Maximizing Coverage: Optimizing Camera Placements for Autonomous Checkout

Maximizing Coverage: Optimizing Camera Placements for Autonomous Checkout

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Background
    • Standard AI and Autonomous Checkout Technology
  3. Importance of Camera Placement Optimization
  4. Factors Influencing Camera Placement
    • Different Use Cases
    • Camera Overlap Requirements
    • Angle of View
    • 3D Geometry of the Environment
  5. Modeling Camera Views and Volume of the Environment
  6. Optimization Framework for Camera Placement
    • Formulating the Objective
    • Budget Constraint
    • Location Relation Constraints
  7. Piecewise Linear Reformulation of the Problem
  8. Proposed Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) Formulation
  9. Example of Camera Placement System
  10. Conclusion

Optimizing Camera Placements for Overlapped Coverage with 3D Camera Projections

The demand for autonomous checkout technology is gaining Momentum in the retail industry. Standard AI, a leading developer of such technology, aims to provide shoppers with a seamless and queue-free experience. To achieve this, continuous tracking and localization of shoppers within a store environment is essential. Multiple overlapping camera views play a crucial role in ensuring unoccluded views and complete coverage of the store. To address this challenge, the objective of this work is to develop an optimization framework for camera placement that guarantees high accuracy.

1. Introduction

In this article, we will discuss the importance of optimizing camera placements for overlapped coverage using 3D camera projections. We will explore the factors that influence camera placement decisions and the modeling techniques used to determine camera views. Additionally, we will Delve into the optimization framework and its implementation as a mixed integer linear programming problem. Finally, we will provide a practical example of how our camera placement system utilizes point cloud data and the proposed framework to achieve optimal camera placement.

2. Background

Standard AI and Autonomous Checkout Technology

Standard AI has pioneered autonomous checkout technology, revolutionizing the way shoppers navigate convenience stores. Their technology enables shoppers to enter a store, select their desired items, and leave without the need to wait in queues for payment. To make this autonomous shopping experience possible, accurate tracking and localization of shoppers within the store environment is crucial. This is where the optimization of camera placements comes into play.

3. Importance of Camera Placement Optimization

Efficient camera placement is vital for ensuring comprehensive coverage and unobstructed views of the store environment. By strategically placing cameras, we can precisely track shoppers' positions, observe their interactions with items on the shelves, and maintain the accuracy of underlying tracking and detection functionalities. Optimal camera placement guarantees the seamless operation of autonomous checkout systems, providing a hassle-free shopping experience.

4. Factors Influencing Camera Placement

Camera placement decisions are influenced by various factors, including different use cases, camera overlap requirements, angle of view considerations, and the 3D geometry of the environment.

Different Use Cases

Different regions within the store environment may have varying camera overlap requirements. For instance, localizing shoppers may necessitate at least two cameras, while detecting items on a shelf may only require one camera. Understanding these use cases helps us determine the number and placement of cameras.

Camera Overlap Requirements

For optimal coverage, it is essential to consider the overlap between camera views. Overlapping views ensure that no areas are left unobserved. By analyzing the necessary coverage for each location, we can identify the ideal placement of cameras to meet these requirements effectively.

Angle of View

To accurately observe items on shelves, it is crucial to consider the angle at which each camera observes the surfaces. By factoring in the angle of view, we ensure that the cameras capture complete and accurate images of the products.

3D Geometry of the Environment

To achieve accurate camera placements, we must account for the 3D geometry of the store environment. This involves modeling the store's point cloud representation and projecting camera views onto it. By considering the environment's geometry, we can optimize camera placements Based on the layout and features of the store.

5. Modeling Camera Views and Volume of the Environment

In order to optimize camera placements effectively, it is crucial to accurately model the camera views and the volume of the store environment visible to each camera. To achieve this, we project each camera's view onto the 3D point cloud representation of the environment. This allows us to determine the set of voxels or cells visible to each camera. By representing the camera's view as a collection of voxels, we can analyze the coverage and overlap between multiple camera views.

6. Optimization Framework for Camera Placement

To solve the camera placement problem, we utilize an optimization framework that minimizes the difference between desired coverage at each location in the store and the obtained coverage from the selected cameras. Additionally, we impose a budget constraint on the total number of cameras that can be selected and account for any location relation constraints that may exist.

