Mastering Line Quality: 6 Habits to Improve Your Art

Mastering Line Quality: 6 Habits to Improve Your Art

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Importance of Line Quality in Drawing
  3. Common Mistakes in Line Quality
    • Short scratchy lines
    • Chaotic searching lines
  4. Tips for Practicing Better Line Quality
    • Find a comfortable speed
    • Follow through with your strokes
    • Use your whole arm
    • Ghosting your lines
    • Rotate the paper
    • Use simple strokes
  5. Conclusion

The Importance of Line Quality in Drawing

Drawing is a form of art that heavily relies on lines. Lines are used as placeholders, to indicate perspective, contour, and gesture in the early stages of a drawing. They are also used in the final stages of a drawing to Create shading, tonal values, and guide the viewer's eye. However, poor line quality can quickly ruin a drawing and leave a negative impression of your skills. Developing good line quality habits is essential for artists to enhance the visual impact of their drawings.

Common Mistakes in Line Quality

Newer artists often make two common mistakes when it comes to line quality: short scratchy lines and chaotic searching lines. Short scratchy lines give off a feeling of anxiety and lack of confidence to the viewer. On the other HAND, chaotic searching lines can be used deliberately by more experienced artists to create a specific effect. However, for beginners, it is important to focus on drawings with attractive line quality to develop good habits.

Tips for Practicing Better Line Quality

  1. Find a comfortable speed: Practice drawing with tapered strokes at a speed that allows You to be fluid, relaxed, and confident. Drawing consciously and with purpose ensures better line quality.
  2. Follow through with your strokes: Just like in baseball, following through with your swing after hitting the ball results in more power and accuracy. The same principle applies to drawing. By pulling your hand towards the intended endpoint and following through, you can improve the quality and motion of your lines.
  3. Use your whole arm: Instead of relying solely on your fingers, use your whole arm when drawing. This allows for gradual lifting of the Pencil off the page, creating a tapered end to your lines.
  4. Ghosting your lines: Before drawing an actual line, practice ghosting it by hovering your pencil slightly above the paper. This helps in visualizing the stroke and ensures cleaner, less wobbly lines. Ghosting also improves accuracy by familiarizing your arm with the motion before committing to the line.
  5. Rotate the paper: If certain angles feel awkward when drawing, try rotating the paper to find a more natural and comfortable angle for your strokes. This can greatly improve the quality and fluidity of your lines.
  6. Use simple strokes: Construct complex lines using simple strokes such as C curves, S-curves, and straights. Trying to draw with more complicated strokes can result in messy and chaotic lines, especially for beginners. Stick to simple strokes for better fluidity and accuracy.


Line quality plays a significant role in the visual impact of a drawing. By avoiding common mistakes, practicing the tips Mentioned above, and developing good habits, artists can enhance their line quality and create captivating drawings. Practicing with intention and focusing on attractive line quality will ultimately lead to mastery in drawing.


  • Line quality is crucial in creating visually appealing drawings.
  • Short scratchy lines and chaotic searching lines are common mistakes.
  • Practicing with tapered strokes and finding a comfortable speed improves line quality.
  • Following through with strokes and using the whole arm enhance the motion of the lines.
  • Ghosting lines before drawing helps improve accuracy and confidence.
  • Rotating the paper and using simple strokes contribute to better line quality.


Q: Why is line quality important in drawing? A: Line quality greatly impacts the overall visual impact of a drawing. Good line quality creates a sense of confidence and professionalism, while poor line quality can give off a negative impression of the artist's skills.

Q: What are some common mistakes in line quality? A: Two common mistakes are short scratchy lines and chaotic searching lines. Short scratchy lines convey anxiety and lack of confidence, while chaotic searching lines can be ineffective for beginners.

Q: How can I improve my line quality? A: Some tips to practice better line quality include finding a comfortable speed, following through with strokes, using your whole arm, ghosting lines before drawing, rotating the paper, and using simple strokes.

Q: What is ghosting in drawing? A: Ghosting refers to the practice of drawing a line multiple times with your pencil hovering slightly above the paper without making a mark. This technique helps in visualizing and executing cleaner lines.

Q: Why is rotating the paper important in drawing? A: Rotating the paper allows artists to find more natural and comfortable angles for their strokes. It can help overcome awkward angles and improve the overall quality and fluidity of lines.

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