Mind-Blowing NFT Whale Discovery!

Mind-Blowing NFT Whale Discovery!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Market Overview
  3. Weakness in Board Apes
  4. Strength in B Gods
  5. Trade Returns
  6. Board API Club Ecosystem
  7. Comparison of Board Apes and Crypto Punks
  8. Dumping of NFTs into Bids
  9. Leverage and Volatility
  10. Vulnerability of NFT Projects
  11. D Gods Success
  12. Mystery Faff Wallet Revealed as Pimp Capital
  13. Meme Land TBC Announcement
  14. Notable Sales: Robbie Barat and Nifty Monkey


In this article, we will Delve into the world of NFTs, specifically focusing on recent developments and trends. We will discuss market statistics, including both the successes and weaknesses of various NFT projects. Additionally, we will explore the phenomenon of dumping NFTs into bids and the impact of leverage on the market. Furthermore, we will analyze the vulnerability of NFT projects and highlight the recent reveal of the mystery Faff wallet. Finally, we will discuss the exciting announcement from Meme Land TBC and examine notable sales of AI-generated artwork and Nifty Monkey's "Departure" piece.

Market Overview

Let's start with an overview of the NFT market. Over the weekend, volumes were relatively low, but there was a slight bump up in volume yesterday. The Yuga ecosystem has been driving a significant portion of the volume in the market. However, there is a noticeable weakness in the Board Apes project, which is currently the hot topic in the PFP space.

Weakness in Board Apes

Despite the recent surge in popularity, Board Apes have experienced a decline in prices and overall weakness in the market. The majority of the recent volume has been sellers dumping their Apes into bids. This trend has been consistent for several days, with more than 90% of the volume coming from sellers. This indicates a lack of buying pressure and a surplus of supply. Additionally, the weakness in Board Apes can be seen in comparison to Crypto Punks, which have remained relatively stable.

Strength in B Gods

On the other end of the spectrum, D Gods, another NFT project, has been performing exceptionally well. D Gods have reached near all-time highs, with prices surpassing 10 ETH. This project has defied the bear market trend and continues to gain Momentum. The success of D Gods can be attributed to the strong leadership and strategic buying by prominent players in the market, such as Pimp Capital.

Trade Returns

When looking at trade returns, it becomes evident that flippers are not experiencing significant profits. The trading volume has concentrated in the Yuga ecosystem, which has been on a downward trend. Although there was a brief spike about a week ago due to Boring Punks, overall trade returns have been weak. This suggests that the market is not favoring quick flipping strategies.

Board API Club Ecosystem

The Board API Club ecosystem has been experiencing a gradual decline since mid-February. The floor price has dropped from 78 ETH to around 40 ETH. This decline has been exacerbated by the influx of new NFTs being dumped into bids. The number of new NFT holders who have decided to sell their Board Apes into bids has been increasing steadily. This additional supply puts pressure on the market and makes it challenging for airdrop farmers, like the Faff wallet, to find real buyers for their NFTs.

Comparison of Board Apes and Crypto Punks

A comparison between Board Apes and Crypto Punks reveals an interesting trend. While Board Apes were the top project in the ecosystem for most of 2022 and the first quarter of 2023, Crypto Punks experienced a spike in price when they joined Blur. However, Crypto Punks' price quickly plummeted due to a flood of sellers. In contrast, Board Apes have continued to trend lower as more NFT holders choose to sell into bids.

Dumping of NFTs into Bids

The increasing number of NFT holders who have Never sold before choosing to dump their NFTs into bids is a concerning trend. Board Apes, in particular, have experienced a rise in this activity. This excess supply creates challenges for the project's sustainability and long-term value. In comparison, projects like Crypto Punks have seen little to no new NFTs being added to the blur pool, contributing to their relative outperformance.

Leverage and Volatility

The introduction of leverage into the market has created both volatility and increased risk. Leverage can boost prices in the short term, leading to price pumps in certain projects. However, it also means that more supply is unwound when prices decrease. This phenomenon has been observed in the Board Apes ecosystem, where three times as many Board Apes have been on BANDAU compared to Blend. As prices Continue to decline, auctions triggered by loan defaults become a growing concern.

Vulnerability of NFT Projects

Every NFT project, including the highly popular Board Apes, is susceptible to vulnerabilities. Despite the team's hard work and dedication, supply pressure from airdrop farmers and new sellers entering the market can be challenging to mitigate. Board Apes were once celebrated as the top project in the world, but sustaining that position in a highly competitive market is a difficult task. This vulnerability extends beyond Board Apes to other projects as well.

D Gods Success

In contrast to the challenges faced by Board Apes, D Gods have been thriving in the market. The project has experienced significant price increases, surpassing all-time highs. Pimp Capital, a prominent whale in the D Gods ecosystem, has been a driving force behind its success. Pimp Capital has acquired a substantial number of high-value NFTs, including Gold For Apes and top-tier Azukis.

Mystery Faff Wallet Revealed as Pimp Capital

The mystery surrounding the Faff wallet has finally been solved. It has been revealed that the person behind the wallet is none other than Pimp Capital. The Faff wallet has spent over $11.5 million on floor NFTs in the past month, with a significant portion dedicated to Board Apes. This highlights the importance of Pimp Capital in the NFT market and their influence on projects such as Board Apes.

Meme Land TBC Announcement

Meme Land TBC recently made an exciting announcement in celebration of their one-year anniversary. They will be tele burning 111 MVPs from their treasury to ordinals. This event is expected to Create one of the highest-value ordinals ever seen in the market. The specifics of this project, including the price and date, are yet to be confirmed, but it has generated significant interest among NFT enthusiasts.

Notable Sales: Robbie Barat and Nifty Monkey

Two notable sales caught the Attention of the NFT community recently. First, an AI-generated nude portrait by Robbie Barat was sold for 299 ETH. These AI-generated portraits were initially given away for free at a Christie's event in 2018 and have since become highly sought-after NFTs. Second, a piece titled "Departure" by Nifty Monkey was auctioned off for 11 ETH. This artwork is part of a wider collection and showcases the artist's talent for animation.


In conclusion, the NFT market is experiencing a mix of successes and challenges. While some projects, like D Gods, are thriving, others, such as Board Apes, are facing weakness. The dumping of NFTs into bids and the introduction of leverage have had significant impacts on the market. Moreover, the vulnerability of NFT projects highlights the difficulty in maintaining long-term success. The recent reveal of the mystery Faff wallet as Pimp Capital and the exciting announcement from Meme Land TBC add further intrigue to the NFT landscape.

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