Mastering AI Dungeon 2

Mastering AI Dungeon 2

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Tips for Better AI Dungeon 2 Experience
    1. Use Full Stops in Your Sentences
    2. Avoid Multiple Sentences and Commas
    3. Prefix Speaking Actions
    4. Keep Track of Introduced Characters and Objects
    5. Use Slash Revert to Scrutinize Yourself
    6. Accept Failed Actions
    7. Use Keywords from Favorite Universes
    8. Start Your Actions with a Verb
    9. Refer to Yourself in Second Person
    10. Use Exclamation Point for Stubborn AI
    11. Strike a Balance Between Actions and Outcomes
  3. Conclusion

Tips for Better AI Dungeon 2 Experience

AI Dungeon 2 is a popular game that allows players to Create their own stories and adventures. However, sometimes the AI can be unpredictable and not follow the actions that players want to take. In this article, we will provide some tips on how to get the AI to follow your actions and improve your overall experience.

Use Full Stops in Your Sentences

When creating sentences in AI Dungeon 2, it is important to use full stops at the end of your sentences. If you forget to add a full stop, the AI may treat it as an open sentence and take more liberty with the response. For example, if you want to say "pick up the notepad," it is better to say "pick up the notepad." rather than just "pick up the notepad" because if you don't put a period at the end, the AI may add more to that sentence, such as "you pick up the notepad and throw it in a furnace," when in reality you just wanted to pick up the notepad.

Avoid Multiple Sentences and Commas

The AI tends to get confused with more than one sentence and usually attempts to execute the last sentence, and not very well. Instead, use "and" in order to lengthen your sentence. For example, say "draw a claymore and/or kin the face" rather than "you draw your Claymore. You slash the ork in the face." While those two things might sound rather similar, the AI does not treat them as being the same, so you want to connect your sentences using "and" rather than having multiple sentences to begin with.

Prefix Speaking Actions

When You want to say something, prefix it with a speaking action. For example, you can say "say" and then in quotes, "We should burn the supplies." You can also choose who to speak to. For example, you can say "say to Benjamin" and then in quotes, "These lands belong to your father." This reinforces your character doing the action and specifies who you are speaking to.

Keep Track of Introduced Characters and Objects

It is important to keep track of introduced characters and their motives. You should also use "remember" in order to keep track of introduced objects, spells, or anything that builds onto the Lore of the world that you're in. Doing stuff like that can definitely keep your Sessions a lot more consistent.

Use Slash Revert to Scrutinize Yourself

Punish yourself by using "revert" more. Scrutinize yourself before blaming the AI. Restructure your sentence or attempt the sentence again and see if you get a different response that you are happy with the phrasing. For example, if you try to do something and the AI says that you fail at whatever you do, it's just not okay when the AI has you do something totally different or unrelated or ignores what you did.

Accept Failed Actions

When you attempt an action, it's okay if the outcome is not what you wanted, but it's not okay if your character completely ignores the action. For example, "smash through the brick wall with your shoulder." The AI then says "you decide to go home and sleep." This is a failed action because your character didn't do the action you stated. However, if you get a response like "you attempt to smash the wall, but you are too frail," this is fine. You have attempted the action, but the game world/RNG rolled against you. Accept it as a part of the story.

Use Keywords from Favorite Universes

The AI may have knowledge on your favorite Universe. For example, the AI knows a lot about Warhammer 40k and Lord of the Rings. So, if you begin a prompt using keywords from these universes, you'll have a more focused story. From experience, that is definitely true, and it definitely knows more than you might think.

Start Your Actions with a Verb

Your action should begin with a verb, a doing word. For example, "hit," "slam," "jump," "grab," etc. Do not use "you" at the start of your sentence. It's okay to have "you" or anyone else anywhere else in your sentence. The game automatically puts "you" in front of your actions, so if you put "you" in front of your actions, you'll end up doing something like "you pick up the rock" rather than just being like "pick up the rock." This is why you should start with the action rather than starting with the identifying pronoun.

Refer to Yourself in Second Person

Do not refer to yourself in the first person. The AI recognizes your character in the second person, so always refer to yourself in the second person, saying "you" or "your." I noticed that people make this mistake a lot, and they get really confused by what's going on in the story. Just always make sure that if you are playing as the "you" of the story, that you specify who you are by using the words "you" and "your." If you're playing as another character, let's say you're playing in a multiplayer campaign, then you'll want to refer to your character by your character's name and pronouns directly associated with your character's name. Though I highly recommend if you're playing as a named character to trying not to use pronouns as much as possible and instead to focus on just using your character's name multiple times. That way, it prevents the AI from messing up and attributing your actions to other characters or to new characters entirely.

Use Exclamation Point for Stubborn AI

If the AI is stubborn and you really want to execute a certain action, use the exclamation point at the start of a sentence. For example, "The orc slumps over and triggers the trap!" Avoid using this excessively. Controlling the world is also fine, but the way he phrased it is as if you're trying to make something happen in the game, like maybe you hit the work, and you want it to stumble into the trap, but it isn't stumbling into the trap. The thing is, you're gonna have to decide what the boundary is. If you're trying to make something happen, and the AI says that you fail at whatever you do, then you just failed your action, and you should try other methods in order to achieve your goal. But if you want something to happen in the world that's unrelated to your character's actions, I think that's when it's more appropriate for you to use the exclamation point.

Strike a Balance Between Actions and Outcomes

It's okay to ignore some of what the AI says. For example, let's say you received a very good response, but the AI attempts to derail you at the end by saying "you hear an explosion" or something that isn't pertinent to your story so far. Just Continue with what you were planning on doing without acknowledging the erratic AI addition. Do not ignore it if the AI does wacky things like change your location and send you to bed or makes a couple of years pass by. Also, by the way, time skips aren't always bad. I've played some cool campaigns that have time Skipped forward, but getting sent home after doing an action is kind of annoying, and the AI does like to do that quite often. The "you hear an explosion" stuff, by the way, it's optional whether or not you want to explore that, which is what number eleven is really talking about. Overall, you need to strike a balance between making sure your actions are carried out and accepting a permanent outcome.


AI Dungeon 2 is a fun and exciting game that allows players to create their own stories and adventures. By following these tips, you can get the AI to follow your actions and improve your overall experience. Remember to use full stops in your sentences, avoid multiple sentences and commas, prefix speaking actions, keep track of introduced characters and objects, use slash revert to scrutinize yourself, accept failed actions, use keywords from favorite universes, start your actions with a verb, refer to yourself in the second person, use the exclamation point for stubborn AI, and strike a balance between actions and outcomes. With these tips, you can have a more immersive and enjoyable experience in AI Dungeon 2.

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