open AI UI.

Getting the API Key

To utilize the Charge GPT API in our Python code, we need the API key. To obtain this, navigate to the top right corner of the Open AI UI and click on "View API Keys." Here, You can view the API keys you have created. Remember to save the API key securely, as it won't be visible within your Open AI account.

Storing the API Key Securely

It's essential to securely store your API key. One way to do this is by creating a .env file. In your notebook, import the OS library and use the load_dotenv function to load the environment variables from the .env file. You can then print the API key or use OS.getenv("openai_api_key") to retrieve it.

Installing the Open AI Python Package

Before writing the code, we need to install the Open AI Python package. Run !pip install openai in your notebook to install it.

Setting up the Chatbot

Now, let's proceed to create our AI Chatbot similar to Chat GPT.

Passing the System Message

The system message helps set the behavior of the assistant. By passing the system message, we can inform the chatbot that it is intended to act as a helpful assistant.

Loading the Model

To perform chat completion, we need to load the model provided by the API. We'll use the openai.ChatCompletion.create method and specify the GPT 3.5 Turbo model. The model will take the messages exchanged as input.

Using the Chat Completion

Next, we utilize the chat completion by creating a model and passing the message content. We append the role of the assistant to the messages as well.

Running the Code

Finally, we run the code and Interact with the chatbot. We can input questions or Prompts, and the chatbot will generate responses Based on the GPT 3.5 Turbo model.

Now that we have covered the table of Contents, let's dive into the details of each section and get started with creating our AI chatbot using the Charge GPT API.

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