Master vocal isolation techniques

Master vocal isolation techniques

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of the Analogue Solutions Maximus
  3. Creating Tracks with the Maximus
  4. Exploring Similarities in Music
  5. Using Izotope RX10 for Editing Music Tracks
  6. Transferring Vocal Samples to Logic
  7. Mixing and Tweaking the Vocal Samples
  8. Adding Synths and Beats to the Track
  9. Finalizing the Complete Track
  10. Conclusion


The Analogue Solutions Maximus is a massive eight-voice polysynth that comes with individual sequencers for each voice. In this article, we will explore the capabilities of the Maximus and how it can be used as an analog workstation to Create amazing tracks. We will also discuss the process of using Izotope RX10 for quick and efficient editing of music tracks. Finally, we will explore the process of transferring vocal samples to Logic and the steps involved in mixing and tweaking the samples to create a complete track. So let's dive in and discover the world of music creation with the Analogue Solutions Maximus.

Overview of the Analogue Solutions Maximus

Before we Delve into the details of music creation with the Maximus, let's take a moment to understand what makes this polysynth so unique and powerful. The Maximus is equipped with eight voices, each with its own sequencer. This allows for the creation of intricate and complex tracks, similar to an analog workstation. With its versatile and robust features, the Maximus opens up a world of possibilities for musicians and producers.

Creating Tracks with the Maximus

In this section, we will explore the process of creating tracks using the Maximus. The author shares their experience of creating a loop track inspired by a Beatles song and shares their Journey of discovering new possibilities with the synth. By utilizing the sequencers on each voice, the author was able to create a mesmerizing loop track with captivating drums and a distinct guitar pattern. The simplicity and ease of use of the Maximus made the track creation process effortless.

Exploring Similarities in Music

Drawing inspiration from iconic songs, the author discovered the similarities between synth tracks and loop tracks. The author took inspiration from John Lennon's "Working Class Hero" and realized that it could be treated as a synth loop, with the vocals layered over it. This realization led the author to explore new avenues in music creation and pushed the boundaries of their creativity.

Using Izotope RX10 for Editing Music Tracks

In this section, the author discusses the use of Izotope RX10 for editing music tracks. With the help of this powerful tool, the author was able to quickly and efficiently separate vocal samples from the original track. By adjusting the separation parameter, the author achieved desired results in no time. Although some artifacts were present, they didn't hinder the overall quality of the separated vocal samples.

Transferring Vocal Samples to Logic

Once the vocal samples were separated, the author transferred them to Logic for further manipulation. By color-coding and chopping the samples, the author was able to identify different sections and easily make live tweaks on the synths. The author also emphasizes the importance of finding the right balance between vocal phrases and loops, creating a smooth and Cohesive track.

Mixing and Tweaking the Vocal Samples

In this section, the author delves into the process of mixing and tweaking the vocal samples in Logic. By adding effects such as compression and saturation, the author enhanced the overall sound of the vocal track. The author also highlights the importance of preserving the essence of the original vocals while adding a touch of creativity to make them stand out.

Adding Synths and Beats to the Track

To complement the vocal track, the author adds synths and beats to create a complete track. Utilizing the multiple voices of the Maximus, the author creates an 18-step arp loop and 12-step beats. The vocals seamlessly flow with the synths, creating a captivating and atmospheric track. The author also discusses the use of additional effects to further enhance the overall sound of the track.

Finalizing the Complete Track

In this section, the author discusses the final steps involved in completing the track. The author adds subtle noise shots and builds up the synths to create a Sense of progression within the track. The author also highlights the importance of creating a mood and transforming the song into a poem-like experience. The track is described as thought-provoking and raises Relevant questions about society and its impact on individuals.


In conclusion, the Analogue Solutions Maximus proves to be a powerful tool for music creation. With its versatile sequencers and unique capabilities, it allows musicians and producers to explore new avenues in their creative journey. By utilizing tools like Izotope RX10 and Logic, the process of editing and mixing tracks becomes seamless and efficient. The author's experience with the Maximus showcases the endless possibilities that this synth offers and opens up new horizons in music production.

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