Preventing Plagiarism: The University of Wolverhampton's Approach

Preventing Plagiarism: The University of Wolverhampton's Approach

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Turnitin?
  3. How Turnitin is Used at the University of Wolverhampton
  4. Understanding Plagiarism
    • Definition of Plagiarism
    • Why Citing Sources is Important
  5. The Role of Turnitin in Safeguarding Work
  6. How Turnitin Works
    • Matching Submissions with Electronic Sources
    • Originality Report
  7. Interpreting the Originality Report
  8. Strategies to Reduce the Chance of Plagiarism
    • Properly Planning Your Work
    • Managing Your Time
    • Developing Academic Writing Skills
    • Referencing Correctly
    • Recording Sources
  9. Conclusion
  10. Helpful Links


In the academic world, ensuring the originality and authenticity of work is of utmost importance. Plagiarism, the act of using someone else's work and passing it off as one's own, can have serious consequences for students. To address this issue, universities often rely on tools like Turnitin. This article will explore what Turnitin is, how it is used at the University of Wolverhampton, and its role in detecting plagiarism. Additionally, we will discuss strategies to reduce the chance of plagiarism and offer guidance on proper referencing.

1. What is Turnitin?

Turnitin is a web-Based text matching detection tool that is widely used by educational institutions to identify incorrectly referenced sources and detect potential instances of plagiarism. It matches submitted work against electronic sources such as websites, books, journals, and previously submitted student work from various universities. By comparing the text, Turnitin generates an originality report indicating the percentage of matching content.

2. How Turnitin is Used at the University of Wolverhampton

At the University of Wolverhampton, Turnitin is subscribed to as the primary text matching detection software. It is used to assess final year dissertations and master's students' work. The use of Turnitin provides a safeguard for students' work by storing it. This ensures that if anyone tries to access or use their work without permission, it can be flagged and appropriate action can be taken.

3. Understanding Plagiarism

Definition of Plagiarism

Plagiarism refers to the act of taking someone else's work or ideas and presenting them as your own, without proper acknowledgment or citation. It is considered a serious academic offense and can result in severe consequences, including academic penalties and damage to one's academic integrity.

Why Citing Sources is Important

Citing sources is crucial as it allows readers to verify the information presented, acknowledges the original Creators, and gives credit to their intellectual contributions. Failure to appropriately cite sources not only constitutes plagiarism but also undermines the integrity and credibility of a student's work.

4. The Role of Turnitin in Safeguarding Work

Turnitin plays a vital role in safeguarding students' work by storing their submitted assignments. This ensures that the work remains secure and protected from unauthorized access, especially if it is published online or used in presentations or career-related activities.

5. How Turnitin Works

Matching Submissions with Electronic Sources

When a student submits their work to Turnitin, the software compares the content with available electronic sources, including websites, books, journals, and previously submitted student work. It highlights portions of the text that match other sources. However, it is important to note that the presence of matches does not automatically indicate plagiarism. It is up to the academic staff to review the matches and determine if the work is plagiarized or correctly referenced.

Originality Report

Turnitin generates an originality report that provides detailed information about the matches found. The report shows the percentage of text that matches other sources. By reviewing the report, academics can assess whether the matching content is properly referenced or if it constitutes plagiarism. The report also includes links to the original sources for further investigation.

6. Interpreting the Originality Report

The originality report generated by Turnitin provides valuable insights into the matching content. On the left-HAND side, it displays the original file submitted by the student. On the right-hand side, a list of matches is shown, indicating where the text has been matched against other sources. The matches are identified by color and number, making them easily identifiable. By selecting a source from the list, the academic can view the match text, identify the Type of source it originated from, and access the original source if available. Additionally, matches in references or bibliography sections can be excluded from the final match percentage calculation, allowing for a more accurate assessment.

7. Strategies to Reduce the Chance of Plagiarism

While using Turnitin helps in identifying potential instances of plagiarism, students can take proactive measures to reduce the chance of plagiarism and ensure academic integrity. Here are some strategies:

Properly Planning Your Work

Planning your assignments thoroughly can help in managing your time effectively and avoiding last-minute panic, which may lead to plagiarism. Understanding the requirements of the assessment and breaking down the tasks can facilitate the development of original ideas and prevent the temptation to plagiarize.

Managing Your Time

Procrastination is a common pitfall that can increase the risk of plagiarism. By managing your time properly and avoiding excessive workload at the last moment, you can provide yourself with ample time to research, Read, and write your assignments. This allows for a deeper understanding of the subject matter and encourages originality in your work.

Developing Academic Writing Skills

Enhancing your academic writing skills is crucial to avoid unintentional plagiarism. Utilizing experts' work in your assignments is acceptable as long as you acknowledge the source and demonstrate your understanding of the material. Additionally, practicing paraphrasing and summarizing can help you present information in your own words while still giving credit to the original authors.

Referencing Correctly

Proper referencing is essential to avoid plagiarism. Make sure to use the correct referencing style specified by your academic school and ensure your reference list is clear and consistent. Accurate citation and referencing provide a trail for readers to access the sources you have utilized and protect your work from allegations of plagiarism.

Recording Sources

Maintaining a Record of the sources You use in your assessments is crucial. Save the details of books, journals, websites, and any other sources you access during your research. Websites can change or be removed, so recording the necessary information at the time of access ensures you have accurate and complete references for your work.

9. Conclusion

In conclusion, Turnitin is a valuable tool used by the University of Wolverhampton and many other academic institutions to detect potential instances of plagiarism and ensure the integrity of students' work. While Turnitin's matching algorithm provides an indication of the similarity between Texts, it is ultimately the responsibility of the academic staff to determine if plagiarism has occurred. By understanding the definition of plagiarism, citing sources appropriately, and utilizing the strategies to reduce the chance of plagiarism, students can maintain their academic integrity and produce original work.

10. Helpful Links

For further information and guidance on plagiarism and referencing, the following links may be helpful:

  1. University of Wolverhampton Definition of Plagiarism: [Link]
  2. Students Union: [Link]
  3. Learning Center: [Link]
  4. Study Skills Support: [Link]
  5. Academic Referencing Guide: [Link]


  • Turnitin is a web-based tool used by universities to detect potential instances of plagiarism.
  • It matches submitted work against electronic sources and generates an originality report.
  • Turnitin helps safeguard students' work by storing it securely and flagging any unauthorized use.
  • Proper planning, time management, and academic writing skills are essential in reducing the chance of plagiarism.
  • Accurate referencing and recording of sources are important to avoid plagiarism allegations.


Q: What is Turnitin?
A: Turnitin is a web-based text matching detection tool used by universities to identify instances of plagiarism and incorrectly referenced sources.

Q: How does Turnitin work?
A: Turnitin compares submitted work with electronic sources such as websites, books, journals, and previously submitted student work, generating an originality report indicating the percentage of matching content.

Q: Is Turnitin foolproof in detecting plagiarism?
A: Turnitin's matching algorithm identifies similarities but doesn't determine plagiarism. It is up to academic staff to review the matches and make a judgment.

Q: How can students reduce the chance of plagiarism?
A: Strategies to reduce plagiarism include proper planning, managing time effectively, developing academic writing skills, referencing correctly, and recording sources used in assignments.

Q: Where can students find support and guidance on plagiarism and referencing?
A: Students can Seek support from the Students Union, Learning Center, and refer to the university's academic referencing guide for further information and guidance.

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