Formulating the Objective

The objective of our camera placement optimization framework is to minimize the discrepancy between the desired coverage at each location, denoted as gamma j, and the sum of camera views obtained from the selected cameras. By formulating the objective function, we ensure that the chosen cameras provide optimal coverage throughout the store environment.

Budget Constraint

As resources are finite, it is crucial to consider a budget constraint on the number of cameras that can be selected. By imposing this constraint, we prioritize and select a subset of cameras that maximizes coverage while respecting resource limitations.

Location Relation Constraints

In some cases, specific location relation constraints may exist within the store environment. These constraints further refine the camera placement by considering the interactions between cameras and the layout of the store. By incorporating these constraints into the optimization framework, we ensure that the selected cameras are strategically placed to achieve the desired coverage.

7. Piecewise Linear Reformulation of the Problem

The camera placement optimization problem can be nonlinear and non-Convex, posing challenges for efficient solution methods. To address this, we propose a piecewise linear reformulation of the problem. By linearizing the objective and constraints, we transform the problem into a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) one. This reformulation allows us to solve the problem efficiently using existing optimization algorithms and tools.

8. Proposed Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) Formulation

In our paper, we present the details of the proposed MILP formulation for camera placement optimization. This formulation combines the linearized objective function, budget constraint, and location relation constraints. The resulting MILP problem can be solved using various optimization techniques, enabling us to find the optimal set of cameras that satisfy all coverage, view, and position-related constraints.

9. Example of Camera Placement System

To illustrate the effectiveness of our camera placement system, we provide a practical example. Our system takes in the point cloud data of a store environment and creates a 3D model that includes shelves, floors, and walls. Leveraging our optimization framework, the system utilizes the point cloud data and the predefined constraints to determine the optimal camera placements. By integrating our camera placement system into the store environment, we ensure accurate tracking and monitoring of shoppers, enhancing the overall autonomous shopping experience.

10. Conclusion

Optimizing camera placements for overlapped coverage with 3D camera projections is a vital aspect of autonomous checkout technology. Efficient camera placement ensures accurate tracking and detection of shoppers, as well as the observation of their interactions with items on shelves. By considering different use cases, camera overlap requirements, angle of view, and the 3D geometry of the environment, we can develop an optimization framework that guarantees high accuracy. Our proposed piecewise linear reformulation and MILP formulation provide efficient solutions to the camera placement problem. With the advancement of camera placement systems, the future of autonomous checkout technology looks promising.


  • Optimizing camera placements for comprehensive coverage in the store environment is crucial for efficient autonomous checkout technology.
  • Factors such as different use cases, camera overlap requirements, angle of view, and 3D environment geometry influence camera placement decisions.
  • Accurate modeling of camera views and store volume is essential for effective optimization.
  • An optimization framework, including objective formulation, budget constraints, and location relation constraints, helps achieve optimal camera placements.
  • A proposed piecewise linear reformulation and mixed integer linear programming formulation enable efficient solution methods.
  • Practical examples showcase the effectiveness of camera placement systems in enhancing the autonomous shopping experience.


Q: Why is optimizing camera placement important for autonomous checkout technology? A: Optimizing camera placement ensures accurate tracking and monitoring of shoppers, creating a seamless and efficient autonomous shopping experience.

Q: What factors influence camera placement decisions? A: The factors include different use cases, camera overlap requirements, angle of view, and the 3D geometry of the store environment.

Q: How is camera view modeling done? A: Cameras' views are projected onto the 3D point cloud representation of the environment, and the visible cells or voxels are determined to analyze coverage and overlap.

Q: How is the camera placement problem formulated for optimization? A: The problem aims to minimize the discrepancy between desired coverage and obtained coverage while respecting budget constraints and location relation constraints.

Q: What is the proposed reformulation and formulation for camera placement optimization? A: The proposed reformulation linearizes the problem, transforming it into a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) problem for efficient solution methods.

Q: How can camera placement systems enhance the autonomous checkout experience? A: Accurate camera placements ensure smooth tracking, detection of shoppers, and observation of their interactions with items, resulting in a seamless autonomous checkout experience.

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