Maximize Strength with Juggernaut AI

Maximize Strength with Juggernaut AI

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Skipping the Warm-Up
  3. Competition Style Squats
  4. Using Hamsu Calibrated Plates
  5. Rating RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion)
  6. Back Off Sets
  7. Supersetting with Deadlifts and Bench Presses
  8. Adjusting Dumbbell Bench Press Weight
  9. Tracking Past History
  10. Wrapping Up with Accessory Work

Article: A Day on the Juggernaut App: My First Day in a Strength Training Block


Welcome back, everyone! Today, I want to walk You through my first day using the Juggernaut app in a strength training block. I have been running a nine-week hypertrophy block leading up to this point, so it's exciting to switch gears and focus on strength training. I'll share my insights on how I utilize the app during my training Sessions and answer any questions you may have in the comments section below.

Skipping the Warm-Up

When opening the Juggernaut app, I typically bypass the warm-up portion. Although the app provides a specific warm-up for each day, I find that doing five to ten minutes on either the echo bike or the peloton bike suffices as a warm-up for me. However, if you prefer a guided warm-up, the app has got you covered.

Competition Style Squats

Today's session begins with competition style squats. I haven't done regular low bar competition style squats in about nine weeks, so I'm eager to dive back into this variation. Throughout my hypertrophy block, I've been incorporating different squat variations such as tempo work, paused work, and even duffel bar squats. The Juggernaut app suggests a range of weights for the top set, and I always opt for the maximum suggested weight. In this case, it's 405 pounds. From there, I'll assess how my back offs feel to determine the subsequent sets.

Using Hamsu Calibrated Plates

You might have noticed the unique hamsu powerlifting calibrated plates I'm using during my warm-up sets. These plates come in funky colors, which can throw off calculations a bit. To compensate for any discrepancies, I've added some chip plates from Rep Fitness (the white ones you see at the end) to bring the total weight as close to 405 pounds as possible. Precision in load selection is essential, and even slight variations can impact the training effect.

Rating RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion)

Now, when it comes to gauging the difficulty of a set, many individuals struggle with overshooting or undershooting the perceived exertion level. The key here is to be honest in your assessment. If a set feels exceptionally heavy, rate it as a high RPE. Conversely, if it feels too light, rate it as a low RPE. Accurately logging your effort allows the app to adjust subsequent sets accordingly.

Back Off Sets

After completing the top set of squats, it's time for the back off sets. The Juggernaut app prescribes four sets of six reps at 385 pounds. Interestingly, the first back off set felt great, and I rated it as a six. However, as I added more weight, it turned out that my final back off set was even HEAVIER than my initial set. While this may seem confusing at first, it highlights the adaptability of the program. The app adjusts the weight Based on your input, ensuring each set challenges you appropriately.

Supersetting with Deadlifts and Bench Presses

To optimize my training time, I decided to superset one-inch conventional deadlifts from a deficit with flat dumbbell bench presses. This allows me to combine two exercises and save time between sets. Although I haven't done much flat dumbbell bench pressing in this training cycle, I'm confident that higher reps will compensate for the limited dumbbell weights available to me (up to 100 pounds). The Juggernaut app allows for exercise substitutions, making it adaptable to your specific equipment and preferences.

Adjusting Dumbbell Bench Press Weight

During my first attempt at dumbbell presses with 80 pounds, I found it challenging, likely due to insufficient warm-up. However, the Juggernaut app provides flexibility, and I can easily adjust the weight for future sessions. Based on my performance, I'll increase the weight to 85 pounds next week and aim for a rep range of 12 to 15. This progressive approach ensures continuous improvement.

Tracking Past History

One of the app's recent updates introduced the ability to view past training history conveniently. This feature enables me to reflect on previous sessions and make informed decisions about adjustments and progressions. For example, I rated my 80-pound dumbbell press at 15 reps and an RPE of 7. With this information, I can better plan my next session and strive for improvement.

Wrapping Up with Accessory Work

To complete my training day, I moved on to lighter accessory work. This included a couple of sets of goblet squats, followed by dead bugs and glute ham raises. These exercises focus on specific areas and help reinforce the main work done earlier in the session. By keeping the accessory work relatively lighter, I allocate more energy towards the primary movements.

In conclusion, the overall session rated at an RPE of 6. For a first day back in a strength training block, I consider it a great success. The Juggernaut app, coupled with sound coaching guidance, has facilitated a smooth transition and kept me challenged. I will Continue documenting my progress and any further changes to the program. As always, thank you for joining me on this Journey, and stay big!


  • Transitioning from a nine-week hypertrophy block to a strength training block
  • Utilizing the Juggernaut app for personalized training guidance
  • Adjusting warm-up routines to personal preference
  • Incorporating competition style squats for the first time in weeks
  • Using Hamsu calibrated plates and chip plates for precise weight selection
  • Rating RPE accurately to optimize subsequent sets
  • Adapting back off sets based on individual performance
  • Supersetting deadlifts and bench presses to save time
  • Adjusting dumbbell bench press weight for progressive overload
  • Tracking and reviewing past training history for informed decision-making
  • Emphasizing lighter accessory work to reinforce primary movements


Q: Can I modify the warm-up routine in the Juggernaut app? A: Absolutely! The app provides a specific warm-up for each day, but you can customize it according to your preferences.

Q: How do I rate RPE accurately? A: Be honest with yourself and rate the set based on your perceived exertion. If it feels very heavy, rate it as a high RPE. If it feels too light, rate it as a low RPE.

Q: Can I substitute exercises in the Juggernaut app? A: Yes, you have the flexibility to swap out exercises based on your equipment availability or personal preferences.

Q: Is it normal to have back off sets heavier than the initial set? A: It may seem counterintuitive, but it's entirely normal. The Juggernaut app adjusts the weight based on your input and aims to challenge you appropriately throughout your training session.

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