Master These 5 Crucial AI Marketing Skills for 2023!

Master These 5 Crucial AI Marketing Skills for 2023!

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • The Changing Landscape of Marketing Teams
    • Skills Needed in a Post AI World
    • Organizational Changes
  • The Importance of Domain Expertise
    • Creating a Rich and Engaging Brand
    • Telling Incredible Stories
    • Fostering Creativity and Innovation
  • Channel Expertise and the Role of AI
    • Channel Expertise and Commoditization
    • The Value of Domain Expertise
    • The Emergence of AI Ops
  • The Fragmentation of the Internet
    • The Unbundling and Fragmentation of the Internet
    • The Impact on Marketing Channels
    • The Role of Channel Strategists
  • The Technical Skills of Future Marketers
    • The Evolution of Technical Expertise
    • The Rise of Technical Data Skills
    • The Importance of Model Training and Fine-Tuning
  • Thinking Like a Product Builder
    • Leveraging AI Assistance and Data
    • Building Micro Products
    • The Skillset of Future Marketers
  • Unintended Consequences and Compliance
    • The Impact of Fragmented Channels
    • Data Privacy and Compliance Operations
    • The Need for Channel Expertise
  • The Future of Marketing Teams
    • The Importance of Brand and Content
    • The Role of Growth Ops
    • The Significance of Events and Community
    • The Uncertainty of Product Marketing
  • Conclusion

The Changing Landscape of Marketing Teams

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, marketing teams are facing new challenges and opportunities brought about by advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). The skills and organizational structure that were once effective may no longer be sufficient in a post-AI world. As marketing professionals, it is crucial to adapt and stay ahead of these changes to ensure success.

Skills Needed in a Post AI World

As AI technology continues to improve, certain skills traditionally attributed to marketing roles are becoming more commoditized. Channel expertise, such as paid Advertising, search, and Email Marketing, is no longer as crucial as AI can assist in these areas. AI can make individuals who are not highly skilled in these channels perform at a much higher level. This shift means that marketers can focus on more strategic and creative aspects of their work.

Organizational Changes

With the rise of AI technology, marketing teams also need to adapt their organizational structure. While channel expertise becomes less critical, domain expertise becomes more valuable. Domain expertise involves understanding how to create a rich and engaging brand, telling incredible stories, and fostering creativity and innovation. These skills are what set businesses apart from their competitors and create a lasting impact on their target audience.

The Importance of Domain Expertise

In the ever-changing world of marketing, domain expertise becomes increasingly important. As AI takes over more channel-based tasks, marketers must focus on developing skills that add unique value to their brands.

Creating a Rich and Engaging Brand

One area where human marketers excel is in creating a rich and engaging brand. Building a brand that resonates with customers requires a deep understanding of the target audience, their needs, and their preferences. While AI can assist in collecting and analyzing data, it is the marketer's domain expertise that helps Translate this information into a compelling brand identity.

Telling Incredible Stories

Storytelling has always been a powerful tool in marketing, and its importance will only grow in a world where AI handles more transactional tasks. As consumers become more discerning and demand authentic connections, marketers with the ability to craft compelling narratives will stand out. This skill involves understanding not only the brand but also the emotions and aspirations of the target audience.

Fostering Creativity and Innovation

In a post-AI world, marketers need to embrace their creative sides and think outside the box. While AI can assist with data analysis and campaign optimization, it is the human touch that drives innovation. Marketers with domain expertise can push boundaries, experiment with new ideas, and deliver unique experiences to customers.

Channel Expertise and the Role of AI

While domain expertise gains importance, it is essential to consider the role of AI in marketing teams. AI has the potential to revolutionize the way marketing campaigns are executed and optimized.

Channel Expertise and Commoditization

With advancements in AI technology, certain aspects of channel expertise are becoming commoditized. Tasks such as paid advertising, Search Engine optimization, and email marketing can be efficiently executed by AI applications. Marketers no longer need to be experts in each individual channel but rather skilled generalists who can leverage AI Tools and insights.

The Value of Domain Expertise

However, it is crucial to note that not all aspects of marketing can be commoditized. Content creation, for example, requires domain expertise as it involves creative thinking and crafting narratives. Domain expertise encompasses a deeper understanding of the industry, the brand, and the target audience. Marketers with domain expertise can add unique value and differentiate themselves in a world increasingly driven by AI.

The Emergence of AI Ops

As AI becomes more prevalent in marketing, the role of AI ops becomes increasingly critical. AI ops involves using AI applications to stitch together various marketing activities and create micro products that deliver personalized experiences to customers. This role requires marketers who can integrate AI technologies, leverage customer data effectively, and build engaging experiences across different touchpoints.

The Fragmentation of the Internet

One aspect that significantly impacts marketing teams is the fragmentation of the internet. As the internet evolves, it becomes more fragmented and unbundled, resulting in a multitude of different channels and platforms.

The Unbundling and Fragmentation of the Internet

In the past, the internet was highly aggregated, with a few dominant platforms acting as gatekeepers. However, the rise of social media, messaging apps, and new technologies has led to the unbundling and fragmentation of online interactions. This fragmentation affects marketing channels, as marketers must now reach their target audience through various platforms and channels, each with its own unique characteristics.

