Mastering AI Behavior: A Step-by-Step Guide

Mastering AI Behavior: A Step-by-Step Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the AI Override System
  3. Principles Behind Override Creation
  4. The AI Priority System
    • 4.1. The Close to Captain Priority
    • 4.2. Editing Priority and Active Overrides
    • 4.3. Handling Overrides in Top-Down Order
    • 4.4. Grayed Out, Wiped, and Blinking Overrides
  5. Planet and Ship Overrides
    • 5.1. Splitting Defense Self into Planet and Ship
    • 5.2. Swapping Overrides
  6. Adding a New Priority
    • 6.1. The Offensive Attack Order
    • 6.2. Adjusting Priority for Offensive Attack
    • 6.3. Demonstrating Priority Changes
  7. Using Importance Factors
  8. Customizing Sub Priorities
  9. Behavior Tweaks
  10. Creating Custom Captain Orders
  11. Modifying Program Priorities
  12. Modifying Power Levels
  13. Resetting to Defaults

Understanding the AI Override System

The AI override system is a powerful tool that allows players to customize the behavior of AI-controlled characters in the game. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at how the override system works and explore the principles behind creating effective overrides. We will also provide step-by-step instructions on how to Create custom AI behaviors using the override system.


The AI override system allows players to modify the default behaviors of AI-controlled characters in the game. By creating overrides, players can tailor the actions and priorities of the AI to suit their specific needs and strategies. In this article, we will Delve into the intricacies of the override system and provide insights into how it can be used to create unique and customized AI behaviors.

Understanding the AI Priority System

The AI priority system forms the foundation of the override system. It determines the order in which AI behaviors are executed and provides a framework for creating custom behaviors. The priority system is Based on a hierarchical structure, with different priorities assigned to different actions.

4.1. The Close to Captain Priority

One of the default priorities in the AI system is the "Close to Captain" priority. This priority causes the AI to move and stay close to the captain, increasing the priority to do so. By editing the priority, players can modify the behavior of the AI and control how closely they stay to the captain.

4.2. Editing Priority and Active Overrides

The AI priority system allows players to edit and manipulate priorities based on different conditions. By selecting different overrides, players can change the behavior of the AI in specific situations. The highest priority override that is selected becomes the active override and determines the AI's behavior.

4.3. Handling Overrides in Top-Down Order

Overrides are handled in a top-down order, meaning that the AI will prioritize and execute the overrides based on the order they are listed. The first override that meets the conditions will be selected as the active override. Players can use this order to create specific behaviors and actions for the AI.

4.4. Grayed Out, Wiped, and Blinking Overrides

Overrides can be categorized into three states: grayed out, wiped, and blinking. Grayed out means that the override is currently false, wiped means that it is true but not chosen, and blinking means that it is currently selected as the active override. Understanding these states can help players interpret the current behavior of the AI.

Planet and Ship Overrides

The AI override system allows players to create both planet-specific and ship-specific behaviors. This allows for more precise control and customization when dealing with different scenarios. By splitting defenses into planet and ship overrides, players can create more complex behaviors and actions for the AI.

5.1. Splitting Defense Self into Planet and Ship

To provide more control over defenses, the override system allows players to split defense self into separate planet and ship overrides. This allows for more precise actions and behaviors when dealing with specific scenarios. By assigning overrides to either the planet or the ship, players can tailor the defense behaviors to their specific needs.

5.2. Swapping Overrides

Overrides can be easily swapped to enable different behaviors. By selecting different overrides under the same behavior, players can create variations in AI actions and responses. This allows for a more dynamic and nuanced AI behavior, enhancing the overall gameplay experience.

Adding a New Priority

Players can add new priorities to the AI system to create additional behaviors and actions. By customizing these priorities, players can tailor the AI's response to specific situations. In this section, we will explore how to add a new priority and demonstrate its effects.

6.1. The Offensive Attack Order

To illustrate the process of adding a new priority, let's consider the example of the offensive attack order. By selecting the offensive attack override, players can increase the priority of specific actions, such as targeting enemy weapons or maneuvering towards the enemy.

6.2. Adjusting Priority for Offensive Attack

To adjust the priority for the offensive attack order, players can select the offensive attack override and modify its importance factor. The importance factor determines the relative importance of the override in the priority list and influences the AI's actions accordingly.

6.3. Demonstrating Priority Changes

By switching between different orders, such as offensive attack and defensive retreat, players can observe how the AI behavior changes based on the selected priority. This provides a tangible demonstration of how different priorities affect the AI's actions and responses in different situations.


The AI override system offers a wealth of customization options for players, allowing them to create unique and tailored AI behaviors. By understanding the principles behind the override system and the AI priority system, players can effectively manipulate the behavior of AI-controlled characters to suit their needs and strategies.

In summary, the AI override system provides a powerful tool for customizing AI behaviors. It allows players to fine-tune the actions and priorities of AI-controlled characters, enabling a more personalized and engaging gameplay experience. With careful consideration and experimentation, players can create AI behaviors that enhance the overall gameplay dynamics.


  1. The AI override system allows players to customize the behavior of AI-controlled characters.
  2. The AI priority system determines the order in which AI behaviors are executed.
  3. Overrides are handled in a top-down order, with the highest priority override being selected.
  4. Overrides can be grayed out, wiped, or blinking, indicating their Current state.
  5. Planet and ship overrides allow for more precise control and customization.
  6. Adding new priorities allows for the creation of unique behaviors.
  7. Adjusting priority importance factors influences the AI's actions.
  8. Swapping overrides creates variations in AI behavior.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I reset the AI override system to its default settings?

A: Yes, You can reset the AI override system to its default settings by using the "Reset to Defaults" option in the save/load menu.

Q: How can I create a custom captain order?

A: To create a custom captain order, Type the desired text in the captain order field and customize the AI's response using overrides and priorities.

Q: Can I modify program priorities for specific orders?

A: Yes, you can modify program priorities for specific orders. By adjusting the priority values, you can control the frequency and likelihood of certain programs being executed.

Q: Can I modify power levels for specific orders?

A: Yes, you can modify power levels for specific orders. By assigning priorities to individual power levels, you can control the allocation of power for different systems based on specific orders or behaviors.

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