Mastering Google Bard: A Beginner's Guide

Mastering Google Bard: A Beginner's Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Google Bard?
  3. How to Use Google Bard
  4. Features of Google Bard
    • Dark Mode
    • Text-to-Speech Feature
    • Including Photos in Articles
    • Comparison with Other AI Chatbots
  5. Pros and Cons of Google Bard
  6. Increasing the Length of Generated Text
  7. Recent Activity and Search History
  8. Resetting and Regenerating Drafts
  9. Copying, Googling, and Exporting Text
  10. FAQ

How to Use Google Bard

Google Bard is an AI Chatbot developed by Google that combines the power of chat GPT and Google's intelligence to provide a helpful and informative companion. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use Google Bard effectively.

  1. To access Google Bard, simply go to Google and Type "Google Bard" in the search bar.
  2. Tap on the "Meet Bard" option to be redirected to the Google Bard page.
  3. On the Google Bard page, tap on "Try Bard" to start using the chatbot.
  4. You can type in your prompt or use the microphone icon to speak your request.
  5. After entering your prompt, tap on "Submit" to generate the text.

Features of Google Bard

Dark Mode

Google Bard offers a dark mode option for users who prefer a different viewing experience. To activate dark mode, simply tap on the moon icon located at the bottom left-HAND corner of the screen.

Text-to-Speech Feature

One of the standout features of Google Bard is its text-to-speech capability. By using the microphone icon, you can convert your spoken words into text. This feature is particularly useful for those who prefer dictating their requests instead of typing them.

Including Photos in Articles

When generating an article, Google Bard not only provides a detailed text but also includes Relevant photos. The photos are linked back to their original sources, allowing users to access more information about the images. This feature makes Google Bard a powerful tool for content Creators and Website owners.

Comparison with Other AI Chatbots

Google Bard sets itself apart from other AI chatbots through its data source and language model. Unlike chat GPT, which has its latest update in 2021, Bard is constantly updated by Google, utilizing their newest language model. This makes Bard more powerful and capable of generating creative and informative Texts. Additionally, Bard is designed to be a helpful and informative companion, focusing on providing accurate information rather than entertaining or engaging users.

Pros and Cons of Google Bard


  • Constant updates ensure Bard is up-to-date with the latest language model.
  • The text-to-speech feature allows for voice input, making it more accessible.
  • Including photos in generated articles adds visual appeal and credibility.
  • Bard is designed to provide accurate and informative information, making it reliable for various tasks.


  • The text generation may still lack Context retention during longer conversations.
  • Some features of Bard may not be available in all countries, territories, or languages.

Increasing the Length of Generated Text

Google Bard allows users to increase the length of the generated text by specifying the desired word limit. By tapping on the Pencil icon, users can change the prompt and set the exact amount of text they want, ranging from a thousand words to several thousand words.

Recent Activity and Search History

To check your recent activity and search history, go to the left-hand menu option and tap on "Board Activity." This page displays your recent interactions with Google Bard. If you prefer not to keep track of your activity, you can turn off the auto-delete feature. Additionally, you have the option to delete specific search history entries.

Resetting and Regenerating Drafts

If you want to start anew or change the generated text, you can reset the chat history by tapping on "Recent Chat" at the top left-hand corner. From there, select "Reset," and all the Current text on the screen will be deleted. To regenerate the draft, go to the top right-hand corner and tap on "View Other Drafts." Then, click on "Regenerate Draft," and a new version of the text will be generated.

Copying, Googling, and Exporting Text

Google Bard offers several options for working with the generated text. By tapping on the three dots at the bottom right-hand corner, you can copy the text, search it on Google, or export it. The export option allows you to export the text to a document or send it via email.


Q: Can Google Bard help with coding? A: Yes, Google Bard can assist with coding tasks.

Q: Why doesn't Google Bard retain the context in longer conversations? A: Bard's ability to retain context is currently limited. However, as it continues to learn, its context retention during longer conversations will improve.

Q: What languages does Google Bard support? A: Google Bard is currently available in U.S English, Japanese, and Korean. Google is actively working to teach Bard more languages.

Q: Is Google Bard available worldwide? A: While Google is committed to rolling out Bard responsibly, some features may not be available in all countries, territories, or languages.

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