Master TwinCAT 3 Configuration with 'Scan' Feature

Master TwinCAT 3 Configuration with 'Scan' Feature

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Connecting the Hardware
  3. Setting Up the IP Address
  4. Using the TwinCAT Software
  5. Building a New Project
  6. Connecting the Controller
  7. Uploading the Online Hardware Configuration
  8. Understanding the Scan Function
  9. Comparing Offline and Online Hardware Configurations
  10. Using the Scan Function to Identify Mismatches
  11. Benefits of Using the Scan Function


In this article, we will explore how to use the scan function to upload online and hardware configurations to our project. We will also discuss how to compare the offline and online hardware configurations. In a backup system, the software logic and hardware areas are separate, allowing us to program our logic offline and then connect the actual hardware configuration online using the scan function. This can help save time and streamline the design, programming, and shipping process. We will walk through the steps of connecting the hardware, setting up the IP address, using the TwinCAT software, uploading the online hardware configuration, and utilizing the scan function to identify mismatches. Let's dive in and discover the benefits of using the scan function in our projects!

1. Connecting the Hardware

Before we can begin uploading the hardware configuration, we need to establish a connection between the hardware and our system. We can do this by using either the TwinCAT Router Editor or directly opening the TwinCAT software. The TwinCAT Router Editor allows us to set up a point-to-point connection using an Ethernet cable, while the TwinCAT software uses the search target function to find and connect to the device. Both methods will establish a secure connection between our system and the hardware controller, enabling us to proceed with the configuration process.

2. Setting Up the IP Address

Once the connection is established, we need to configure the IP address of the hardware controller. By default, the IP address is set to be assigned automatically. To set the IP address automatically, we can navigate to the TwinCAT Router Editor or directly access the TwinCAT software. In the TwinCAT Router Editor, we select the "Add" option and then choose the "Scan Broadcast" function. This will search for the hardware controller and automatically assign the IP address. Alternatively, in the TwinCAT software, we can use the search target function to find the device and switch to the IP address mode.

Please Note: If the connection does not Show any errors and the IP address is successfully assigned, we can proceed to the next step.

3. Using the TwinCAT Software

To begin the configuration process, we can open the TwinCAT software and Create a new project. Within the new project, we have the option to select the TwinCAT projects and choose the controller we want to connect to. If the connection is successful, the software will display a Blue indicator, indicating that it is communicating with the controller. If there are any connection errors or issues, the indicator may display a question mark or an error symbol. In such cases, we can increase the connection timeout or troubleshoot the connection before proceeding.

Tip: Using the TwinCAT software allows us to have more control and flexibility over the configuration process.

4. Building a New Project

Once connected to the controller, we can start building our new project. This involves selecting the appropriate hardware modules and configuring the input and output tags. By properly setting up the project offline, we can save time and streamline the design process. It's important to ensure that the offline hardware configuration matches the actual hardware configuration to avoid any mismatches during the upload process.

5. Uploading the Online Hardware Configuration

To upload the online hardware configuration, we can utilize the scan function. The scan function scans for all connected devices that can be reached via Ethernet or other means of connectivity. By selecting the appropriate devices, we can initiate the scan and upload the online hardware configuration. This process saves us time by automatically configuring the devices instead of manually programming each component.

6. Understanding the Scan Function

The scan function is an essential tool for uploading and configuring the online hardware. It allows us to search and discover the connected devices, whether they are connected via Ethernet cables or USB connections. The scan function provides a convenient way to identify and configure the devices, making the programming process more efficient. It also provides a free run mode, which enables technicians to test and troubleshoot the input and output signals without having to rely on a program.

7. Comparing Offline and Online Hardware Configurations

Sometimes, the offline hardware configuration may not match the actual hardware after mounting. In such cases, we can use the scan function to compare the offline and online hardware configurations. By initiating the scan function, we can identify any differences or mismatches between the two configurations. This helps us identify the areas that need adjustments, ensuring a smooth and accurate hardware configuration.

8. Using the Scan Function to Identify Mismatches

To identify the mismatches between the offline and online hardware configurations, we can use the scan function. By initiating the scan and comparing the configurations, the software will highlight any inconsistencies or differences. We can then use this information to make the necessary adjustments to ensure that the offline and online configurations Align seamlessly.

9. Benefits of Using the Scan Function

The scan function offers several benefits that enhance the efficiency and convenience of our projects. Firstly, it allows us to separate the logic programming and hardware configuration, allowing Parallel work and faster completion. Secondly, it provides a clear visualization of the input and output modules, making it easier to manage and troubleshoot the system. Lastly, it enables us to declare and program the tags separately, making it more efficient and organized.


  • Uploading online and hardware configurations
  • Connecting the hardware using TwinCAT software
  • Comparing offline and online hardware configurations
  • Identifying and resolving mismatches using the scan function
  • Benefits of using the scan function in projects

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the scan function? A: The scan function allows us to discover and configure connected devices in our project. It helps streamline the hardware configuration process and identify any mismatches between the offline and online configurations.

Q: Can the scan function be used with devices connected via USB? A: Yes, the scan function can search for and configure devices connected via USB as well as Ethernet connections.

Q: How does the scan function save time in the configuration process? A: By automatically configuring the connected devices, the scan function eliminates the need for manual programming, saving time and effort.

Q: What are the benefits of using the scan function? A: The scan function enables separate logic programming and hardware configuration, provides visual representation of input and output modules, and allows for organized tag declaration and programming.

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