Mastering Inference: Forward and Backward Chaining Algorithms

Mastering Inference: Forward and Backward Chaining Algorithms

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Knowledge-Based Systems
    1. Logical Agents
    2. Knowledge Base
    3. Propositional Logic
    4. Horn Clauses
    5. Definite Clauses
  3. Forward Chaining Algorithm
    1. Implications of Horn Clauses
    2. And-Or Trees
    3. Counting literals
    4. Symbols Evaluation
    5. Simplification by Modus Ponens
  4. Backward Chaining Algorithm
    1. Goal-Driven Approach
    2. Recursive Evaluation
    3. Avoiding Loops
  5. Comparison: Forward Chaining vs Backward Chaining
    1. Data-Driven vs Goal-Driven
    2. Generating Inferences vs Proving Goals
    3. Complexity
  6. Conclusion
  7. Resources


In this article, we will delve into the realm of knowledge-based systems and explore two key algorithms for inference: forward chaining and backward chaining. Knowledge-based systems rely on logical agents and a knowledge base, which consists of propositional logic statements encoded in the form of horn clauses. These horn clauses, and their more specific counterparts, definite clauses, Present an efficient way to represent knowledge. Forward chaining and backward chaining algorithms help extract information and prove or disprove queries based on the given knowledge base.

Knowledge-Based Systems

Knowledge-based systems are a branch of artificial intelligence that utilize logical agents to store and manipulate knowledge. The foundation of a knowledge-based system lies in its knowledge base, which is a collection of propositional logic statements or clauses.

Forward Chaining Algorithm

The forward chaining algorithm is a data-driven approach that aims to make inferences based on the given knowledge base. It begins by organizing the knowledge base into a structure called an and-or tree. This tree represents the relationships between different literals and clauses.

To evaluate the symbols in the knowledge base, the algorithm uses a process of counting literals. Each symbol is associated with a count, representing the number of literals in which it appears as a premise. As the algorithm progresses, it iteratively decreases the count for each symbol and checks if it reaches zero, indicating that the symbol is true.

The simplification process is achieved through the application of modus ponens. When all Relevant literals are evaluated and reduced to zero, the algorithm adds the conclusion to the set of expressions to be evaluated.

Backward Chaining Algorithm

In contrast to forward chaining, the backward chaining algorithm works in a goal-driven manner. It starts with the query or goal and recursively evaluates the premises required to prove or disprove the query.

The algorithm begins by backward chaining the query itself. It then works backwards from the query to evaluate the sub-goals required to prove the query. The process continues until all sub-goals are either proven true or have failed.

To avoid loops, the algorithm checks if a new sub-goal is already in the goal stack or has been proven true or false. This prevents redundant evaluations and improves efficiency.

Comparison: Forward Chaining vs Backward Chaining

Forward chaining and backward chaining algorithms have distinct characteristics that make them suitable for different scenarios.

Forward chaining is well-suited when there is a need to generate inferences and explore all possible consequences based on the given knowledge base. It enables the system to make a comprehensive assessment of the available information. However, it may perform unnecessary evaluations, leading to increased complexity.

On the other HAND, backward chaining is preferred when the goal is to prove or disprove a specific query or goal. It focuses on working backward from the query, evaluating only the premises necessary to reach the desired conclusion. This approach is highly efficient and avoids unnecessary evaluations.

In terms of complexity, backward chaining can often be much less than linear because it only explores relevant clauses and avoids unnecessary traversals. This makes backward chaining a desirable approach when dealing with large knowledge bases.


Knowledge-based systems employ inference algorithms such as forward chaining and backward chaining to extract information from a knowledge base and prove or disprove queries. While forward chaining explores all possible inferences, backward chaining takes a goal-driven approach to prove desired conclusions. The choice between these algorithms depends on the specific requirements of the system and the nature of the problem at hand.


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