Master your AI customization with Sodor Script in Soda Dungeon 2!

Master your AI customization with Sodor Script in Soda Dungeon 2!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Need for Sodor Script
  3. Control Over Heroes in Auto Combat State
  4. Initial Idea: Tweakable Menu Options
  5. Concerns and Limitations
  6. Introducing Sodor Scripting Engine
  7. Understanding Sodor Script
  8. Exploring Sodor Script Functions
  9. Addressing Complexity and User Adaptability
  10. Future Plans and Adaptations

Introducing Sodor Script: Empowering Players with AI Customization Abilities

In this month's Sodor dungeon update, we delve into the exciting world of Sodor Script, the in-Game AI scripting language that allows players to control their heroes in the auto combat state. The ability to customize hero actions has been one of the most sought-after features among players, with requests pouring in to fine-tune healing, skill usage, and optimize combat strategies. In this article, we will explore the journey that led us to develop Sodor Script, its functionalities, and the challenges faced in balancing complexity with user-friendly implementation.

1. Introduction

Sodor Dungeon, a popular game, has always strived to provide an immersive and interactive experience for its players. Building on the success of its predecessor, Sodor Dungeon 2 aims to empower players with greater control over their heroes by introducing Sodor Script, an AI scripting language.

2. The Need for Sodor Script

Controlling heroes in their auto combat state has been a long-standing desire of Sodor Dungeon players. The lack of fine-grained control often resulted in less efficient combat, with characters wasting precious resources on unnecessary actions. Recognizing this pain point, the development team set out on a Quest to find a solution that would strike the perfect balance between customization and simplicity.

3. Control Over Heroes in Auto Combat State

The initial idea to address this issue was to introduce a menu with tweakable options. Players would have been able to adjust parameters such as healing percentages, skill usage thresholds, and more. However, this approach presented a challenge: an influx of customization requests would lead to an overwhelming number of options, making it difficult to organize and maintain the menu effectively.

4. Initial Idea: Tweakable Menu Options

While a menu-based approach seemed promising at first, the possibility of spiraling complexity raised concerns about usability and game balance. The development team realized that allowing players full control over these options could potentially have unintended consequences and undermine the game's integrity. This led to a deeper exploration of alternative solutions that would strike a finer balance between customization and maintaining the game's core mechanics.

5. Concerns and Limitations

To address the complexity concerns, the team embarked on extensive research, exploring the integration of an actual scripting engine into the game. While this approach promised advanced customization capabilities, it also raised questions about usability. How many players would be willing to invest time and effort in learning a sub-language just to fine-tune their AI? Balancing simplicity while offering a robust scripting solution became the focal point of development.

6. Introducing Sodor Scripting Engine

After careful consideration and in response to player demands, the decision was made to introduce an AI scripting language called Sodor Script. This scripting engine would empower players with unparalleled control over their hero's actions during auto combat. The language was designed to strike a delicate balance, providing players with a focused set of commands while preventing them from going overboard with modifications.

7. Understanding Sodor Script

Sodor Script is a watered-down programming language that allows players to script their hero's actions during auto combat. While the language leverages certain standard programming concepts such as variables, conditionals, and basic math functions, it is tailored specifically for Sodor Dungeon's skill and combat-related actions.

8. Exploring Sodor Script Functions

Sodor Script offers a comprehensive range of functions that allow players to interact with various aspects of the game. From retrieving usable skills and random characters to accessing statistics and evaluating team dynamics, the language provides a diverse toolkit for constructing intricate combat strategies. The function list includes get random usable skill, get random character, get stat, get HP percent, get character with lowest/highest at, get team health/magic percent, check living characters, determine the current turn and battle number, and verify skill usability.

9. Addressing Complexity and User Adaptability

While Sodor Script presents an exciting opportunity for advanced customization, the development team acknowledges the potential complexity it introduces. To mitigate this, the initial implementation will be in beta form, allowing players to write scripts using a simple text editor and manually import them into the game's directory. This approach serves as a litmus test to gauge player interest in scripting and determine the need for further adaptations.

10. Future Plans and Adaptations

The development team aims to assess player response to Sodor Script and adapt future updates accordingly. Depending on user demand, implementation plans may include an in-game text editor, a restricted command list with preset parameters to avoid errors, or even an option tweaking menu. The team remains committed to striking the optimal balance between complexity and accessibility, ensuring an engaging and enjoyable experience for all players.

In conclusion, Sodor Script holds the potential to revolutionize combat customization in Sodor Dungeon 2. By introducing an AI scripting language, players can fine-tune their hero's actions during auto combat, optimizing skill usage and strategic decision-making. The journey towards developing Sodor Script was fueled by player feedback and a commitment to creating an unparalleled gaming experience. As the game evolves, the development team remains dedicated to refining this feature and delivering a seamless integration of scripting capabilities.


  • Sodor Script introduces advanced AI customization abilities in Sodor Dungeon 2.
  • Players can control their hero's actions during auto combat, optimizing skill usage and strategic decision-making.
  • The initial idea of tweakable menu options was replaced by an AI scripting language to balance customization and simplicity.
  • Sodor Script functions offer a diverse toolkit for constructing intricate combat strategies.
  • The implementation of Sodor Script will be rolled out in beta form to gauge player interest and adapt future updates.
  • The development team remains committed to striking the optimal balance between complexity and accessibility.


Q: Can players fine-tune healing percentages with Sodor Script? A: Yes, Sodor Script allows players to customize healing percentages and many other aspects of combat.

Q: Will there be an in-game text editor for Sodor Script? A: While not initially available, an in-game text editor may be implemented based on player demand.

Q: Is Sodor Script suitable for casual players? A: Sodor Script poses a level of complexity that may not be suitable for casual players. Future adaptations will aim to strike a balance between simplicity and customization options.

Q: Can players create their own scripts using Sodor Script? A: Yes, players can craft their own scripts using a text editor and import them into the game's directory.

Q: Will there be documentation for Sodor Script? A: The development team plans to produce comprehensive documentation to guide players in using Sodor Script effectively.

Resources: Sodor Dungeon website

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