Mastering Classification Algorithms: A Guide to AI Development

Mastering Classification Algorithms: A Guide to AI Development

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Basics of Regression
  3. Linear Regression
    1. Function h of x
    2. Using Linear Regression for Classification
    3. Limitations of Linear Regression for Classification
  4. Classification
    1. Classification Algorithms
    2. Sigmoid Function
    3. Logistic Regression
  5. Cost Function
    1. Use of Cost Function in Logistic Regression
    2. Comparison with Linear Regression Cost Function
  6. Gradient Descent
    1. The Problem with Gradient Descent
    2. Fixing the Problem for Logistic Regression
  7. Training Logistic Regression
    1. Calculating the Derivatives
    2. Training Process
  8. Conclusion
  9. Future Topics
  10. Thank You!


Welcome to the third episode of AI Development 101! In this episode, we will explore the classification of data using machine learning algorithms. Classification algorithms are used to predict categories instead of numerical values. We will compare them to regression algorithms and understand their differences and applications.

Basics of Regression

Regression is a machine learning technique that helps us learn a function h of x, which predicts an output number Based on an input. It uses historical data to learn Patterns and make predictions, estimating continuous numerical values. We have already covered the basics of regression and its mathematical concepts in earlier episodes.

Linear Regression

Linear regression is a popular regression algorithm that uses a linear equation to predict numerical values. It assumes a linear relationship between the input features and the target variable. However, in classification problems, a linear regression model falls short as it cannot predict categorical outputs accurately. Let's explore classification algorithms to address this limitation.

Function h of x

To represent the relationship between input features and target variables in a regression model, we define a function h of x. In linear regression, this function is a straight line that approximates the relationship. However, when it comes to classification, a different Type of function is needed.

Using Linear Regression for Classification

One way to use linear regression for classification is by setting a threshold value. Values below this threshold are classified as one category, while those above the threshold are classified as another category. While this approach may work in some cases, it is not a reliable method as it relies heavily on luck.

Limitations of Linear Regression for Classification

The problem with using linear regression for classification is that it is sensitive to the data distribution. Adding a single data point of a different category can significantly affect the threshold and misclassify multiple instances. To overcome this limitation, we need to use classification algorithms specifically designed to handle categorical outputs.


Classification algorithms are a type of Supervised learning algorithms that predict discrete output values or categories based on input features. Instead of predicting numerical values, these algorithms classify data points into predefined categories or classes. Let's explore these algorithms in more Detail.

Classification Algorithms

There are various classification algorithms available, such as logistic regression, decision trees, random forests, support vector machines, and naive Bayes classification. Each algorithm has its own strengths and limitations, and the choice of algorithm depends on the nature of the problem and the type of data.

Sigmoid Function

In logistic regression, we use a special type of function called a sigmoid function or logistic function. This function maps any real-valued number to a value between 0 and 1. It has an S-Shaped curve that allows the model to fit the data points more accurately, especially in classification problems.

Logistic Regression

Logistic regression is a classification algorithm that uses the sigmoid function to make predictions. Despite its name, logistic regression is used for classification rather than regression tasks. The output of logistic regression is a probability value between 0 and 1, which can be interpreted as the likelihood of belonging to a specific category.

Cost Function

In logistic regression, we need a cost function to measure the difference between the predicted values and the actual values. The choice of a suitable cost function is essential to train the model effectively and minimize errors.

Use of Cost Function in Logistic Regression

The cost function in logistic regression is calculated using logarithm functions instead of squares used in linear regression. This new cost function penalizes the model when the predicted value is far from the actual value. By minimizing the cost function, we can find the optimal parameters theta 0 and theta 1 for our logistic regression model.

Comparison with Linear Regression Cost Function

The logistic regression cost function differs in Shape from the linear regression cost function. Instead of a smooth bowl-shaped curve, it has multiple valleys. This makes the optimization task more challenging as the traditional gradient descent algorithm can get stuck in suboptimal solutions.

Gradient Descent

Gradient descent is a common optimization algorithm used in training machine learning models. It helps us find the optimal values for the parameters of our model by iteratively adjusting them in the direction of steepest descent of the cost function.

The Problem with Gradient Descent

In logistic regression, the shape of the cost function becomes more complex due to the logarithmic terms. This complexity leads to multiple local minima and can cause the gradient descent algorithm to converge to a suboptimal solution.

Fixing the Problem for Logistic Regression

To address the optimization problem in logistic regression, we use a specific variation of the cost function and gradient descent algorithm. By modifying the cost function, we transform it into a smooth, Convex function that allows the gradient descent algorithm to find the global minimum, ensuring optimal parameter values.

Training Logistic Regression

Training logistic regression involves calculating the derivatives of the cost function with respect to the parameters theta 0 and theta 1. These derivatives guide the gradient descent algorithm in updating the parameters iteratively. The training process involves multiple epochs and iterations, progressively refining the model's performance.

Calculating the Derivatives

Derivatives of the cost function with respect to theta 0 and theta 1 can be derived using advanced calculus. The resulting equations are similar to those used in linear regression, making the training process familiar.

Training Process

The training process for logistic regression follows the same iterative steps as linear regression. It involves initializing the parameters, calculating the predicted values, computing the cost function, updating the parameters using gradient descent, and repeating this process until convergence. Through this training process, the model learns to classify data accurately.


In this episode, we explored the world of classification algorithms and their applications in machine learning. We learned about the limitations of linear regression for classification and introduced logistic regression as a powerful classification algorithm. We also discussed the cost function, gradient descent, and the training process for logistic regression. In the next episodes, we will Delve deeper into other regression and classification algorithms, ultimately leading us to the fascinating realm of neural networks.

Future Topics

In upcoming episodes, we will cover various regression and classification algorithms, including decision trees, random forests, support vector machines, and neural networks. We will dive into their working principles, advantages, and use cases. Stay tuned for more exciting episodes on AI Development 101!

Thank You!

We appreciate you taking the time to watch this episode of AI Development 101. If you enjoyed it and want to learn more, please subscribe to our Channel and follow us on LinkedIn for updates. Feel free to leave any questions or comments below. See you in the next episode!

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