Outsmarting a Chess Engine on Twitter

Outsmarting a Chess Engine on Twitter

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Chessvision.ai?
  3. The Controversy Surrounding Chessvision.ai
  4. Tricking the Chess Engine
  5. Finding the Perfect Problem
  6. The Solution
  7. Analyzing the Chess Engine's Flaw
  8. The Fun Encounter on Twitter
  9. Conclusion
  10. Resources


Chessvision.ai is a popular Twitter app that has gained a lot of attention in the chess community. People can tag the app in their chess diagrams and it will analyze the position and provide the best line of play according to Stockfish, the world's best chess engine. While many chess enthusiasts find this app helpful, it has also sparked controversy among purists and Puzzle enthusiasts. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of Chessvision.ai and dive into an intriguing experiment where we tried to trick the chess engine with a puzzle it could not solve.

What is Chessvision.ai?

Chessvision.ai is a suite of bots, apps, and extensions created by Pavel Cutz Perchak. It is designed to analyze chess diagrams posted on Twitter and provide links to the position on chess.com and lichess.org, as well as the best line of play according to Stockfish. The app has gained popularity for its accessibility and ability to quickly analyze positions for players of all levels. It serves as a helpful tool for those looking to improve their chess skills and get insights from one of the strongest chess engines in the world.

The Controversy Surrounding Chessvision.ai

While Chessvision.ai has gained praise from many chess players, it has also sparked controversy within the chess community. One of the main issues raised by chess purists is the flood of commentary that arises whenever a popular chess puzzle is posted. Many users tag Chessvision.ai in their comments, which can be overwhelming and annoying for those trying to solve the puzzle on their own. This constant stream of input can spoil the solution and detract from the enjoyment of solving the puzzle independently.

Some chess coaches, such as International Master Costia Kavitsky, have even adopted an anti-Chessvision.ai policy due to the disruptive nature of the app. They argue that relying on an engine's analysis diminishes the critical thinking and problem-solving skills that chess puzzles are meant to develop. While Chessvision.ai can provide valuable insights, it is important to strike a balance between using the app as a learning tool and preserving the challenge and enjoyment of solving puzzles on one's own.

Tricking the Chess Engine

Inspired by the controversy surrounding Chessvision.ai, we decided to take things to the next level and see if we could trick the powerful Stockfish engine. While Stockfish is known for its exceptional calculating abilities and can solve most puzzles within seconds, there are certain problems specifically designed to be difficult for chess engines to solve. We delved into the archives of the Hard Talk Chess Collection, a repository of challenging puzzles for both humans and engines, to find the perfect problem to feed Chessvision.ai.

Finding the Perfect Problem

After thorough exploration, we found a problem that fit our criteria. It was solvable for humans but posed a challenge for chess engines like Stockfish. This problem involved a brilliant Queen sacrifice that led to a spectacular checkmate. We knew this could be the puzzle that would stump Chessvision.ai and potentially outperform the chess engine's analysis. Before revealing the solution, we encouraged readers to pause and try solving the puzzle themselves – an opportunity to test their skills against the powerful chess engine.

The Solution

While Stockfish failed to find the correct solution, human intuition and careful analysis could uncover the brilliant moves that lead to checkmate. The puzzle involved sacrificing the Queen with a check on h5, forcing the opponent's King to take the Queen, and subsequently delivering a checkmate with Bishop f7. The Chessvision.ai engine overlooked this elegant solution, possibly due to its programmed pruning strategy. Humans, on the other HAND, would consider and carefully analyze this move before discarding it. This encounter served as an example where a chess engine's programmed limitations caused it to overlook a winning line that human intuition could spot.

Analyzing the Chess Engine's Flaw

The puzzle we presented demonstrated a flaw in the Chessvision.ai engine's analysis. While it considered the Queen sacrifice, it quickly dismissed it based on material concerns without reaching the point of seeing the ensuing checkmate. Chess engines are generally programmed to prioritize material advantage and immediate gains over long-term strategic moves. This specific puzzle exposed the engine's inability to see the checkmate in subsequent moves, highlighting a limitation that strong human players would not encounter.

The Fun Encounter on Twitter

When we shared the puzzle on Twitter, tagging Chessvision.ai, it sparked an engaging and entertaining response. The Chessvision.ai account itself had fun with the puzzle, interacting with the community and commenting on the engine's analysis. Many people joined the conversation, sharing their thoughts and enjoying the rare moment where humans had the upper hand against the chess engine. It was a fun and light-hearted encounter that showcased the human element of chess and the unique challenges chess engines face.


Chessvision.ai is undoubtedly a powerful tool that provides valuable analysis for chess players of all levels. However, it is crucial to recognize the drawbacks and controversy surrounding it. While the engine's analysis can be helpful, it may overshadow the joy of solving puzzles independently and developing critical thinking skills. Additionally, the Chessvision.ai engine, like any computer program, has its limitations. The puzzle we shared exemplified how human intuition and creativity can outshine even the most advanced chess engines. It was a reminder that chess is not just a Game of calculations, but also a captivating battle of wits and human ingenuity.



  • Chessvision.ai: A popular Twitter app that analyzes chess diagrams.
  • The controversy surrounding Chessvision.ai: Flood of commentary and concerns about skill development.
  • Tricking the chess engine: Finding a puzzle designed to stump Stockfish.
  • The solution: The brilliance of a Queen sacrifice leading to checkmate.
  • Analyzing the chess engine's flaw: Prioritizing material advantage over long-term strategy.
  • The fun encounter on Twitter: Humans outperforming the chess engine.
  • Conclusion: Chessvision.ai as a valuable tool with limitations.


Q: What is Chessvision.ai? A: Chessvision.ai is a popular Twitter app that analyzes chess diagrams and provides the best line of play according to the Stockfish chess engine.

Q: Why is Chessvision.ai controversial? A: Many chess enthusiasts argue that Chessvision.ai disrupts the challenge and enjoyment of solving puzzles independently and developing critical thinking skills.

Q: How did you trick the chess engine? A: We found a puzzle from the Hard Talk Chess Collection that was designed to be difficult for chess engines to solve. It involved a spectacular Queen sacrifice leading to checkmate.

Q: Why did the chess engine fail to find the solution? A: Chess engines like Stockfish prioritize material advantage and immediate gains, often overlooking long-term strategic moves that lead to checkmate.

Q: How did the encounter on Twitter unfold? A: The Chessvision.ai account engaged in the conversation, and many people enjoyed the rare moment where humans outperformed the chess engine. It was a fun and light-hearted interaction.

Q: Is Chessvision.ai a valuable tool? A: Chessvision.ai provides valuable analysis for chess players of all levels, but it is important to strike a balance between using the app and preserving the joy of independent puzzle-solving and skill development.

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