Maximize Cold Email Success with AI Personalized Videos

Maximize Cold Email Success with AI Personalized Videos

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Importance of Cold Email Campaigns
    • 2.1 Increasing Opens with Personalized Videos
  3. Starting a Conversation with Cold Emails
    • 3.1 Creating a New Campaign
    • 3.2 Targeting Roofers without Websites
    • 3.3 Using Pre-Made Landing Page Templates
  4. Adding Leads to the Campaign
    • 4.1 Uploading Contacts via CSV
  5. Video Personalization with AI
    • 5.1 Choosing AI Rapport Voices
    • 5.2 Customizing Backdrops and Videos
    • 5.3 Scripting and testing the AI-based Voice
  6. Generating and Customizing Landing Pages
    • 6.1 Adding Personal Information and Job Title
    • 6.2 Uploading Logos and Background Images
    • 6.3 Creating Call to Action Buttons and Chat Boxes
  7. Setting Up Email Schedules and Follow-ups
    • 7.1 Creating Email Subjects and Contents
    • 7.2 Setting Automation and Follow-up Emails
  8. Conversion Tracking and Activation
    • 8.1 Optional Conversion Tracking System
    • 8.2 Testing and Activating the Campaign
  9. Previewing and Sending AI Personalized Videos
    • 9.1 Checking Campaign Status in the Dashboard
    • 9.2 Previewing AI Personalized Videos in the Library
  10. Conclusion

The Importance of Cold Email Campaigns

Cold email campaigns can be highly effective in reaching out to potential customers and generating leads. With the power of AI-based personalized videos, the effectiveness of these campaigns can be significantly increased. In this article, we will explore how simple it is to create a campaign using personalized videos, landing pages, and emails. By utilizing these tools, you can expect a notable increase in open rates and conversions.

2. Increasing Opens with Personalized Videos

Personalization is key in today's marketing landscape, and videos offer a highly engaging way to connect with your target audience. With AI-based video personalization, you can create customized videos that address each lead by their name, making your campaign feel more personal and tailored to their needs. This level of personalization is proven to increase open rates and grab the attention of potential customers.

Starting a Conversation with Cold Emails

The first step in creating a successful cold email campaign is to start a conversation with your potential customers. Let's explore how to do this effectively.

3. Creating a New Campaign

To begin, you need to create a new campaign. This can be done with just a few clicks on your chosen platform. Once you have accessed the campaign creation page, you can move on to the next step.

3.1 Targeting Roofers without Websites

For the purpose of this example, let's suppose you want to target roofers who do not have websites. By focusing on a specific niche, you can increase your chances of converting leads into customers. Tagging your campaign as "Roofers without Websites" will help you track your progress and measure the success of your campaign.

3.2 Using Pre-Made Landing Page Templates

Choosing the right landing page is crucial for your campaign's success. You can either opt for a self-hosted page or select a pre-made template. Using a pre-made template saves time and ensures a professional appearance. Scroll through the template options and find the one that best represents your offering.

Adding Leads to the Campaign

Before you can send out your cold emails, you need to add leads to your campaign. This can be easily done by uploading a CSV file containing your contacts.

4. Uploading Contacts via CSV

To import your contacts, select the CSV file from your computer and upload it to the campaign platform. This step ensures that you have a list of leads to target with your personalized videos and emails. Once the upload is complete, you can proceed with video personalization.

Video Personalization with AI

The true power of personalized videos lies in AI technology. Let's explore how you can make the most out of this feature.

5. Choosing AI Rapport Voices

When personalizing your videos, you have the option to choose from various AI rapport voices. These voices can be sorted by gender, age, ethnicity, hairstyle, and hair color. Browse through the available options and select the one that best fits your campaign's tone and target audience.

5.1 Customizing Backdrops and Videos

To make your personalized videos stand out, customize the backdrop with an image from your design Studio. This adds a visual element to your videos that complements your message. Additionally, you can upload your own videos for a more personalized touch. Ensure that the thumbnail, text, and background are visually appealing and representative of your brand.

5.2 Scripting and Testing the AI-based Voice

Once you have set up the visual aspects of your video, it's time to insert the script for the AI-based voice. Craft a compelling message that addresses the recipient's needs and highlights the importance of having a website. Select the AI-based voice you want to use and listen to a preview to ensure it aligns with your desired tone and style.

5.3 Generating the Video

After finalizing the video settings, generate the personalized video. This process combines the AI-based voice, script, and visuals to create a unique video for each lead in your campaign. By personalizing each video with the recipient's name, you ensure a higher level of engagement and increase the chances of conversion.

