Mastering Chess: Conquering ELO 2100 at Level 12

Mastering Chess: Conquering ELO 2100 at Level 12

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Difficulty of Computer Level 12
  3. Tactics and Development
  4. Overloading the Opponent
  5. Balancing Defense and Offense
  6. Exploiting Weaknesses
  7. Positional Play
  8. Making the Big Move
  9. Playing for Position, Not Peace Value
  10. Launching the Attack
  11. Defending and Resisting Counterattacks
  12. The Resignation and Victory
  13. Conclusion

🌟 Conquering the Hardest Level on the Chest Free App 🌟

Introduction: Playing against a formidable opponent in a chess game can be a thrilling experience. In this article, we will delve into the strategy and tactics used to achieve victory at the highest level of difficulty on the Chest Free App. Join me as I walk you through the game, move by move, explaining how I managed to conquer the computer at Level 12 and compel it to resign.

1. The Difficulty of Computer Level 12

Playing against the computer at Level 12 is no simple feat. With an Elo rating of 2100, the computer scrutinizes every move, picking apart any weaknesses in your position. It requires deep strategic thinking and precise decision-making to outwit the computer and gain the upper HAND.

2. Tactics and Development

To start the Game, I made a simple move, playing my knight to f3. This move aimed to develop my pieces efficiently. As the game progressed, I carefully considered each move, keeping a balanced approach to both defense and offense.

3. Overloading the Opponent

In this game, my usual strategy of overloading the opponent's position did not work as expected. The computer remained resilient, making it difficult for me to shift the balance in my favor. However, I persisted and looked for alternative ways to exploit weaknesses in the computer's defenses.

4. Balancing Defense and Offense

One crucial aspect of playing against Level 12 AI is to maintain a delicate balance between defense and offense. Instead of solely focusing on pushing forward, I strategically developed my pieces to create a formidable position. This forced the computer to react to my moves rather than relentlessly attacking my position.

5. Exploiting Weaknesses

As the game progressed, I identified an opportunity to exploit a positional weakness in the computer's setup. By leveraging this vulnerability, I set in motion a series of tactics that would ultimately lead to a breakthrough in the game.

6. Positional Play

Positional play played a vital role in my overall strategy. By carefully maneuvering my pieces and creating threats, I forced the computer into a defensive stance. This opened up avenues for future attacks and gave me a positional advantage.

7. Making the Big Move

In a critical moment, I executed a game-changing move that Altered the dynamics of the game. This move put tremendous pressure on the computer's position, leaving it with limited options and forcing it to make compromising moves.

8. Playing for Position, Not Peace Value

Instead of prioritizing piece trades, I played for a stronger position. Understanding that grinding the computer down was not a viable strategy, I opted to seize positional advantages that would pave the way for a decisive attack.

9. Launching the Attack

With a solid position and the computer on the defensive, I launched a relentless attack. By coordinating my pieces and exploiting weak points, I brought my queen into the fray, threatening to deliver a checkmate.

10. Defending and Resisting Counterattacks

Even as my attack intensified, I remained vigilant in defending my position. The computer attempted to launch a counterattack, but I swiftly responded with a defensive move that neutralized its threats.

11. The Resignation and Victory

With the computer's position crumbling under the weight of my relentless attack, it finally conceded defeat. The resignation signaled my triumph over the formidable opponent at Level 12.

Conclusion: Conquering the highest level of difficulty on the Chest Free App requires a combination of strategic thinking, precise execution, and adaptability. By carefully analyzing the game and exploiting weaknesses, victory is attainable even against the most challenging opponents. Remember, it is not always about brute force or peace value but about positioning, tactics, and unexpected moves that can lead to a triumphant outcome.


  • Playing against Level 12 AI on the Chest Free App
  • Balancing defense and offense to gain an advantage
  • Exploiting positional weaknesses to break through
  • Launching a relentless attack and achieving victory


Q: Is it possible to beat the computer at Level 12? A: Yes, with careful strategy and tactical play, victory against Level 12 AI is within reach.

Q: How important is positional play in the game against the computer? A: Positional play is crucial in creating a strong foundation for launching successful attacks and securing victory.

Q: What should be my focus when playing against Level 12 AI? A: It is essential to balance defense and offense, exploit weaknesses, and make decisive moves to outmaneuver the computer.


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