Maximize Meeting Productivity with AI-Powered Co-Pilot

Maximize Meeting Productivity with AI-Powered Co-Pilot

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Meeting Co-Pilot: The Integrated AI Solution
    1. What is Meeting Co-Pilot?
    2. Why was Meeting Co-Pilot Built?
    3. The Integration of AI in Fellow
  3. The Functionality of Meeting Co-Pilot
    1. Action Items
    2. Decisions
    3. Meeting Recaps
    4. Transcripts and Summaries
  4. How Meeting Co-Pilot Enhances Meeting productivity
    1. Efficient Use of Meeting Time
    2. Accessibility for Non-Active Participants
    3. Increased Accountability and Follow-Up
  5. Integrations with Other Tools
    1. Linear Integration
    2. Other Integration Options
  6. Privacy and Security Features
    1. Control Over Sharing and Access
    2. AI-Powered Search
  7. Auto Recording and Auto Report
    1. Setting up Auto Recording
    2. Auto Recording in Companion Mode
  8. Future Updates and Exciting Developments
  9. Conclusion

🤝 Meeting Co-Pilot: Enhancing Productivity with Integrated AI

In today's fast-paced business environment, effective meetings are crucial for successful collaboration and decision-making. However, many professionals often find themselves spending excessive time in meetings, often with limited focus and outcomes. This is where the Meeting Co-Pilot by Fellow AI comes in – an innovative solution designed to optimize meeting productivity using integrated AI technology. In this article, we will explore the functionality, benefits, and features of Meeting Co-Pilot, and how it revolutionizes the way we conduct meetings.

1️⃣ Introduction

Meetings are an essential part of organizational communication and collaboration. However, they often become time-consuming and unproductive, leaving participants feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. Fellow AI recognized this challenge and developed Meeting Co-Pilot to address it. Meeting Co-Pilot is an integrated part of Fellow, the leading meeting productivity platform. Its aim is to streamline the meeting process and enhance productivity by leveraging artificial intelligence.

2️⃣ Meeting Co-Pilot: The Integrated AI Solution

2.1 What is Meeting Co-Pilot?

Meeting Co-Pilot is an AI-powered assistant that joins your meetings to help facilitate and optimize the meeting process. By integrating seamlessly with Fellow, Meeting Co-Pilot optimizes meeting efficiency, action item tracking, decision-making, and meeting recaps. Its goal is to make meetings more purposeful, productive, and actionable.

2.2 Why was Meeting Co-Pilot Built?

Fellow understands the challenges faced by professionals in maximizing the value of their meetings. With the proliferation of meetings across different platforms and the need for better organization and follow-up, Meeting Co-Pilot was created to empower users to reclaim control over their meeting time and make every meeting count.

2.3 The Integration of AI in Fellow

Fellow has been known as a reliable meeting productivity platform, but the addition of AI technology takes it to another level. With the integration of Meeting Co-Pilot, Fellow becomes the central hub for all your meeting needs. The AI-driven features of Meeting Co-Pilot seamlessly fit into Fellow's existing workflows, enhancing its capabilities to provide a comprehensive, all-in-one solution.

3️⃣ The Functionality of Meeting Co-Pilot

3.1 Action Items

One of the key benefits of Meeting Co-Pilot is its ability to automatically generate and track action items during meetings. As the meeting progresses, Meeting Co-Pilot suggests actions based on the discussions. These action items can be assigned to specific individuals, promoting accountability and ensuring follow-through. Users can review and modify these action items, tailoring them to their preferences and requirements.

3.2 Decisions

Another valuable feature of Meeting Co-Pilot is its ability to capture and highlight decisions made during a meeting. Rather than relying on participants to manually document decisions, Meeting Co-Pilot automatically identifies and summarizes them. This ensures that important decisions are documented accurately and can be easily referenced in the future.

3.3 Meeting Recaps

Meeting Co-Pilot simplifies the process of generating meeting recaps. As the meeting concludes, Meeting Co-Pilot automatically generates a recap, capturing the key points discussed. These recaps can be shared with participants and serve as a valuable reference for reviewing the meeting's outcomes and action items. Users can edit and customize the recap to ensure it accurately represents the meeting's content.

3.4 Transcripts and Summaries

Meeting Co-Pilot provides transcripts and summaries of meetings, further enhancing the ability to review and reference discussions. These transcripts capture every WORD spoken in the meeting, enabling users to search for specific topics or keywords. Additionally, Meeting Co-Pilot generates summaries that condense the meeting's content into concise and digestible points. Users can make changes and corrections to the summary, making it a valuable tool for future reference.

4️⃣ How Meeting Co-Pilot Enhances Meeting Productivity

4.1 Efficient Use of Meeting Time

With Meeting Co-Pilot's AI-powered assistance, meetings become more streamlined and purposeful. By automating tasks such as note-taking, action item tracking, and meeting recaps, participants can focus on Meaningful discussions and decision-making. The elimination of manual documentation and administrative tasks allows for more efficient use of meeting time.

4.2 Accessibility for Non-Active Participants

Meeting Co-Pilot ensures that the benefits of a meeting extend beyond its active participants. Through its comprehensive transcripts, summaries, and recaps, non-active participants can stay up-to-date on meeting outcomes without taking up valuable meeting time. This inclusivity promotes transparency and collaboration among team members.

