Mastering Synthesizer V voices: Avoiding Common Solaria Mistakes

Mastering Synthesizer V voices: Avoiding Common Solaria Mistakes

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Common Mistakes with AI Voice Solaria 2.1 Length of the Bars 2.2 Pay Attention to the Melody 2.3 Sound and Timing of Spoken Words 2.4 Timing 2.5 Loudness of Notes 2.6 Pleasing Pitch for High Notes 2.7 Don't Settle for Anything Less 2.8 Fit the Voice Settings to Your Lyrics
  3. Choosing Between Solaria Light and Solaria Pro 3.1 Benefits of Solaria Light 3.2 Benefits of Solaria Pro 3.3 Considerations for Choosing
  4. Conclusion

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Composing with AI Voice Solaria

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized the way we Create and produce music. One such AI voice that has gained popularity in the music industry is Solaria, created by Eclipsed Sounds in partnership with Dreamtonics. As a Composer who has been using Solaria for over a year, I have encountered common mistakes that many musicians make when working with this AI voice. In this article, I will address these mistakes and provide examples to help You avoid them.

1. Length of the Bars

One of the most important aspects to consider when composing with Solaria is the length of the bars. Each sentence that you want Solaria to sing needs its own timing and melody. It is crucial to avoid drawing bars of the same length for each syllable. Instead, focus on creating a timing that fits the vocal line and conveys the desired emotion. For example, instead of using bars of the same length for a sentence like "Complaining to the world, that's what I do best," create a timing that complements the lyrics and enhances the overall feeling.

2. Pay Attention to the Melody

While determining the timing of the vocals is essential, it is equally important to pay attention to the melody. Avoid staying on the same notes with little variation. Utilize your musical talent to create a melody that sounds interesting and adds depth to the composition. For instance, instead of using a monotonous melody like "Complaining to the world, that's what I do best," infuse variations and musicality to make it more captivating.

3. Sound and Timing of Spoken Words

To achieve a natural and pleasing vocal performance with Solaria, it is crucial to pay attention to the sound and timing of the spoken words. Avoid making the mistake of neglecting how the words will be sung. Consider how you would naturally pronounce and emphasize certain syllables. For example, instead of saying "broken promises like shattered Glass," place the emphasis on "bro-ken" and "prom-ises" to create a more authentic and expressive vocal performance.

4. Timing

Accurate timing is crucial in integrating the vocal line into your song. Ensure that accented syllables are placed on a bar line in your composition. Placing words randomly or anywhere other than the bar lines can create a disruptive and unsettling experience for the listener. For example, instead of placing the words "promises, broken like shattered glass" randomly, make sure they Align with the bar lines to maintain a Cohesive musical flow.

5. Loudness of Notes

Consider the loudness of the notes when working with Solaria. Higher notes are naturally louder than lower notes. Adjust the loudness so that it is pleasant to the listener's ear and doesn't overpower the overall composition. For instance, if certain words or notes appear too loud, use the editing features to reduce their volume and create a more balanced vocal performance.

6. Pleasing Pitch for High Notes

High notes can add a unique dynamic to a composition, especially in backing vocals. However, it is crucial to ensure that they have a pleasing pitch and don't sound off or chilling. Solaria, like a human singer, has limits. If high notes sound dissonant, consider transposing the entire line down an octave. Experiment with the pitch to find the sweet spot that blends harmoniously with the rest of the composition.

7. Don't Settle for Anything Less

One of the worst mistakes you can make when working with Solaria is being satisfied with mediocrity. Strive for excellence and continuous improvement in your vocal composition. Listen to the timing, pitch, and overall performance of the vocals repeatedly until you are genuinely satisfied. Every day presents an opportunity to refine and enhance your vocals. Embrace objectivity and ask yourself if you would be pleased with these vocals as a random listener.

8. Fit the Voice Settings to Your Lyrics

If you own Solaria or plan to invest in it, ensure that the voice settings align with your lyrics. Reflective lyrics may require a more mature tone, while light-hearted or comedic lyrics may benefit from a younger, more playful voice. Matching the voice settings to the lyrics enhances the overall coherence and aesthetic of the composition.

Choosing Between Solaria Light and Solaria Pro

Solaria is available in two versions - Solaria Light and Solaria Pro. Each version has its advantages, and the choice depends on your specific needs and preferences.

3.1 Benefits of Solaria Light

Solaria Light is the preferred version for many composers, including myself. It offers a voice that seamlessly blends with various lyric styles. The softer consonants and vocals make it easier to handle, especially when used solo or with minimal background music. Solaria Light also has less electric-sounding interferences, providing a more natural vocal experience.

3.2 Benefits of Solaria Pro

On the other HAND, Solaria Pro offers the AdVantage of superior sound quality and more voice settings to choose from. With options like soft, airy, powerful, and passionate voices, you can customize the vocals to suit each song's unique requirements. Solaria Pro is ideal for those seeking utmost control and versatility in their vocal compositions.

3.3 Considerations for Choosing

When choosing between Solaria Light and Solaria Pro, consider your specific needs and preferences. Evaluate the lyrical style of your compositions and determine which version best fits the overall theme and atmosphere. Both the free or poor versions of Solaria can be used to create beautiful vocals. Remember, what truly matters is your musical talent in composing a captivating melody with fitting timing.


In conclusion, composing with AI voice Solaria can be a rewarding experience, provided you avoid common mistakes and embrace Continual improvement. Pay attention to the length of the bars, melody, sound and timing of spoken words, timing, loudness of notes, pleasing pitch for high notes, and Never settle for mediocre vocals. Choose between Solaria Light and Solaria Pro Based on your specific needs, and let your musical talent shine. Enjoy the creative process and have fun composing your own vocals with Solaria.


  • Composing with AI voice Solaria requires attention to Detail and avoidance of common mistakes.
  • Pay attention to the length of the bars and create a timing that matches the vocals and the desired feeling.
  • Infuse variations in the melody to make it interesting and engaging.
  • Focus on the sound and timing of the spoken words to create a natural and authentic vocal performance.
  • Ensure accurate timing by placing accented syllables on the bar lines.
  • Adjust the loudness of notes to create a balanced vocal performance.
  • Make high notes pleasing by transposing them if necessary.
  • Don't settle for anything less than excellence in your vocal compositions.
  • Choose between Solaria Light and Solaria Pro based on your specific needs and preferences.
  • Embrace the creative process and enjoy composing your own vocals with Solaria.


Q: Can Solaria be used for different genres of music? A: Yes, Solaria can be used for various genres of music. Its versatility allows for customization to suit different musical styles.

Q: Is Solaria Light suitable for professional music production? A: Solaria Light offers excellent quality and is suitable for professional music production. It provides a softer and more natural vocal experience.

Q: Can I change the pitch of the vocal line with Solaria? A: Yes, Solaria Pro allows you to change the pitch of the vocal line, offering greater control and flexibility in your compositions.

Q: Can Solaria be used for solo performances? A: Yes, Solaria can be used for solo performances. Its voice settings and customization options allow for a stand-alone vocal performance.

Q: How do I know which version of Solaria is right for me? A: Consider the nature of your lyrics and the overall style of your compositions. Solaria Light is more versatile, while Solaria Pro offers advanced features and greater control. Choose based on your specific needs and preferences.

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