Mastering Depth First Search: Solving Mazes with Python

Mastering Depth First Search: Solving Mazes with Python

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

2. Understanding Depth First Search

2.1 What is a Graph?

2.2 Mapping Graphs to Mazes

3. Depth First Search Algorithm

3.1 Depth First Search vs Breadth First Search

3.2 Implementing Depth First Search

4. Applying Depth First Search to Mazes

4.1 Creating a Maze

4.2 Running the Depth First Search Algorithm

4.3 Finding the Path from Start to Goal

5. Pros and Cons of Depth First Search

6. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the depth first search (DFS) algorithm and its application in solving mazes using Python. We will begin by understanding the basics of DFS and its relation to graph theory. Then, we will dive into the implementation of DFS and compare it with breadth first search (BFS). Next, we will see how the DFS algorithm can be applied to solve mazes. Finally, we will discuss the pros and cons of DFS and conclude with a summary.

Understanding Depth First Search

2.1 What is a Graph?

Before we delve into the depth first search algorithm, let's first understand the concept of a graph. In graph theory, a graph is a network that visualizes the relationships between different components. The components are represented as nodes or vertices, and the relationships between them are represented as edges. For example, a graph can represent a network of friends and their connections or a mapping system like Google Maps that shows the intersections and roads between them.

2.2 Mapping Graphs to Mazes

In the context of maze-solving, we can represent a maze as a graph. Each cell in the maze corresponds to a node in the graph, and the paths between the cells correspond to edges in the graph. By modeling a maze as a graph, we can apply graph search algorithms like depth first search to find the optimal path from the start cell to the goal cell.

Depth First Search Algorithm

3.1 Depth First Search vs Breadth First Search

Depth First Search (DFS) and Breadth First Search (BFS) are two common search algorithms used in graph theory. Both algorithms are uninformed searches, meaning they do not have prior information about the location of the goal. However, there are some key differences between DFS and BFS.

DFS explores the graph by following a path until it reaches a dead end, then backtracking and exploring another path. It does not guarantee finding the shortest path between two nodes. On the other HAND, BFS explores the graph by visiting all neighbors of a node before moving on to the next level. It guarantees finding the shortest path between two nodes but requires more memory.

In this article, we will focus on implementing the DFS algorithm for solving mazes.

3.2 Implementing Depth First Search

Now, let's dive into the implementation of the depth first search algorithm. The DFS algorithm can be implemented using a stack data structure. In Python, we can use a list as a stack by utilizing the append and pop functions.

The pseudocode for the DFS algorithm is as follows:

  1. Push the start cell into the frontier and explore lists.
  2. Repeat the following steps until the goal is reached or the frontier is empty: a. Pop a cell from the frontier as the current cell. b. Explore each direction from the current cell in a specified order. c. If a child cell is already in the explore list, do nothing. d. If a child cell is not in the explore list, append it to both the frontier and explore lists.

By following this algorithm, we can search for the goal cell within the maze and create a path from the start cell to the goal cell.

Applying Depth First Search to Mazes

4.1 Creating a Maze

To apply the depth first search algorithm to mazes, we first need to create a maze. In this article, we will use a module called "mazepy" to generate random mazes of different sizes. You can find the link to this module in the resources section at the end of the article.

Here's an example code snippet to generate a random maze of size 5x5 using the "mazepy" module:

import mazepy

maze = mazepy.create_maze(5, 5)

Once we have our maze, we can Visualize it and start applying the depth first search algorithm.

4.2 Running the Depth First Search Algorithm

To run the depth first search algorithm on the maze, we need to define the start and goal cells. In this example, let's assume the start cell is (0, 0) and the goal cell is the bottom-right cell of the maze.

We also need to create two lists: the frontier list and the explored list. The frontier list will contain the cells to explore, and the explored list will contain the cells that have been visited.

Here's the implementation of the depth first search algorithm in Python:

def dfs(maze):
    start_cell = (0, 0)
    goal_cell = (maze.rows - 1, maze.columns - 1)

    frontier = [start_cell]
    explored = [start_cell]

    while frontier:
        current_cell = frontier.pop()

        if current_cell == goal_cell:

        for direction in [maze.EAST, maze.NORTH, maze.WEST, maze.SOUTH]:
            child_cell = maze.get_child_cell(current_cell, direction)

            if child_cell in explored:


    return explored

In this implementation, we use the maze object, which represents our maze, to access the necessary functions and attributes. The maze.EAST, maze.North, maze.WEST, and maze.SOUTH variables represent the four cardinal directions.

4.3 Finding the Path from Start to Goal

Once the depth first search algorithm has been applied to the maze, we can find the path from the start cell to the goal cell. We can do this by creating a dictionary called dfs_path, where the keys are the child cells and the values are the corresponding parent cells.

Here's the code to find the path from start to goal:

def find_path(maze, dfs_path):
    start_cell = (0, 0)
    goal_cell = (maze.rows - 1, maze.columns - 1)

    forward_path = {}
    current_cell = goal_cell

    while current_cell != start_cell:
        parent_cell = dfs_path[current_cell]
        forward_path[current_cell] = parent_cell
        current_cell = parent_cell

    forward_path[start_cell] = None

    return forward_path

In this code snippet, we start from the goal cell and traverse back to the start cell, storing the parent-child relationship in the forward_path dictionary.

Finally, by combining the dfs and find_path functions, we can obtain the final path from the start cell to the goal cell using the depth first search algorithm.

Pros and Cons of Depth First Search

Now that we have explored the depth first search algorithm and its application to mazes, let's discuss the pros and cons of using DFS.


  • DFS is simple to implement and understand.
  • It can be memory efficient for large graphs.
  • It can find a solution quickly if the goal is located near the start node.


  • DFS does not guarantee finding the shortest path between two nodes.
  • It can get stuck in infinite loops if there are cycles in the graph.
  • The execution time of DFS can vary greatly depending on the structure of the graph.


Depth first search is a powerful algorithm that can be used to solve maze problems and explore graphs. It offers a simple and intuitive approach to traversal, but it may not always lead to the optimal solution. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of DFS, we can effectively utilize it in various scenarios.

In this article, we covered the basics of DFS, its implementation, and its application to maze-solving. We also discussed the pros and cons of using DFS. Hopefully, this article has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of DFS and its role in solving maze problems.

Thank you for reading!

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