4.3 Increased Accountability and Follow-Up

Meeting Co-Pilot promotes accountability by clearly assigning and tracking action items. This feature ensures that all meeting participants are aware of their responsibilities and deadlines, minimizing the risk of tasks being overlooked or forgotten. With Meeting Co-Pilot, follow-up becomes more efficient and effective.

5️⃣ Integrations with Other Tools

5.1 Linear Integration

Fellow offers seamless integration with various Project Management tools, including Linear. Through this integration, action items from meetings can be directly added to Linear project boards, ensuring smooth coordination and Task Management. By extending Meeting Co-Pilot's functionality to other tools, Fellow empowers users to leverage their existing infrastructure for enhanced productivity.

5.2 Other Integration Options

In addition to Linear, Fellow supports integrations with popular Productivity Tools such as Asana, Trello, Salesforce, and more. This compatibility allows users to leverage their preferred tools and seamlessly incorporate Meeting Co-Pilot's functionality into their existing workflows. Whether it's task management, CRM, or Team Collaboration, Fellow provides a flexible and adaptable solution.

6️⃣ Privacy and Security Features

6.1 Control Over Sharing and Access

Fellow prioritizes privacy and offers users complete control over sharing and access permissions. By default, meeting recordings, transcripts, and summaries are only accessible to meeting participants. Users have the flexibility to share recordings or summaries with specific individuals, their organization, or make them public. This ensures that sensitive information remains confidential and that privacy preferences are respected.

6.2 AI-Powered Search

Meeting Co-Pilot incorporates AI technology to enhance search capabilities across all meeting content. Users can search within the viewer for specific topics, keywords, or decisions. The AI-powered search also extends to transcripts, making it easy to locate important discussions or information. This feature saves time and enables users to benefit from the collective knowledge and insights captured in their meetings.

7️⃣ Auto Recording and Auto Report

7.1 Setting up Auto Recording

Meeting Co-Pilot offers the convenience of auto recording for recurring meetings. Through easy configuration settings, users can activate auto recording for specific meetings or meeting series. This eliminates the need to manually start and stop recordings, providing peace of mind that every meeting will be captured for later reference, even if the host is absent.

7.2 Auto Recording in Companion Mode

Meeting Co-Pilot seamlessly integrates with various video conferencing platforms, including Google Meet and Microsoft Teams. When using these platforms, Meeting Co-Pilot appears as a companion tool, allowing users to initiate auto recording directly from the meeting interface. This ensures that every meeting, regardless of the platform, can benefit from Meeting Co-Pilot's intelligent features.

8️⃣ Future Updates and Exciting Developments

Fellow AI is committed to continuous improvement and innovation. The current capabilities of Meeting Co-Pilot are just the beginning, with exciting updates and developments on the horizon. Fellow is dedicated to providing users with a cutting-edge, all-in-one meeting productivity solution that evolves to meet their changing needs.

9️⃣ Conclusion

Meeting Co-Pilot by Fellow AI revolutionizes the way we approach meetings, making them more productive, efficient, and valuable. By integrating AI technology seamlessly into the Fellow platform, Meeting Co-Pilot offers an all-in-one solution for meeting management and optimization. With features such as automated action items, decision tracking, meeting recaps, and powerful search capabilities, Meeting Co-Pilot empowers professionals to reclaim control over their meeting time and drive meaningful outcomes. Experience the future of productive meetings with Meeting Co-Pilot and elevate your organization's collaboration and decision-making.


  • Meeting Co-Pilot is an integrated artificial intelligence solution that enhances meeting productivity.
  • It automates action item tracking, decision capturing, and meeting recaps.
  • Meeting Co-Pilot improves meeting efficiency, accountability, and follow-up.
  • Integrated with other productivity tools like Linear, Asana, Trello, and Salesforce.
  • Provides privacy features and AI-powered search for efficient information retrieval.
  • Supports auto recording for recurring meetings and integrates with popular video conferencing platforms.
  • Continuous updates and developments to provide an evolving and cutting-edge solution.


Q: Can I edit the meeting Recap and action items generated by Meeting Co-Pilot? A: Absolutely. Meeting Co-Pilot offers the flexibility to edit and customize meeting recaps, summaries, and action items to suit your requirements. You can ensure accuracy and tailor the content to reflect the meeting's outcomes effectively.

Q: Can I share meeting recordings and summaries with individuals outside the meeting? A: Yes, you have full control over sharing permissions. Meeting recordings, summaries, and other content can be shared with specific individuals or made available to your organization. You can also choose to make them public, ensuring that information is shared securely and as desired.

Q: Which video conferencing platforms does Meeting Co-Pilot integrate with? A: Meeting Co-Pilot seamlessly integrates with popular video conferencing platforms like Google Meet and Microsoft Teams. It appears as a companion tool, providing easy access to auto recording functionality and other Meeting Co-Pilot features.

Q: Are there any additional features or updates planned for Meeting Co-Pilot? A: Yes, Fellow AI is dedicated to continuous improvement and innovation. There are exciting updates and developments on the horizon to further enhance Meeting Co-Pilot's capabilities and user experience. Stay tuned for future announcements and releases.


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