The Impact on Marketing Channels

The fragmentation of the internet has implications for marketing teams and their channel strategies. While certain channels like email and search engine optimization remain Relevant, new platforms and channels are emerging, such as social media, messaging apps, and community-driven platforms. Marketers need to adapt their strategies to navigate this complex and fragmented landscape effectively.

The Role of Channel Strategists

As marketing channels become more fragmented, the role of channel strategists becomes crucial. Channel strategists have in-depth knowledge of different marketing platforms and channels, allowing them to optimize campaigns and engage with their target audience effectively. While AI can assist in managing and optimizing these channels, the expertise of channel strategists remains essential in ensuring effective deployment and compliance with regulations and customer expectations.

The Technical Skills of Future Marketers

In a post-AI world, marketing teams must evolve and develop technical skills aligned with the changing landscape of the industry.

The Evolution of Technical Expertise

Over the past decade, marketing teams have witnessed an increase in the technical skills required to perform their roles. Skills such as web development, data analysis, and operations have become more prevalent. However, with the rise of AI technology, new technical skills are emerging, demanding a different set of expertise.

The Rise of Technical Data Skills

As AI technology becomes more integrated into marketing processes, technical skills related to data become increasingly important. Marketers must understand how to Collect, interpret, and leverage data effectively. Data engineering, model training, and fine-tuning are essential skills in optimizing AI models and building personalized customer experiences.

The Importance of Model Training and Fine-Tuning

AI models rely on data to provide valuable insights and predictions. However, humans play a critical role in training and fine-tuning these models. Marketers with the ability to understand and work with AI models can extract maximum value from them. This skill involves setting thresholds, tuning AI parameters, and ensuring the models provide accurate and actionable information.

Thinking Like a Product Builder

As marketing teams adapt to the changes brought about by AI, a new mindset is required—one that combines marketing expertise with product-building skills.

Leveraging AI Assistance and Data

AI technology can assist marketers in automating various marketing activities. Marketers can use AI assistants to build outbound email campaigns, collect and enrich customer data, and identify engagement signals. By leveraging AI assistance and data, marketers can create more efficient and targeted campaigns.

Building Micro Products

Marketers in a post-AI world need to think and operate like product builders. They must have the ability to build micro products that integrate AI applications, customer data, and customized experiences. These micro products can deliver specific outcomes, such as automated lead rotation and post-sales engagement analytics.

The Skillset of Future Marketers

In the future, marketers will need to possess a unique skillset that combines marketing expertise with technical knowledge. This skillset includes the ability to bridge the gap between marketing and AI technologies, understand customer data, and build micro products that enhance the customer experience.

Unintended Consequences and Compliance

While the rise of AI brings about numerous benefits, there are also unintended consequences and compliance considerations that marketers must address.

The Impact of Fragmented Channels

The fragmentation of marketing channels presents challenges in terms of data privacy and compliance operations. Marketers must navigate increasingly complex regulations and ensure they are ethically and securely using customer data across multiple platforms.

Data Privacy and Compliance Operations

As marketing channels become more fragmented, data privacy and compliance become even more critical. Marketers need to prioritize data protection and adopt best practices to ensure customer trust. Compliance operations, such as data governance and privacy policies, are essential components of marketing strategies in a post-AI world.

The Need for Channel Expertise

While AI technology can automate many marketing tasks, channel expertise remains crucial, especially in ensuring compliance across multiple platforms. Marketers with strong channel expertise can navigate the intricacies of each platform, deliver personalized experiences, and maintain compliance with industry standards and regulations.

The Future of Marketing Teams

As marketing teams adapt to the changing landscape, certain functions will become increasingly important for success in the future.

The Importance of Brand and Content

Creating a strong brand and producing compelling content will remain key priorities for marketing teams. In a fragmented online landscape, brand differentiation and the ability to tell impactful stories will continue to set businesses apart from their competitors.

The Role of Growth Ops

The emergence of AI ops and its integration with marketing activities emphasizes the importance of growth ops. Growth ops professionals possess the expertise to integrate AI technologies, leverage data effectively, and build micro products. They are responsible for delivering personalized customer experiences across various touchpoints.

The Significance of Events and Community

As the internet becomes more fragmented, in-person and offline interactions become increasingly valuable. Events and community-building activities offer opportunities for marketers to establish real connections with their audience. Human-to-human interactions and community events create unique experiences that AI cannot replicate.

The Uncertainty of Product Marketing

The role of product marketing is still uncertain in a post-AI world. While AI can automate many aspects of product marketing, there will likely remain a need for human intervention to drive Perception of value and negotiate complex pricing decisions. The future of product marketing will depend on how AI technology continues to evolve and how marketers adapt to its capabilities.


The role of marketing teams is rapidly evolving in a post-AI world. While certain skills and functions become commoditized, others gain importance. Domain expertise, creativity, and storytelling become critical as AI takes over more transactional tasks. Channel expertise and compliance operations remain essential, albeit with a shift towards leveraging AI technology. Technical skills related to data analysis and model training become increasingly valuable. By thinking like product builders and leveraging AI to automate processes, marketers can deliver personalized experiences and differentiate their brands. The future of marketing teams lies in strategic brand building, growth ops, events, and community engagement. As marketing professionals, it is crucial to adapt to the changing landscape and enhance skills to thrive in a post-AI world.

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