Generating and Customizing Landing Pages

Landing pages play a crucial role in converting leads into customers. Let's explore how to create landing pages that enhance your cold email campaign.

6. Adding Personal Information and Job Title

To create a personalized experience, include the recipient's name and your job title on the landing page. This adds an element of familiarity and conveys the message's importance. The landing page should clearly state that it is a personal video message recorded specifically for the recipient, making them feel valued and appreciated.

6.1 Uploading Logos and Background Images

Your brand's logo and a background image contribute to the overall visual appeal of the landing page. Upload your logo and choose a Relevant background image that aligns with your offering. These visual elements help establish trust and professionalism.

6.2 Creating Call to Action Buttons and Chat Boxes

To encourage immediate action from the recipient, create a compelling call to action (CTA) button. The CTA should be concise, clear, and motivate the recipient to take the desired action, such as booking a call. Additionally, consider adding a chat box that allows recipients to connect with you Instantly. This opens up opportunities for real-time engagement and customer support.

Setting Up Email Schedules and Follow-ups

Timing is crucial in cold email campaigns. Let's dive into how you can effectively schedule emails and follow-ups for maximum impact.

7. Creating Email Subjects and Contents

When setting up your email, craft attention-grabbing subjects that entice recipients to open the message. Keep the content concise, highlighting the main value proposition and the benefits of your offering. Personalize the email by including the recipient's first name to enhance engagement.

7.1 Setting Automation and Follow-up Emails

To optimize your campaign's effectiveness, leverage automation and set up follow-up emails. A follow-up email can remind the recipient about the previous email and offer additional information or incentives. Schedule follow-ups strategically to maintain contact without being intrusive.

Conversion Tracking and Activation

To measure the success of your campaign, it's essential to set up conversion tracking and activate your campaign effectively.

8. Optional Conversion Tracking System

If you want to track conversions and analyze the effectiveness of your campaign, set up a conversion tracking system. This allows you to monitor the number of leads who took the desired action, such as Scheduling a call or signing up for a service.

8.1 Testing and Activating the Campaign

Before activating your campaign, test all the elements to ensure they function as intended. This includes checking landing page functionality, video playback, email deliverability, and tracking codes. Once you are confident in the system's smooth operation, activate the campaign and start reaching out to your leads.

Previewing and Sending AI Personalized Videos

To have a better understanding of how your personalized videos will be received, take the time to preview and assess their impact.

9. Checking Campaign Status in the Dashboard

Monitor the progress of your active campaign through the dashboard. This provides valuable insights into the number of leads reached, open rates, and the overall effectiveness of your campaign.

9.1 Previewing AI Personalized Videos in the Library

In the library section of your campaign platform, you can preview the AI personalized videos created for each lead. This allows you to ensure the videos are generated correctly and that the customization accurately addresses each recipient.


Using AI-based personalized videos in your cold email campaigns can be a Game-changer. By employing the strategies outlined in this article, you can expect increased open rates, higher engagement, and improved conversions. Embrace the power of personalization to connect with your target audience effectively and achieve your marketing goals.


  • Cold email campaigns with personalized videos can significantly increase open rates and conversions.
  • Starting a conversation with cold emails is the first step in creating successful campaigns.
  • Video personalization with AI enables customized videos that address recipients by their name.
  • Pre-made landing page templates save time and ensure a professional appearance.
  • Adding leads to the campaign is done by uploading a CSV file with contacts.
  • Choosing the right AI rapport voices and customizing backdrops create engaging videos.
  • Personalized landing pages with personal information, logos, and visuals enhance conversions.
  • Email schedules, follow-ups, and automation improve the campaign's effectiveness.
  • Conversion tracking and activation help in measuring the campaign's success.
  • Preview AI personalized videos in the library to assess their impact before sending.


Q: Can I customize the AI-based voice in the personalized videos? A: Yes, you can choose from various AI rapport voices and test them to align with your desired tone and style.

Q: How can I measure the success of my cold email campaign? A: By setting up a conversion tracking system, you can monitor the number of leads taking desired actions and analyze the campaign's effectiveness.

Q: Can I add follow-up emails to my campaign? A: Yes, follow-up emails can be scheduled strategically after the initial email to maintain contact and provide additional information or incentives.

Q: How do I preview the personalized videos before sending them? A: In the campaign library, you can preview the AI personalized videos created for each lead to ensure the customization accurately addresses each recipient.

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