Mastering CI Builds with Mirror Tier Grasping Mail

Mastering CI Builds with Mirror Tier Grasping Mail

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting the Goal
  3. Crafting Materials and Techniques
  4. The Possibility of T1 Spell Suppression
  5. Determining the Chances of Hitting T1 Intellect
  6. Multi-Modding for Additional Attributes
  7. Reforging for Defense
  8. Exploring Hybrid Modifiers
  9. Utilizing Searing Orbs
  10. The Importance of Tailoring Orbs
  11. Exquisite Eater or Exceptional?
  12. Leaving it to Chance
  13. The Outcome and Reflection
  14. Conclusion

Crafting the Perfect CI Grasping Mail for Aura Stackers and CI Builds

In this article, we will Delve into the intricate art of crafting the CI Grasping Mail, a highly sought-after chest piece for aura stackers and various CI builds. We will explore the step-by-step process, considering the goals and techniques required to achieve the desired outcomes. Join us on this crafting Journey and discover the possibilities of creating a defensive masterpiece.


Crafting in Path of Exile is a Blend of strategy, patience, and a touch of luck. The CI Grasping Mail, with its potential for high intellect and spell suppression, presents a tantalizing challenge for crafters. In this article, we will explore the various methods and decisions made during the crafting process, shedding light on the intricacies of creating the perfect piece of armor.

Setting the Goal

The first step in any crafting endeavor is to define the goal. In this case, our main focus is to obtain a Tier 1 intellect stat on the Grasping Mail. Additionally, we aim for the elusive Tier 1 spell suppression, a highly desirable mod that enhances the defensive capabilities of the armor. Setting clear objectives allows us to strategize and make informed decisions throughout the crafting process.

Crafting Materials and Techniques

To achieve our desired attributes, we employ a combination of pristine, corroded, dense, and faceted fossils. These fossils serve to block unwanted Mods and increase the chances of obtaining the desired attributes. By carefully selecting and applying these fossils, we Create an environment where intellect becomes the most common mod, increasing our chances of hitting Tier 1.

The Possibility of T1 Spell Suppression

While Tier 1 intellect is our main goal, the possibility of attaining Tier 1 spell suppression with plus one intellect Gems cannot be ignored. This combination would allow us to reach 35 intellect through Ashland. Although it may seem almost impossible to achieve, we remain open to the potential of hitting this coveted combination. The crafting gods may smile upon us yet.

Determining the Chances of Hitting T1 Intellect

As we progress in the crafting process, it is essential to evaluate the probability of hitting our desired mods. Calculating the chances of hitting Tier 1 intellect is crucial in managing expectations and making informed decisions. We discover that the chances of hitting Tier 1 intellect with multiple exalt slams are approximately 1 in 114, a rather slim margin.

Multi-Modding for Additional Attributes

While Tier 1 intellect remains our primary focus, we also Seek to maximize the armor's potential by adding other desirable attributes. The process of multi-modding allows us to enhance the defensive capabilities of the Grasping Mail, ensuring its suitability for various builds. By utilizing specific crafting techniques and mods, we can create a well-rounded piece of armor that offers a range of benefits to the wearer.

Reforging for Defense

In our pursuit of the perfect CI Grasping Mail, we turn our Attention to reforging for defense. By manipulating the available prefixes and suffixes, we can further optimize the armor's defensive properties. While exploring the various hybrid modifiers, we must remain aware of our specific requirements and avoid unwanted combinations that may hinder our progress.

Exploring Hybrid Modifiers

The inclusion of hybrid modifiers offers both opportunities and challenges in our crafting journey. While they may introduce additional defensive stats, they may not Align with our desired outcome. Careful consideration and analysis are necessary to ensure that the hybrid mods work in our favor and contribute to the overall effectiveness of the armor.

Utilizing Searing Orbs

As we make our way through the crafting process, the perfect combination of mods may prove elusive. Searing orbs become our ally in addressing this challenge. By selectively rerolling specific mods, we can narrow down the possibilities and increase our chances of hitting the desired outcomes. This additional technique enables us to fine-tune the armor to meet our exact specifications.

The Importance of Tailoring Orbs

Tailoring orbs offer a unique opportunity to modify the attributes of an item, providing the much-needed flexibility in our crafting endeavors. By skillfully using these orbs, we can customize the armor to align with our build requirements. The precise application of tailoring orbs can make a significant difference in the overall performance and usability of the Grasping Mail.

Exquisite Eater or Exceptional?

The crafting process presents us with a choice between exquisite eater and exceptional orbs. Deciding on the best course of action requires careful consideration of the desired outcomes and the potential risks involved. Understanding the impact of each orb and its compatibility with our goals is crucial in making an informed decision that will ultimately Shape the final armor piece.

Leaving it to Chance

Throughout the crafting journey, chance plays a significant role. As we explore various mods and techniques, we place our trust in the whims of RNG. With each exalt slam, augmentation, and refinement, we place our hopes and aspirations in the hands of probability. It is a thrilling and nerve-wracking experience, where every outcome brings us one step closer to crafting perfection.

The Outcome and Reflection

After countless attempts, we finally arrive at our desired outcome. The CI Grasping Mail stands ready, boasting its impressive defensive stats and intellect attributes. However, the crafting journey was not without its challenges and setbacks. The pursuit of that elusive Tier 1 spell suppression led us down a path of uncertainty, where we had to reevaluate our strategies and navigate the treacherous terrain of crafting. We learn from our experiences and reflect on the choices made, always seeking to improve and refine our future crafting endeavors.


Crafting the perfect CI Grasping Mail requires a delicate balance of strategy, skill, and luck. Our exploration of the crafting process has shed light on the intricate decisions, techniques, and challenges faced by crafters in Path of Exile. As we delve further into the realm of crafting, we Continue to learn and adapt, always striving for perfection. The CI Grasping Mail serves as a testament to the possibilities that lie within the crafters' grasp, awaiting those bold enough to endeavor into the world of Poe crafting.


  1. Unveiling the intricacies of crafting the CI Grasping Mail
  2. Strategies for hitting Tier 1 intellect and spell suppression
  3. Evaluating the chances of obtaining desired mods
  4. Maximizing the defensive potential through multi-modding and reforging
  5. Navigating the challenges of hybrid mods and tailoring orbs


Q: What is the CI Grasping Mail used for in Path of Exile? A: The CI Grasping Mail is a highly sought-after chest piece used primarily by aura stackers and CI builds for its defensive capabilities.

Q: What are the chances of hitting Tier 1 intellect with exalt slams? A: The chances of hitting Tier 1 intellect with exalt slams are approximately 1 in 114.

Q: Can the CI Grasping Mail be customized to suit specific build requirements? A: Yes, through the use of tailoring orbs, the CI Grasping Mail can be modified to align with specific build requirements.

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