Mastering White's Choices: Exploring the Direct 3-3 Move in Go

Mastering White's Choices: Exploring the Direct 3-3 Move in Go

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. White's Choices
    1. Move A
    2. Move B
    3. Move C
  3. Joseki
    1. Definition and Purpose
    2. Even Result
    3. Board Position Impact
  4. White's Other Local Moves
    1. Move D
    2. Move E
    3. Move F
  5. Pressing on the Third Line
    1. Building Thickness
    2. Threatening Black in the Corner
  6. White's Variations
    1. Move G
    2. Move H
    3. Move I
  7. Cutting and Attacking
    1. Option J
    2. Option K
    3. Option L
  8. The Importance of Sente
    1. Initiating Play Elsewhere
    2. Balancing Efficiency and Initiative
  9. Conclusion

😃 Introduction

In this video, we will delve into the intricate world of Go strategy. Specifically, we will explore a sequence of moves known as the "33 point." This sequence comes into play when black invades a particular point on the board, presenting white with three viable choices. In this article, we will focus on exploring one of these choices in detail: white playing towards the right side. We will discuss the implications, advantages, and variations associated with this move.

🎯 White's Choices

When faced with black's invasion at the 33 point, white has three possible moves to consider: Move A, Move B, and Move C. In this article, we will concentrate on Move C, which involves playing towards the right side. This move, although not as popular in modern games, still holds strategic significance. By moving towards the right side, white can potentially secure a substantial position or influence in that area.

🛠️ Joseki

Before we proceed, let's clarify the concept of joseki and its relevance to our discussion. A joseki refers to a sequence of moves that settles the position on the board with an even result. However, it's crucial to note that the overall board position plays a pivotal role in determining the effectiveness of a joseki. After the fixed number of moves, players are free to choose their next move, based on their strategic calculations and objectives.

🤝 Even Result

In the context of our discussion, achieving an even result means that both players gain a fair share of influence and secure their positions. However, the definition of an even result can vary depending on the overall board position and individual player strategies. It's important to analyze the Game holistically and consider the potential long-term impacts of each move.

🌐 Board Position Impact

Now, let's delve into the specific move white makes towards the right side. This move holds potential for strategic development, especially when white desires to establish influence towards the center and upper side. However, it is crucial for white to have a measure of strength in the vicinity to prevent black from exploiting weaknesses and initiating conflicts.

⚙️ White's Other Local Moves

Apart from the discussed move towards the right side, white also has several other local moves that warrant attention. These moves include Move D, Move E, and Move F. Each of these moves serves a unique purpose and can significantly impact the subsequent flow of the game. For instance, Move D is often employed when white intends to develop towards the center, while Move E focuses on pressing black's positions.

💥 Pressing on the Third Line

The concept of pressing on the third line plays a crucial role in building thickness towards the center of the board. When white employs this strategy, it aims to create a strong foundation and exert pressure on black's positions. By doing so, white can set the tone for future exchanges and potentially gain a favorable advantage.

🔄 White's Variations

White's variations open up a plethora of possibilities and tactics. Move G involves a strategic kick to the left side, often employed as a response to a black pincer. Move H further expands on this kick, seamlessly integrating it with honey moves to cut black's positions. Lastly, Move I introduces exciting cutting and attacking sequences, providing players with intense tactical opportunities.

⚔️ Cutting and Attacking

Cutting and attacking sequences add another layer of complexity and excitement to the game. Option J presents a powerful move that allows white to separate black's groups effectively. This move's effectiveness heavily relies on the favorability of the ladder. On the other HAND, Option K focuses on a more even fight, ensuring no player gains a significant advantage. Careful assessment of the ladder is crucial in determining the viability of each move.

🕓 The Importance of Sente

Understanding the importance of taking the initiative, known as sente, is crucial in Go strategy. Securing sente allows a player to dictate the flow of the game and have the freedom to play elsewhere on the board, often disrupting the opponent's plans. Efficiently balancing efficiency and initiative becomes a crucial aspect of making strategic decisions.

✅ Conclusion

In conclusion, exploring white's choices when facing black's invasion at the 33 point reveals a multitude of possibilities and tactical opportunities. Assessing the overall board position, strategically employing local moves, and understanding the importance of sente are all key elements in achieving a successful outcome. Mastering these intricacies of Go strategy will undoubtedly elevate one's gameplay, ensuring an exciting and engaging experience for players.


  • The 33 point: White's choices when black invades
  • Exploring white's move towards the right side
  • The concept of joseki and its impact on the game
  • Building thickness and exerting pressure through local moves
  • Cutting and attacking sequences and their tactical implications
  • The significance of taking the initiative (sente) in Go strategy


Q: What is the 33 point? A: The 33 point refers to a specific location on the Go board where black can invade, presenting white with three possible moves.

Q: How does white's move towards the right side impact the game? A: White's move towards the right side allows for strategic development and the potential to establish influence in that area. However, it requires careful assessment of the overall board position and potential weaknesses.

Q: What is the concept of joseki? A: Joseki refers to a sequence of moves that settle the position on the board with an even result. However, the definition of an even result can vary based on the overall board position and player strategies.

Q: What is the importance of taking the initiative (sente)? A: Securing sente allows a player to dictate the flow of the game and play elsewhere on the board, disrupting the opponent's plans. Balancing efficiency and initiative becomes crucial in making strategic decisions.

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