Maximize Your Divination Drops: Magic Finding Tips & Results

Maximize Your Divination Drops: Magic Finding Tips & Results

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The State of Magic Find
  3. Unlocking viable Options through Ghosting
  4. Introducing the Harbinger Ghosting Strategy
  5. Setting Up the Strategy: Compasses and Scarabs
  6. Choosing the Right Maps: Crimson Temple
  7. Ghosting and Beyond: Maximizing Magic Find
  8. The Benefits of Harbinger Farming
  9. The Results: Luck and Profitability
  10. Final Thoughts


Welcome to a fascinating discussion on the Perception versus reality of a unique farming strategy in Path of Exile. In this article, we will explore the Current state of magic find strategies and unveil a lesser-known strategy that utilizes ghosting and Harbinger farming. Whether You're a fan of strongbox farming or seeking an alternative approach, this guide will provide you with invaluable insights and step-by-step instructions on how to optimize your magic find endeavors.

The State of Magic Find

Before we dive into the details of our Harbinger ghosting strategy, let's take a moment to assess the current landscape of magic find strategies in Path of Exile. Traditionally, strongbox farming has been the go-to method for maximizing magic find returns. However, many players have voiced their concerns about the cost and viability of this strategy, leading to a growing desire for alternative options.

Unlocking Viable Options through Ghosting

Fortunately, the introduction of ghosting has unlocked a new world of possibilities for magic find strategies. Ghosting allows players to focus on farming Harbingers instead of strongboxes, providing a fresh and exciting approach to maximizing loot acquisition. This strategy offers a unique opportunity for players to step away from the monotony of strongbox farming and explore a more dynamic and engaging playstyle.

Introducing the Harbinger Ghosting Strategy

In this section, we will introduce and explore the Harbinger ghosting strategy. Unlike traditional strongbox farming, this strategy centers around farming Harbingers and leveraging the power of ghosts to enhance magic find potential. This unique approach combines the benefits of Harbingers, compasses, and scarabs to Create a synergistic and lucrative farming experience.

Setting Up the Strategy: Compasses and Scarabs

To successfully implement the Harbinger ghosting strategy, it is crucial to optimize your setup. Start by equipping the necessary compasses and scarabs to enhance your magic find potential. Elevate your magic pack size compass for maximum effectiveness and invest in guilded scarabs such as Harbinger, Torment, Reliquary, and Divination. These scarabs will significantly amplify your magic find capabilities and contribute to lucrative loot drops.

Choosing the Right Maps: Crimson Temple

Map selection plays a crucial role in the success of any farming strategy. For the Harbinger ghosting strategy, we recommend focusing on Crimson Temple maps. While the Apothecary card's value may fluctuate, Crimson Temple maps Continue to offer excellent currency returns and provide sufficient coverage for the cost of Harbinger scarabs and map sustain. With the Harbinger mod in place, you can maximize the number of Harbingers and capitalize on their unique loot drops.

Ghosting and Beyond: Maximizing Magic Find

Once you have optimized your setup and chosen the right maps, it's time to Delve into the heart of the Harbinger ghosting strategy. Ghosting allows you to summon and slay Harbingers, triggering additional ghost spawns and boosting magic find potential. With the right combination of compasses, scarabs, and map Mods, each map will be teeming with magic mobs, Elder mobs, and a plethora of valuable loot. Additionally, leveraging the power of Beyond and Delirium will further enhance your farming efficiency and profitability.

The Benefits of Harbinger Farming

The Harbinger ghosting strategy offers several distinct advantages over traditional magic find strategies. Firstly, this approach provides a fresh and engaging gameplay experience, breaking away from the monotony of strongbox farming. Secondly, the investment cost of the Harbinger ghosting strategy is significantly lower compared to strongbox strategies, making it more accessible to a wider range of players. Lastly, the jackpot-oriented nature of this strategy presents an exciting opportunity for big loot drops, including mirror shards, fracture orbs, and relic SC.

The Results: Luck and Profitability

In this section, we will delve into the results of implementing the Harbinger ghosting strategy. While luck plays a significant role in magic find strategies, this unique approach has shown promising results. With an investment cost of only 41 divines, the net profit after 100 maps amounted to an impressive 267 divines. This equates to an average of 2.67 divines per map or approximately 33 divines per hour. This profitability, even in the absence of apothecaries, showcases the potential of the Harbinger ghosting strategy.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the Harbinger ghosting strategy offers a refreshing and viable alternative to traditional magic find strategies. With its lower investment cost and the potential for significant profitability, this approach has proven to be an exciting and engaging method for maximizing loot acquisition. Whether you're seeking a break from strongbox farming or exploring new avenues for magic find potential, the Harbinger ghosting strategy presents a compelling option worth considering. So, why not give it a try and see the magic unfold?

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